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Why Ecumenical Creeds Should Be Dropped

perfect theology isnt a requirement to lead the flock, for if that was the case no apostle could ever serve in that office they were called. they were inspired only WHEN the wrote the books they wrote.

i have heard my pastor talk about all the things he has dealt with from the church," sheep bite!"

its not so easy to be a pastor. God never said it would be either.if you only knew the stories behind the decisions we make on meting out punishments or bans and also the spam. this is just a web site, i cant imagine what the real life leaders deal with.

i know a pastor of a local church that is hated for preaching the truth on abortion and gay rights.
joe that is picture of jaci faith, born on july 19th. she is my third grandchild and the youngest. my wife had kids before she married me. the biological father of her kids passed away in 2006. so given that i have to step up to be the grandpa and in a week a dad. the mother and her children are moving in. its a long story.

its sombering to ponder the role that i am being given.its easy to talk the talk but too look children in eyes and teach them what they need to know and what the lord says men ought to is a sombering expercience. my dad and mom did ok with me, so my thoughts are now what they do right with me and wrong so that those children wont learn bad habits like i had to unlearn.
Hi super moderater Free

You are so right! Just because I say something doesn't make it so! So, so, so true. But you want something to back it up? Very well. I shall just offer one sampling of many: II Pet. 3:1-3: Simon Peter, aservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:"

Please note: 1. Those of "like precious faith" is the church and there is but one faith, Eph. 4:5. 2. They are with Peter and the other apostles THROUGH none other than the "righteousness" of God and Jesus. No better company than that. 3. What Peter is about to write is THROUGH the KNOWLEDGE of God and Jesus. No knowledge greater than that. 4. "According as his divine power"---no power greater than that, 5. "Given unto us all things", how much is ALL? 6. "that pertain", pertain to WHAT? 7. "life and godliness". Give me your creed book. Any of your creed books, and it can be shown where men in writing have gone in their feeble efforts beyond "that which is written."

As I said earlier if a creed book contains less than what the Bible teaches it does not have enough, if more than the Bible teaches it has too much, if you want to argue that your creed contains just what the Blble teaches, WHY HAVE IT? They have only contributed to religious division and I believe my Lord in the very shadow of the cross prayed differently.
Since you have not done so, once again I have to ask you to back up the claim you made:

"Again I say that creeds are not just unscriptural but anti-scriptural and posts on this thread fully show the danger and error of what happens when men write!! "
In turn may I ask anyone for scripture to back up their claims that creeds of men are valid?
How can statements of core Christian doctrine based directly on the Bible not be valid?
Again I say that creeds are not just unscriptural but anti-scriptural and posts on this thread fully show the danger and error of what happens when men write!!
Oh well, then let's not sing songs or write Christian books then. :shrug
should we then just post the bible and let it talk? seriously each person will have their own bias and also make mistakes. it happens.
Hi Free

I gave a passage but see you ignored it.

You wrote: "How can statements of hard core Christian doctrine based directlly on the Bible not be valid?"

I've never said no truth is ever found in creeds of men so lets stick to what I have written. Every creed of man I have seen states belief in the deity of Christ etc. jiust as every denomination teaches some truth. If any creed has error in it it cannot be valid and I've read many that have.

If as you claim they have "statements of hard core Christian doctrine based directly on the Bible---" then as I have previously said: if a creed contains just what the Bible teaches WHY HAVE IT???? We ought to spend more time reading our Bibles then perhaps we would not be engaged in such as this.

God bless
Hi Nick

I hardliy think singing songs and writing books are the same as creeds which govern denominations.
Hi Free

I gave a passage but see you ignored it.
I ignored it because it does nothing to support your argument, which is why I asked you again to back it up.

Webb said:
You wrote: "How can statements of hard core Christian doctrine based directlly on the Bible not be valid?"

