Why do people change this passage On the Forum?

I believe that only the "Word" or second person of the trinity was the only one who appeared to people in the OT, except in certain passages when it clearly tells us it it an angel like Gabriel or Michael.
So it was the Son who was in the Tabernacle, it was the Son who walked in the Garden with Adam and Eve, it was the Son who Moses met on the mountain. It must have been the Son that Jacob wrestled within Genesis 32:24-25.

Christ the Messiah means the same thing. Christ is the Greek equivilant of Hebrew Messiah.
Jesus the Messiah didn't exist until the Word took on flesh and became a man.

Nobody can really explain the trinity. We are Earth bound humans living in a creation of physical laws of physics.
Hi, well I'm thinking God the father's presence was in the Holies of Holies in that ark. For faith of/ in Christ took the place of works under the law... I think in the book of Hebrews it says the way into the Holies of holies was not made known..but I must fact check that wording first. Point being Jesus is the way, he is the high preist, the intermediator between God the Father and man. And sence eternal life is: that they may know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent..it
sounds like fellowship with both. How might one have fellowship with the father? By obeying the son- And how might one have fellowship with the son by obeying the father.

Just my thoughts though
Oh, the "read" was an accident I was writing earlier and didn't finish. And answered something else that got connected ...I did not see it in order to erace it in time. So no did not see how that came across...because didn't know It was there.

I had to go back.... and read and then it clicked what you were talking about.
Thought I should explain....Now the conversation is over....

So no my heart is not set on hurting people....
Fair enough. Thank you for the explanation.

and I don't want to go back and forth like we did in another thread.
But that is how we come to the truth, or at least closer to it. You say you want answers, but then you don't want to debate or discuss other possibilities different from what you already believe, which suggests your mind is actually made up and you aren't really looking for answers.

Nor be misrepresented, nor misunderstood.
And that is why I asked a question, to get clarity on what you were saying.

So to keep peace It's best this way.
Discussion and even debate can be peaceful. It's usually when a person doesn't like to be told that their position could be wrong or is wrong that they get their back up, but as long as it wasn't said in a mean way that's on them, not the other(s).
Fair enough. Thank you for the explanation.

But that is how we come to the truth, or at least closer to it. You say you want answers, but then you don't want to debate or discuss other possibilities different from what you already believe, which suggests your mind is actually made up and you aren't really looking for answers.
That's definitely not true..
I'm not dogmatic at all. It's how one comes across that make me not care to even read their response. I could be trying thoughts on, and the person can misrepresent me, and that becomes an issue derailing the topic for having to explain. I do not do well with people who believe they know it all. Maybe being the youngest of 11 it stirs an emotion I don't like to feel.
And that is why I asked a question, to get clarity on what you were saying.
And my answer was my answer. It was explained in the next post and clarified by another.
Discussion and even debate can be peaceful.
It can be if people do not throw out little jabs, and misrepresent you.
It's usually when a person doesn't like to be told that their position could be wrong or is wrong that they get their back up,
That's possible, but the goal of a debatable thread is to challenge previous held views.Yet one must prove their stance. Sometimes you cannot change one's mind if its closed. But that's not my case. Its up to the one with the opposing view to change the way one thinks in order to open their mind.

It's when one comes across green and dogmatic, forceful and bossy that put my back up. For with that comes negative attacks on the person rather than what is said.

I like my peace
but as long as it wasn't said in a mean way that's on them, not the other(s).
That's the thing I'm telling you your first post was not inviting, nor the second, nor the third...and if it's on me I'd like to keep my peace...
This was posted on another thread:

Those who do not confess that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh are not truly regenerated,.....".

However John 4:3 is written like this:
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God:.....

similarly 1 John 4:15
1 John 4:15
Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
"Those who do not confess that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh are not truly regenerated,.....".

The above was written on another thread "Jesus is God- the test..."

But where is that scripture written like that in the Bible?

I know of this one:
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God:......John 4:3
1 John 4:15
Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
Was it a direct quote from Scripture? If so, and it's not in the public domain, it should be referenced. That is the law and the rules for this website. Personally, I think all quoted Scripture or anything for that matter whether public domain or not should be referenced so others can know where it comes from. It is rude not to.