Drew said:
“It is perfectly legit to see this text as allowing all sorts of free variables to be at play. Of course certain variables cannot go certain ways as this would indeed thwart the will of God. But this by no means requires all variables to be fully controlled.
Its like this: There are many ways that God can achieve his general will. So there are indeed many variables that are pre-determined. However, they certainly cannot all be fully free, for that would take away the certainty that his will will be achieved.â€Â
I respond: I believe when examining the bottom line, you are attempting to argue for man’s free will. Scripture proves the opposite…….man is naturally born of the flesh, flesh is opposed to the Spirit, cannot discern or believe spiritual concepts, let alone pick up his cross and follow the true Christ.
You have offered no biblical proof whatsoever that there is one event taking place in Heaven, Hell or earth in which the Lord was not the prime mover or the direct cause of all the infinite secondary causes.
If man’s days are numbered, i.e., predetermined --- from the second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year and century of his birth, to the second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year of his death --- it is impossible that the Lord is not in control and governing literally every event in a man’s life. Certainly specific events --- be it disease of unknown cause, healthy or unhealthy lifestyle, car crash, drug use, random murder by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, suicide, genetic predisposition to fatal disease, etc., etc., etc., ---- are events which must, of necessity, be in God’s control for Him to number man’s days. To that you will surely agree. But these drastic events are all the result of an infinite array of secondary causes. Change one minutia and a different outcome would take place.
By using the lesser example of the birds of the air who are governed by God, the Lord proves the greater, that Christians, who are of infinitely more value to the Lord, are under His total watch care and concern.
The Lord knoweth the days of the upright as well as the wicked. (Psalm 37:18 ff).
He knows their days because He decreed them, and all that is contained therein.
Drew, your argument implies, as it does with all Arminians, the wish to live ‘free’ from the rule of Christ, the Governor of the Universe. However, that is impossible. The Christian prayer, “Our Father who art in Heaven………THY WILL be done on earth, as it is in Heaven,†implies ALL aspects of our lives, day in and day out.
Why does the Christian wish for the Lord to overrule his life?
Because the Lord is wiser than the Christian and knows what is best for the Christian to achieve the ends for which the Christian was created.
Drew, I pray you freely and willingly submit to the sovereign rule of Christ in your daily life, leaving nothing out of His control. I pray the Lord’s will for your life be done. Amen.
When you have done so, please report back regarding the new, improved and biblical view of your Lord and God, as well as your relationship with Him.