I've never said no truth is ever found in creeds of men so lets stick to what I have written. Every creed of man I have seen states belief in the deity of Christ etc. jiust as every denomination teaches some truth. If any creed has error in it it cannot be valid and I've read many that have.
If you think that is the case, then back that up with proof. And I said "core" not "hard core." :)

Webb said:
If as you claim they have "statements of hard core Christian doctrine based directly on the Bible---" then as I have previously said: if a creed contains just what the Bible teaches WHY HAVE IT???? We ought to spend more time reading our Bibles then perhaps we would not be engaged in such as this.

God bless
I can see that you aren't really following the thread. This is what I posted previously:

"the Creeds are summations of core Christian doctrine, based on what the Bible says, for easy memorization. Perfect for a largely illiterate population at the time."

It's surprising that someone would question why even have the Creeds. Look on these forums and see just how many people just "read their Bibles" and still fail to believe in some core Christian doctrines.

There is nothing wrong with them, nothing at all. In fact, if more people would recite them and take to heart what it is that is at the core of the Christian belief, what doctrines separate Christianity from other belief systems, then "perhaps we would not be engaged in such as this."
Hi Nick

I hardliy think singing songs and writing books are the same as creeds which govern denominations.
I doubt that creeds govern most denominations.

We all have an interpreation of the Bible. Creeds are just a more 'official' way of conveying what one's core beliefs are. The beliefs would be the same if there was no creed.
2 Corinthians 6:14Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

The creeds were created as unifying the christian churches, but there can be no agreements with the Roman Catholic Church. Whethor the creeds contain errors or not: the scriptures above rebukes any such " ecumenical agreements".

Creed simply means 'I believe' in Latin (ref: wiki). In other words, it's the statement of faith by churches during 3rd to 5th Century, just like the one here in this forum.

Creed helped people to understand better esp. the concept of Trinity, divine nature of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection etc. By repeating every Sunday, people know exactly what they follow, as people in those days don't have easy access to Scripture like today.

Universal Church

“I agree with you except I believe the scripture teaches the universal church. When I say that I do not include any denomination nor do I include the Roman Catholic Church in it as none of them existed in the NT day, nor did they until years later. Only the NT church existed, both locally and in its universal sense of the local congregations collectively.â€

Your view is the Protestant view. And I’m sorry, but I find the Catholic view more reasonable. At least there’s the claim of historic continuity. Not that I agree with either view. But I don’t know how far we would get discussing it on a thread about creeds. Start a new thread if you think it’s important. The present situation in denominational Christianity makes it unimportant to me. Haven’t had anyone say anything different than you and Francis about the ekklesia and the Church. Or agree with my view.

I attend a Christian Church out of necessity, a Church that doesn’t agree with me either. Of course, I have to present my views in that Church as a lie, as if I heard them somewhere else, to get a response other than “you’re outa hereâ€. It does, after all, think of itself as most denominations do, as the true Church. And there’s that little matter of doctrinal closed communion, you see.



Sorry to get you all riled up. I should have known better. I went against one of my own laws. Never argue with a Catholic. Hoping it didn’t apply to you, I guess. I could answer you point by point, but it would be futile and a total waste of time, since my views don’t even agree with the Protestants. And I’ve presented my views elsewhere. The topic of this thread is just creeds. You may think my views are ridiculous, but I’m not stupid. At least not most of the time. To answer you at all was stupid and I own up to my mistakes. It won’t happen again.

And if you think your Church is comparable to a secular organization, then I agree that you shouldn’t bother to answer the other thread.



“sheesh i am not a catholic in practice and see what that post is all about. even the calvinist pastor listend did a sermon on what francis said and said the church was to be visible we arent to be invidualists.
funny, i learned that in an military save with few exception individualism doesnt work. its all team and teamwork is needed. the mechanic cant go out and kill on the same truck or tank the tankers or cav do.neither can they use their vehicles without being maintained they need each other. why is it that we expect the body of christ to work so much different.God does raise up pastors and teachers these days?â€

America began because of individualists. Would you rather be under the Queen of England?

My family and peers are Atheists. I had to be individualistic in order to convert to Jesus Christ. Do you think I was wrong?

The opposite of individualism is conformity. Like the Catholic Church expects of its members. Like every Christian denomination expects of its members. Is that what you’re defending?

