Sorry I misspoke. I meant to say the Athanasian Creed. I get those confused sometimes.
This is our theology section. It's appropriate to discuss certain particulars of this Creed here. It's also worth a mention that Baptists generally reject the notion of Creeds, and are perfectly welcome here.
The Athanasian Creed didn't come about until after 500 AD. It deliberately focused on Christology, which I'm very big on seeing as God speaks to me in those terms. It also focused on Trinity, and indeed "pronounced anathemas," which I'm not big on that idea. It was "a thing" back then.
There's also an idea of "developing doctrine," which makes sense especially since all 5 Apostolic Churches had to be in Unity for Doctrine to be developed. This gets ahead of our conversation here but is an essential concept before this Creed can be addressed. This also addresses your snarky question of "what's the one true Church?" Bypassing the snark, those 5 were Jerusalem, (of course) Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome. So there was NEVER "one true Church," apart from the Body of believers. I understand if you're wounded over this due to Jesus juking jerks.
It's ok if you don't grasp Trinity. If you're struggling with it, the Athanasian Creed went out of it's way trying to make it as clear as possible what Trinity is and what it is not. I think it's a good place to start, but I think it fails at making it unmistakably clear.
I agree with our Brother Northman, that trying to ram doctrinal beliefs down somebody's throat is poor practice. We are God's children, and His workmanship. He can reveal to us what He wants. My experience is that we have to intensely pursue that sort of revelation and growth, and that it's WORTH it! If He ever chooses to reveal Trinity to you, it will be FAR more meaningful to you than anything I could ever say.
In the meantime, I caution against those that want to focus on condemning, especially if it's based on doctrinal beliefs.
You hold Jesus to be Savior, right?