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Why do women fail?


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im of a jewish lineage. I wasn't born a family are Ukrainian jews who left during the purges of the late 1800s to Canada then America. so that is why I said what I said. a devout chasiddic or consertive jew wouldn't post God, but G-D or more rarely Heshem. I have done neither.
I also said that some children die young. three, two , one, I did say with that post a child too young to understand his or her sin nature. I have a granddaughter. she is but three. can she repent? yup but if she died to day and and didn't know what sin was. god wont judge her. a premie is also in my family. what is the difference tween a premie that is on a machine for a month to breathe then one at the same age inside in the womb? both are souls.both cant breathe on their own and both are considered human and a living soul by god.
Sorry for interrupting this very exciting debate by oing something mundane as getting back to topic. :biggrin

Basically the article doesn't say anything new. What they say isn't something specific or exclusively female. They say that many people tend to build their self-worth around achievement and success and thus their confidence is instable and susceptible to being crumbled when success doesn't come. Childhood experience can be a very important reason, because the wrong kind of values or the wrong kind of praise are given to them, so they learn to think that only success matters and makes them worthy people. Especially intelligent kids are prone to depend on success for feeling valuable.
Sorry for interrupting this very exciting debate by oing something mundane as getting back to topic. :biggrin

Basically the article doesn't say anything new. What they say isn't something specific or exclusively female. They say that many people tend to build their self-worth around achievement and success and thus their confidence is instable and susceptible to being crumbled when success doesn't come. Childhood experience can be a very important reason, because the wrong kind of values or the wrong kind of praise are given to them, so they learn to think that only success matters and makes them worthy people. Especially intelligent kids are prone to depend on success for feeling valuable.
That makes sense.
again, so messianic jews aren't saved? my last name is askenazic. and I don't even got to a temple. I merely stated my surname and where it came from and that im saved. you would argue that with paul whom listed his tribe and lineage. paul the man of the tribe of Benjamin. a Pharisee and rabbi. schooled far more then I was or ever would be in jewry.

I know what I know based on what I have read , the age of accountablilty isn't set. does a one year old speak? able to understand the bible? NO. he cant. but I know of a man(my pastor) who got saved a three.i haven't even added in my sister whom isn't able to understand this sentence. she cant read. she cant speak, nor write.she has an iq of 24. born that she damned to hell?
but eve ruined it all!:couch
All she did is tell him, "This is good." Of course he could let that happen! He would be all alone again. Jesus knew women needed men to quit hating on them. The woman at the well, the woman drug before him caught in adultery, and the woman with a daughter who was sick. All examples of Christ trying to change the hate towards women. I don't understand why men don't see it?
All she did is tell him, "This is good." Of course he could let that happen! He would be all alone again. Jesus knew women needed men to quit hating on them. The woman at the well, the woman drug before him caught in adultery, and the woman with a daughter who was sick. All examples of Christ trying to change the hate towards women. I don't understand why men don't see it?

I think Jesus must have been Very good to women, they liked being near Him and serving Him.
Here He is traveling around with his disciples and women, Joanna was a married woman.

Luk 8:1 And it came to pass thereafter, that he was going through every city and village, preaching and proclaiming good news of the reign of God, and the twelve are with him,
Luk 8:2 and certain women, who were healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary who is called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone forth,
Luk 8:3 and Joanna wife of Chuza, steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many others, who were ministering to him from their substance.

Then look what Peter does when Tabitha dies and the women ask for him to come to them. He doesn't wait around or brush them off.
Act 9:39 And Peter having risen, went with them, whom having come, they brought into the upper chamber, and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing coats and garments, as many as Dorcas was making while she was with them.
Act 9:40 And Peter having put them all forth without, having bowed the knees, did pray, and having turned unto the body said, `Tabitha, arise;' and she opened her eyes, and having seen Peter, she sat up,
Act 9:41 and having given her his hand, he lifted her up, and having called the saints and the widows, he presented her alive,
Jesus was charged with blasphemy on the eve of Passover by the Pharisees.And they are the ones that pursued his death by petitioning the authorities of Rome!
Luke 6:7 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal on the Sabbath.

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