Hi Francis--I gave mine.

I don't recall which verses from Scriptures tell us that listings or a statement of our belief is wrong. It is utterly ridiculous, quite frankly. I am not sure where one gets the idea that a list of our beliefs is somehow against Scriptures - when the Bible states that we have ONE faith! How could such a large organized church like the apostolic church in 90 AD NOT have some statement of beliefs common among all the various communities? How could a church, active in evangelization, not have some sort of 'list' that could be taught to new candidates? Are you saying that the Apostles all just winged it? Their successors just picked and choosed what to teach?

We have witnesses from the second century that speak of an apostolic "rule of faith" - a short creed. Statements like "we believe in the resurrection of the dead", Etc. In addition, they speak of baptismal creeds, and the creeds are originally done in the context of baptism, where a candidate first declares his belief in Jesus and what the Church teaches. This, to the historian, is what is meant by "proclaiming the faith" when one is baptized in the first and second century.

Perhaps someone could explain how creeds, in of themselves, are against biblical commands. I would say the opposite.

joe that is picture of jaci faith, born on july 19th. she is my third grandchild and the youngest. my wife had kids before she married me. the biological father of her kids passed away in 2006. so given that i have to step up to be the grandpa and in a week a dad. the mother and her children are moving in. its a long story.

its sombering to ponder the role that i am being given.its easy to talk the talk but too look children in eyes and teach them what they need to know and what the lord says men ought to is a sombering expercience. my dad and mom did ok with me, so my thoughts are now what they do right with me and wrong so that those children wont learn bad habits like i had to unlearn.


For some reason, I didn't know you were married. Perhaps I had forgotten, but for some reason, I thought she might have been a niece. Anyway, good luck with raising another little one. It is not getting any easier, with the culture we live in today.


Sorry to get you all riled up. I should have known better. I went against one of my own laws. Never argue with a Catholic. Hoping it didn’t apply to you, I guess. I could answer you point by point, but it would be futile and a total waste of time, since my views don’t even agree with the Protestants.

You know as well as I that this is a cop-out answer.

This is not about "Protestant" v "Catholic" argument. It is about your inability to present a sound, compelling and non-contradictory line of thought on this particular subject. Really. Let the forum decide.

First, you state: "there is no universal church",

and then,

"the local church is an expression of the universal church", of something that doesn't exist"

Let the forum decide why you aren't responding...

You clearly don't know me, nor do you know what the Catholic Church teaches. The cliches are tiring, and quite frankly, I don't appreciate the not-so-subtle ad hominems. Do you think I would survive here 6000 posts later if I was as you describe me? I seen Catholics and Protestants who act as you describe. They are no longer here. Your generalizations do not help the matter at hand.

And I’ve presented my views elsewhere. The topic of this thread is just creeds. You may think my views are ridiculous, but I’m not stupid. At least not most of the time. To answer you at all was stupid and I own up to my mistakes. It won’t happen again.

I am not saying you are stupid, you are the one attempting to deny it as you argue with yourself. I am saying the point you laid out is ridiculous and self-contradictory. Is it that difficult to see that?

You claim something doesn't exist, and then in the same post, you tell us that local churches express the non-existent.

But of course, you won't answer because of MY stubborness??? :shame

Yep. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, and FC blames the Catholic...

And if you think your Church is comparable to a secular organization, then I agree that you shouldn’t bother to answer the other thread.

There you go again, jumping the gun. First, you must realize that the Church is a human and divine organization. It lives here on earth among society. You cannot escape that fact. We can make analogies with secular organizations because they BOTH consist of human members!!!

The point of my suggestion was to help you reflect on why the Church would consider closed communion. I don't see the reason as so different. It was an attempt to think without the bias usually attached by you to thinking about ANYTHING associated with the "C" word... It appears that all rational thought shuts down over there when someone brings out the "C" word. So I had hoped to enable you to think through an example that would not raise such a big stink with you.

But given how our conversations have gone, with your constant accusations of MY stubborness (that usually is the claim from the self-proclaimed relativist who is challenged), it is not surprising that you respond as such.

