- Sep 17, 2012
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- 2,624
pssst the key is use to be but know 2nd Corinthians 5:17 next time tell i use to be but i am no more.. what skeleton are you hiding in your closet? really the best advice ignore the dim wit if at possible never answer a fool back... my self i will take so much then say something.. you could say bless your heart,,but it really means your stupid .. the world is cruel and full of ignorance do your best keep praying pray for her to get saved ..wave at her treat her with kindness {.it keeps it up check with the law about harassment } .. i work with a girl who is lesbian even though i disagree with her life style . i treat her like any one elseI got saved--and that by a miracle--just a tad over 5 years ago. I'm transformed now, inside and out. I went out for a nice, meandering drive, thinking and all that, and...as I rolled up to my parking spot in the front yard, I saw a visitor parked in a neighbor's yard. Ugh. I knew they'd let me know "how they FEEL ABOUT ME," etc. Anyway, I parked, got all my stuff together, and got out, walking towards the back door. Sho nuff...some lady yelled out sexual stuff (I -was- actively homosexual; I'm pursuing celibacy now) and laughed about my "Schizophrenia," and then...they've been yelling this out a lot lately...."congratulate Dr.(former shrink, the one who left me dead eyed @ age 20)."
hahaha. Yeah, its hilarious, isn't it? See, that 1st private, for profit hospital broke my spirit, left me dead eyed, refused to treat a near lethal Restoril OD (old school, addictive sleeping pill...more effective than Ambien, toxic in overdose). I was left soaked in my own urine, and then...then they went out of their way to break me, because my parents would not let them put me in a homeless shelter. Oh, and...apparently, they also did involuntary shock "Treatments," and then said I was "malingering," "out of control," etc. Cuz...you know...destroying people is what "good psychiatrists" do best, apparently.
I love Jesus. Jesus loves me. I love my parents. My parents love me. I am now tall enough, remarkably healthy, bright eyed. I even have good skin. I'm not saying I've stumbled upon the fountain of youth, but...I've been made healthy enough to have it show thru in my skin. Sounds vain, but I was sickly as a kid, worse as a teenager, and then...whoa. Dying by 23. Fun times. Oh, and...I was, once, balding...very, very balding, probably irreversible (scalp problems, hair pulling from agitation, questionable nutrition, peroxide, stress...), and now I have very thick hair. Again; sounds vain, but...it is nice, very...very nice. Nice touch .
I don't think I'm "Schizophrenic," honestly. I had problems, got drugged, labeled, destroyed, blame for all of it...now I"m a different person, healthy, smart...so I"m labeled "Schizophrenic," and everyone finds it ---hilarious---, as in "haha! we broke the f@***t!" and "haha! he ain't a man; he's just a MENTAL PATIENT!" and "yeah, that's Ted's lil F(you get the idea..)."
God is good. I've got remarkable amounts of good in me, thanks to Christ...I"m walking more and more on the side of light, Praise God! My parents are kind to me, and I"m increasingly kind to them, too. And yet...
is there a way outta here? I briefly worked in a factory in another state. My parents rented me a decent, no frills, but safe apt. in a complex. I had to leave the factory, leave the apt. and head back home, cuz -somehow- all kindsa stuff about me (much of it lies, which is apparently the case for many "mental patients" information) made its way over to my new zipcode. :-(
More than once, people have yelled out "they'll find you WHEREVER YOU GO!" and "shoulda gotten a sex change" and "they took his manhood." Now...
I pray for freedom, in this life. Seriously. I don't even think I"m "Bipolar I," whatever that really means, if it really means anything. I'm also not a unicorn or a leprechaun. See where I'm going with this?
Ugh. I know I sinned, mightily. To my credit, at age 20, I sustained so much brain damage from that hospital and their "Treatment" that a brain scan showed..wow; "You should be a vegetable!!!!!!!!!!!!!" So, I was an easy target. And somehow...somehow...it is all a) my fault and b) incredibly, ubelievably, hilarious. Non-stop laughter, brought to you by psychiatry.
I'm not giving up hope or faith, and I am getting better about moving on, getting along with things, but...whoa there. Do you think there's a witness protection program for "mental patients" ? LOL. I could do with a new identity and a far off community.
Thanks for reading, as always. And thanks for letting me vent a bit, ramble a bit, and...put it together. "Wise as serpents, innocent as doves." Darned if you, darned if you don't. "Don't know his PLACE IN SOCIETY!"
I ask that you pray God's perfect will for my parents and me, our lives. I've been washed and made clean, transformed from the inside out. God spared me; now I belong to Him, thank goodness. I -do- matter, afterall.