I currently understand events unfolding as follows:
Daniels 70th Week (7 years)
(1) Start of 70th Week - Agreement with many for 1 week (start of tribulation/sorrows)
(2) 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse roll out in first half (WW3) - plus Jewish temple rebuilt
(3) Mid point of Week (approx 3.5 years in) - Anti-Christ Dies and comes back to Life - Abomination of Desolation - Mark of Beast Mandated. Sacrifises and Offerings in New Temple cease.
(4) "Great Tribulation" - Mark of Beast - Believers severely persecuted & killed
(5) 75 days after Abomination of Desolation
- Day of the Lord
- Sun & Moon Darkened, Sky recedes like a scroll, Stars fall
- 6th Seal in book of Revelation
- Jesus comes in the clouds in Great Glory
- Mark of Beast persecution cut short - those days shortened for the sake of the elect
- Resurrection of the Dead & Rapture (believers removed from earth - except 2 witnesses and 144,000 Old testament saints).
- Rev 7:9- Rapture multitude appearing in heaven.
- Gods Wrath starts this day
(6) Remaining 2nd half of Daniels Week - Gods Wrath - Trumpets, Vial judgements, then towards the end - Babylon Judged
(7) Jesus returns with saints to overthrow the Beast & armies - Armageddon
(8) End of Daniels 70th Week. 1000 year reign of Christ begins.
That's my current understanding on how things will unfold. With America being Babylon, the whore riding the Beast.