By the way, on your comment to Jason, I would like to present an alternative interpretation - and being the "rational relativist" that you claim to be, maybe you can be open to considering it.

Some would say "conformist", but others would call it "obedience to God's Will". If a person believes (not you, but this imaginary person) that the Church has the authority to speak for God on matters of faith or morals, then it follows that obedience to its definitions is obedience to God, which we are all called to do. A so-called "conformist" is conforming himself to Christ, something that the Scriptures command us to do. In the case of the relativist who worships at the altar of individuality, it is much more difficult. Unfortunately, he must rely on his own fallen ability to filter out what is from his own whims, the devil, other people, and God. Experience proves that this just doesn't work. Subjective thought can only take us so far.

Former Christian

I find in my studies there are several uses of the word which we today translate "church". I shall give at this time (at least ) only those caught up in this issue.

First, it is used in its general or uiniversal sense to designate all the saved. Matt.16:18, Eph. 4:4; Eph.1:22,23. The church is the body and the body is the church as may be learned from the last two passages.

Second the word church is used in its local sense to designate the saved who work and worship together in one specific locality. This is indicated by such passages as: Matt.18:15-18, I Cor.1:2 and I Thess. 1:1.

There are other usages of the word "church" in the NT but do not at this time apply to the current discussion of this thread.
Creed simply means 'I believe' in Latin (ref: wiki). In other words, it's the statement of faith by churches during 3rd to 5th Century, just like the one here in this forum.

Creed helped people to understand better esp. the concept of Trinity, divine nature of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection etc. By repeating every Sunday, people know exactly what they follow, as people in those days don't have easy access to Scripture like today.

Hi felix,

Sometimes I wonder if the use for the creeds is a cop out for making disciples of believers through the Word. Granted, not every believer had the available scripture, but the early church made disciples of believers by studying the scripture and the epistles in the church.

I understand the political correctness of the use of the creed: but would you cite a creed that is indirectly endorsing the RCC as the "Church"? We are to love our erring brothers and sisters in Christ and there comes a time and now is when there is an ecumenical drive among christian denomenations to have a common ground: an agreement with the RCC while the RCC is making common grounds or agreements with other major religions of the world all done for the sake of love and unity, but both at the cost of the faith in Jesus Christ.

There is a call to stand apart for our faith: we do not need the creed and certainly, dropping it help us stand further apart from error introduced in them.

A little leaven leavens into a whole lump. Can a lobster know that it is in a boiling pot?

The Nicene creed introduced the errant practise of worshipping the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son. Scriptures in post # 28 on page two of this thread has been provided for this reproof.

One poster sees it as non-applicable, but yet I point now to the lump of it all: the "holy laughter" movement: a movement of what believed to be the "Holy Spirit" coming over believers having unstoppable and uncontrollable laughter. The 700 Club reported it as happening all across the denomenations in 1994. Once it starts, these seducing spirits lead believers into seeking to receive them again and by calling upon the Holy Spirit directly to come.

Same way that those that experiences tongues that comes with no interpretation lead other believers into seeking after receiving these "familiar" spirits which they believe is the Holy Spirit for a sign of tongues.

The same format that leads other believers to seek after receiving the Holy Spirit for other signs of the flesh:

One testimony of a believer that did not believe the dramatic manifestations of the Holy Spirit were for today converted to this errant belief without testing the spirit when after that Sunday adult class on the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, they had a service on honouring the Holy Spirit on that Sunday which happened to fall on the Day of Pentecost. He experienced what felt like liquid nitrogen seeping through his skull which scared him, and he began to apologize against his will to the Holy Spirit.

So why is it that when attention is given to the Holy Spirit, addressing Him, and worshipping Him, that we have one movement of the "spirit" condemning another movement of the"spirit" as not being of God and vice versa?

