Will the Jews build a Third Temple?

How can the false Messiah the Jews will accept to rule in the tradition of the Jews be able to do that with no Temple ?
His ability to make peace with all the enemies surrounding Israel & allow a Temple to be built will be a large part of what causes Him to be accepted as their long awaited Messiah.

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Jhn 5:43
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
I do not see the "false Messiah" anywhere in the scripture. You are told from Daniel and Revelation that the beast shall rule for 3 and a half years that's all and has its roots in the Roman Empire. He shall strike a deal with many guaranteeing peace and maybe letting the Jews build a third temple sure. But my point stands - when the harlot church takes over many Jews shall realize that they either have to accept its religion or die. Many shall mourn for Christ then and repent in ashes. That is why the two witnesses are dressed in sackcloth for they know many Jewish people shall die.

And you are forgetting about the King of the South or Islam. The king of the North in the end time shall defeat him and Islam shall cease to exist as a religion. That much I know. Now the religion of the harlot church shall not be Christianity either. It shall be a worship of the beast influenced by Satan. And in the end times this beast shall be bsy with Kings of the East too towards the end.
Let me rephrase again... Messiah comes from the Davidic line. We are told in scripture about false Christs, but no where we are told some false Messiah of Davidic origin shall rule for 3.5 years. In 2 Samuel 7 we are told specifically that from the bowels of David comes the Messiah and there shall be only one (no false second etc.)
I do not see the "false Messiah" anywhere in the scripture.
Jesus prophesized of him & his being accepted by the Jews .
He even prophesized details of the false messiah's character, that his vile full of pride nature would prevent him from attributing any of his own glory to God the Father.
And he will still be accepted as messiah:
Here , Read for yourself the Word of this Jesus who is the Christ:

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John 5:43
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
Jesus prophesized of him & his being accepted by the Jews .
He even prophesized details of the false messiah's character, that his vile full of pride nature would prevent him from attributing any of his own glory to God the Father.
And he will still be accepted as messiah:
Here , Read for yourself the Word of this Jesus who is the Christ:

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John 5:43
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
I understand what you are saying, but my point is that when the beast takes authority people shall have two choices - either accept the mark of the beast or die. Jews shall go apostate and forsake their own religion in the process to just live. Judaism as Jews know it shall be gone at the time of the beast's authority - that is for sure. That is why many Jews shall repent and die knowing their ancestors crucified the Messiah.
I understand what you are saying, but my point is that when the beast takes authority people shall have two choices - either accept the mark of the beast or die. Jews shall go apostate and forsake their own religion in the process to just live. Judaism as Jews know it shall be gone at the time of the beast's authority - that is for sure. That is why many Jews shall repent and die knowing their ancestors crucified the Messiah.
your getting warmer.
your getting warmer.
God bless you child. Until they find the tomb of David and do some y dna testing on the beast, your quote of John 5:43 does not hold water. Don't misquote scripture please - to come in his own name means to do one's will not the will of the one that sent him. In the beast's case he shall worship his will and shall submit all to his will who is influenced by Satan - that is all. Being a false Christ I would not be surprised if he had a false Davidic lineage claim too. And I don't trust anyone today that claims they have a Davidic lineage.

Let me quote part of Titus 3:9 "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies..."
There is no more 'Jew'. That designation came in 400 years after faith, was used by God for a time, and has been gone for 2000 years. The next event in the biblical timeline is when Jesus appears, everyone in the world sees Him, and it's game over for the whole world. IMHO
There is no more 'Jew'. That designation came in 400 years after faith, was used by God for a time, and has been gone for 2000 years. The next event in the biblical timeline is when Jesus appears, everyone in the world sees Him, and it's game over for the whole world. IMHO
It's a bit complicated for like we have two covenants, one of the old in Mount Sinai and the new of heavenly Jerusalem, so the oracles of God (prophecies of Isaiah etc.) have two fulfillments. The end time fulfillments specifically talk about house of Judah (that is Jews) and house of Israel. But to be technically correct we should say Hebrews rather than Jews like Paul did in his last letter.
God bless you child. Until they find the tomb of David and do some y dna testing on the beast, your quote of John 5:43 does not hold water. Don't misquote scripture please - to come in his own name means to do one's will not the will of the one that sent him. In the beast's case he shall worship his will .....
So you think when this "Beast" first appears on the scene he will call himself the "Beast" & then be accepted by the people going by the name "Beast" ?
Don't know about you ,but for me somebody showing up and announcing "my name is Beast" would not gain widespread public approval to be in charge of even being voted in as dogcatcher of Jerusalem ?

John 5:43
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
Dear child, from God's perspective he is called a beast. From the perspective of men, he shall be considered a God.

From John 1:4-4-5 "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them."
Dear child, from God's perspective he is called a beast. From the perspective of men, he shall be considered a God.

From John 1:4-4-5 "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them."
So you believe he will be accepted by the population as a peacemaker with the name "Beast" ?

John 5:43
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
I understand what you are saying, but my point is that when the beast takes authority people shall have two choices - either accept the mark of the beast or die. Jews shall go apostate and forsake their own religion in the process to just live. Judaism as Jews know it shall be gone at the time of the beast's authority - that is for sure. That is why many Jews shall repent and die knowing their ancestors crucified the Messiah.
When the Beast 'takes authority' as you say, the substitute of the Sabbath for its day, the Christians are the ones who are going to have to choose. Do they stay with its 'mark of authority' of the Beast, or the day the Creator made for them and blessed and made holy, its that simple.
When the Beast 'takes authority' as you say, the substitute of the Sabbath for its day, the Christians are the ones who are going to have to choose. Do they stay with its 'mark of authority' of the Beast, or the day the Creator made for them and blessed and made holy, its that simple.
Interesting you point that out, for in many communist countries in the past Sabbath was workday and Sunday a holiday - nothing optional about it unless you wanted to face terrible outcomes.
Interesting you point that out, for in many communist countries in the past Sabbath was workday and Sunday a holiday - nothing optional about it unless you wanted to face terrible outcomes.
Well, no one said the end time was going to be easy..
The reason no third Temple will be built and the resumption of the sacrificial system, is that it would truly be denying Jesus Christ. Here is why...
'You can’t accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah and, at the same time, promote the building of a third temple in Jerusalem. Reason: They are irreconcilable concepts. The entire ancient sanctuary and its services were a type and prophecy of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as the only Savior from sin. All that pertained to it were representations of the coming Messiah, who came through and lived among the Jewish people.

Some examples:

  • The white linen curtain that surrounded the courtyard represented the imputed righteousness that Christ bestows upon us when one makes the decision to reject the world and accept Him as our Lord and Savior from sin (Romans 3:21–26).
  • The animals that the penitent sinners brought and also the morning and evening sacrifices pointed to Him who gave His life for the sins of the world (John 1:29).
  • The priest who performed the temple rituals prefigured His intercessory ministry as our Heavenly High Priest (Hebrews 4:14–16).
  • The altar of sacrifice in the courtyard foretold of Calvary’s cross, where He gave up His life for the sins of the world (Luke 23:33).
  • He identified Himself as the shewbread in the first apartment of the tabernacle (John 6:48–51).
  • The incense used to anoint the furniture in the Holy Place permeated the atmosphere and ascended above the veil into the Most Holy Place, prefiguring His pure righteousness with which our prayers and works must be mixed in order for them to be accepted by His Father (Revelation 8:3).
  • The Seven Branch Candlestick prophesied of the Light of truth He would bring to a world in darkness (John 8:12).
  • The Mercy Seat depicts Him as the One who provides protection from the penalty of death resulting from transgression of His father’s law (Romans 6:23; Hebrews 4:14–16).
  • The Law written on tables of stone and placed inside the ark speaks to the very essence of who He is, the Only Perfect Law Keeper (1 Peter 2:21–23).
For anyone to suggest that the building of a Third Temple and the reinstitution of animal sacrifices is a blatant denial of Jesus Christ being the promised Messiah, this is understandable from the perspective of the Jewish Zionists, for they have ever rejected Yeshua as the Messiah. But for the Christian Zionist, this is an abomination and a case of severe cognitive dissonance.'...
Good morning reddogs

I'm not convicted that a new temple will be built. As I understand it, in the last days we are told that many of God's people, Israel, will turn to the truth. Why they would then want to build a worthless temple, if they're now believing that the final and perfect sacrifice was Jesus, is quite beyond me.

However, yes I know that there are some devout Jews who are preparing for a third temple, and that may well be what finally triggers God's wrath and return of His Son for those who are God's children among us.

God bless,
Good morning reddogs

I'm not convicted that a new temple will be built. As I understand it, in the last days we are told that many of God's people, Israel, will turn to the truth. Why they would then want to build a worthless temple, if they're now believing that the final and perfect sacrifice was Jesus, is quite beyond me.

However, yes I know that there are some devout Jews who are preparing for a third temple, and that may well be what finally triggers God's wrath and return of His Son for those who are God's children among us.

God bless,
The Jews rejected what Christ brought and thus it was given to others who became 'spiritual Jews', which are those who seek the truth and believe, and these are the ones turning to the truth even today.
The Jews rejected what Christ brought and thus it was given to others who became 'spiritual Jews', which are those who seek the truth and believe, and these are the ones turning to the truth even today.
Hi reddogs

Yes, but I think that what you don't understand is that the Jews were supposed to reject the Christ. It was prophesied throughout the old covenant that the Messiah would be cut off. God used His people to complete His great plan of our salvation. Don't you even understand that had the Jews not sacrificed Jesus you'd have no hope of your salvation.

Trust me, or don't. Trust God's word. Psalm 22 was written 1000 years before the event of Jesus' crucifixion. 1000 years before it was even thought that Jesus would really die, God, through His Spirit had prompted David to write out the agony and reality of his Son's death. It all played out exactly as it was supposed to and his death brought our salvation.

You don't seem to get that. You should be rejoicing that the Jews sacrificed Jesus, just as they were always to have supposed to do according to the prophecies of God's word. But God will not leave them to their blindness, which the Scriptures tell us is in part was also God's plan, forever. Jesus will ultimately be recognized as the Messiah of Israel... even in Israel! That's the day that I look forward to.

God bless,
Don't you even understand that had the Jews not sacrificed Jesus you'd have no hope of your salvation.
Do you believe the Jews were sacrificing Jesus ? :?

After a mock trial the Jews demanded the death of Jesus and the Romans fulfilled their demands .
Do you believe the Jews were sacrificing Jesus ? :?

After a mock trial the Jews demanded the death of Jesus and the Romans fulfilled their demands .
Hi hawkman,

Yes, while the Jews didn't realize it, they were doing exactly what their God had raised them up to do. It's in Daniel's prophecy of the 69 sevens. Jesus is the Lamb that God prepared for the final, acceptable sacrifice for sin and He had His people complete that task for you and for me. Give thanks to Israel that despite their often stiff-necked rebellion, they accomplished the will of God.

As Paul writes, they were entrusted with the oracles of God. Once they completed that task of writing down all that God wanted to be written in His testimony to us; and God had explained the plan, He worked with and through His people to accomplish it. To God be the glory that through His people, as He promised to Abraham, all the nations of the world were blessed.

God bless,