We have different results from those that put their attention on the Holy Spirit: even if you agree that they failed to test the spirits and they should not believe every spirit to be the Holy Spirit: it still goes to point that these spirits after the initial encounter, lead believers to call on the Holy Spirit Himself to fall on them again and again and again with the same results and in other movements having different results and different signs and lying wonders by caling on the Holy Spirit. So why would God allow these seducing spirits to butt in when believers are calling on the Holy Spirit? Answer: The Son: Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.

So look at the lump and tell me how worshipping the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son is not the small leaven from which these lumps leavened from.

The common denomenator in all of these apostate movements is when they shift their focus from honouring the Son and the Father and from glorifying the Son and the Father towards honouring and glorifying the Holy Spirit.

Hence, the warning from Jesus Christ of Matthew 7:13-16 in how the way is broadened from John 14:6-7 in how we approach God the Father through the Son by making these spirits the "go to" spirits in relating to God, thus seeking after a sign and being an adulterous generation in committing spiritual fornication away from the Bridegroom. These are the spirits of the antichrist as the definition of "antichrist" applies as "instead of Christ".

So as one poster says that there is an absence of a practise does not mean the scripture is against it: there are scripture speaking against it: as it plainly states intendedly that the Father can only be honoured through the Son as the Father can only be glorified through the Son and the role of the Holy Spirit in us is to lead us to not speak of Himself: the Holy Spirit in seeking the glory of the Holy Spirit ( John 16:13-14) but to testify of the Son in seeking the glory of the Son because His name is really above every other name as that is to the glory of God the Father. ( John 15:26-26 & Philippians 2:5-11)

So while I declare these creeds and some hymnals ( Colossians 3:16-17) as going against scriptures: I do point out that there is a larger issue at stake and that is how a small leaven leavens into a whole lump. Once a small leaven is overlooked, then believers will not be able to acknowledge without His help and grace through His words to see where that "lump" came from.

And the fruit of the false prophet is being ecumenical in nature: gathering grapes of thorns and figs of thistles: so while they may explain away the use of the creeds: it is that ecumenical factor is the reason why it should be dropped. For the world to know that catholicism is not christianity: then to avoid misrepresentation and confusion, we cannot say the creeds.

And believers in the NT did not need to use them in representing Christ. And because faith will be hard to find in the latter days, it is more imperative than ever before to drop the use of the creeds.
Francis in post 94 wrote: "I don't recall which verses from scripture tell us that--". Thank you Francis for that admission, for there are no such verses. Actually, I have never aserted that the mere stating of what one believes is unscriptural. I understand this thread to concern only the writings of uninspired men for the purpose of stating what their faith (church) believes and what sets it apart by identification from other faiths (churches) and intended for the government of their peculiar faith (church). On this forum we all state very freely what we personally believe about Biblical (and even non-Biblical) issues.

Francis I am not "saying that the Apostles just winged it?" The Apostles of my Lord never "winged it". It was given them what to say by the Holy Spirit and that is not winging it. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." Again, "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 14:26; John 16:13. Uninspired men down the centuries until pick and choose and makeup as they will, yes these men have "winged" it but lets not charge the apostles with such falsehood.
Francis wrote on post 94: "We have witnesses from the second century that speak of an apostolic 'rule of faith' -- a short creed."

I have never seen the above document. If you can produce it it would be interesting and I would like to see it.

You mention "baptismal creeds". Baptism is one of the "core doctrines" (as one on this forum has called it), Eph.4:4:"one lord, one faith, one baptism". I don't know if you have read and compared some of the dividing creeds. THEY SURELY HAVE WINGED IT! The governing creed of one church says baptism is to be done only in the name of Jesus, thus blocking out the Father and Holy Spirit as in Matt.28:19-20. Another governing creed of yet another church says it is to be done in the name of all three. The governing creed of one church says baptism is for the remission of sins. The giverning creed of yet another church says baptism is not for the remission of sins. The governing creed of one church says baptism is by sprinkling and pouring of water. The governing creed of another church says is is only by immersion. The governing creed of yet another church says it practices no baptism at all. On and on we could go with other "core doctrines" of the Bible and how various governing creeds of various churches have WINGED, PICKED, and RAPED the teachings of Jesus and His apostles.