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Bible Study Worship In the Spirit

Rollo Tamasi

Warrior for Christ
John 4:24;
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth".

How do we worship in the Spirit?
Since Jesus' followers were not speaking in tongues at the time, how do we do this?
John 4:24;
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth".

How do we worship in the Spirit?
Since Jesus' followers were not speaking in tongues at the time, how do we do this?

A Born again regenerated spirit, filled with the Spirit is able to worship God in spirit and truth.

Our part is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and live a lifestyle that lines up with the truth.

If I am worshiping God and i say "I love you Lord", does my lifestyle reflect the truth of a life that Loves God?

I do sing in the Spirit, but mostly I have found that if I am filled with Gods Spirit, He is able to take me to places in worship that are beyond what I can or intend to produce as worship.

I am working on consistency in this, as I believe The Holy Spirit will lead me in ways of quality, the more I give myself, and die to myself and am filled with His Spirit.

Praying in the Spirit, or praying in your prayer language for about an hour is a good way to set your mind on Him and build up your spirit man to worship Him in a quality way.

John 4:24;
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth".

How do we worship in the Spirit?
Since Jesus' followers were not speaking in tongues at the time, how do we do this?

A very interesting subject allen , The KJV says God is a Spirit. That is not a good translation, it should say God is Spirit. Otherwise God is just another spirit...The fact that God is Spirit, it means that anyone who worships God must be Spirit indwelt by Salvation in His only Son, the only way to have a relationship with God. Therefore, when Spirit indwelt believers connect with God through prayer, worship, Bible study, and meditation, the Holy Spirit gets involved and results in a spiritual activity.
John 4:24;
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth".

How do we worship in the Spirit?
Since Jesus' followers were not speaking in tongues at the time, how do we do this?

That's startling Allen. I did a word study on that very verse this morning. I still have it open on esword. You must have been writing that while I was doing it.

Anyway, I find it interesting to paraphrase verses out of the original language when I do this. Let's do that to this one shall we? Here's what I got out of it;

"God is Spiritual, and they who do adore Him must go to the hidden place."

Paraphrased yet again back into the English language (sic): God is of the Spiritual realm, and those who would worship Him must worship Him after entering the Spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm is God's dwelling place, His, "house" if you will. it is hidden, it is truth. Flesh can not enter here. It is hidden from us so that we may have faith in Him. Some can see into it, most can not. I believe this is what Jesus was talking about when He said, "...because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." Jesus had risen when He said that. Thomas had seen a spiritual and miraculous thing, then believed. We get impartation we we enter the Spiritual realm, for it contains truth there.

Some people enter it and don't even realize it, perhaps some do. I believe this is what JLB was talking about when he said this:

I do sing in the Spirit, but mostly I have found that if I am filled with Gods Spirit, He is able to take me to places in worship that are beyond what I can or intend to produce as worship.

(That's because God loves for us to sing to Him, so He will reach out to us, and draw us near when we do...(the spiritual equivalent of turning up the volume?))

I hope this doesn't sound too insane, lol. Praise the Lord! :whirl
A very interesting subject allen , The KJV says God is a Spirit. That is not a good translation, it should say God is Spirit. Otherwise God is just another spirit...The fact that God is Spirit, it means that anyone who worships God must be Spirit indwelt by Salvation in His only Son, the only way to have a relationship with God. Therefore, when Spirit indwelt believers connect with God through prayer, worship, Bible study, and meditation, the Holy Spirit gets involved and results in a spiritual activity.
Have you ever been "caught up in the spirit?" That is the feeling you get when you are on earth but not really. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit He allows us to worship God in the Spirit. It is a different feeling. If you have experienced it you will know what I mean.
Have you ever been "caught up in the spirit?" That is the feeling you get when you are on earth but not really. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit He allows us to worship God in the Spirit. It is a different feeling. If you have experienced it you will know what I mean.

Oh my goodness Sandy. You are right!! One time I was captured by the Holy Spirit for 4 days. I would cry then laugh, cry then laugh. People thought I had lost it. NOPE, Just the Spirit!
Have you ever been "caught up in the spirit?" That is the feeling you get when you are on earth but not really. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit He allows us to worship God in the Spirit. It is a different feeling. If you have experienced it you will know what I mean.

I have. I know exactly what you are talking about. I was in church and every time I tried to sing along with the congregation, the Spirit would come upon me so intense that I could not sing, only stand there and weep. I (mistakenly, lol) tried to shake it off so that I could participate. I would compose myself, then begin to sing along again...Same thing. BAM. I was participating in the Spirit though wouldn't realize it.
Oh my goodness Sandy. You are right!! One time I was captured by the Holy Spirit for 4 days. I would cry then laugh, cry then laugh. People thought I had lost it. NOPE, Just the Spirit!

Interesting Brother. Question. Did you, in those 4 days, function in the natural world? Go to work, chores, anything?

(Dang, I started another thread very similar to this, thinking not to take this thread too far off topic, when Perhaps I did not need to!)
John 4:24;
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth".

How do we worship in the Spirit?
Since Jesus' followers were not speaking in tongues at the time, how do we do this?

1 Samuel 16
7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Jeremiah 17
10 I, the Lord, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.

Luke 16
14 Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they derided Him.
15 And He said to them,“You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

Matthew 15
7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:

8 ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
9 And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

This is my understanding.

God searches the heart and knows the true motives of Who and What we worship. As He said, they honor Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me.

Our true nature is revealed within the contents of our heart. Only God is able to look into the inner being of man and see where that man's allegiance lies.

Interesting Brother. Question. Did you, in those 4 days, function in the natural world? Go to work, chores, anything?

(Dang, I started another thread very similar to this, thinking not to take this thread too far off topic, when Perhaps I did not need to!)

Ed, I was vacationing in Florida. I was at a juncture in my life as whether to go back to being a businessman of which I had left to become a pastor or to go back to instructing a church. I actually was sick of pasturing because of all the grief I was getting because I stuck to the Scriptures and not tickling ears. I surrendered the future to Jesus and said I'll do whatever You want me to do, and WOW! 4 days of weeping and laughter. I stayed pretty close to my parents home until I recovered. All my emotions were unlike anything I had ever experienced, I was truly a captive of God.

When I was in Bible College I had a part time job running a gas station from a Christian friend who let me study while working. One evening while studying, the Holy Spirit came on me with a wonderful glow, it kept building from my guts to my head and finally said to the Lord, "stop I'm going to blow up!" He did and I never felt that glow again until Florida 14 years later. Ever since that experience, God can speak to me about what He wants, I know it's Him because He comes with that exact glow. I can ask Him a question and if He is against it, no glow, if He agrees? I get that glowing feeling. Folks have been miraculously healed, warned, counseled, and instructed in the Word. I have stopped right in the middle of a sermon and changed Scripture preaching a verse at a time.

I have had a very unusual relationship with Jesus. At this time in my life 73, I'm ready to go home. My life has been full, thanks to the working of the Godhead. My time left, I can help in this Forum depending upon Jesus to work through me to meet some needs. I have always given the glory to Jesus and do so now. He is my life and I am only alive for Him.
Worship - bow, esteem, glory, reverence

Worship is defined in John 4:20-24 as Gods salvation that since it is a Spiritual renewal we honor Him no matter where we are as being in the Spirit that is God
Worship is commanded in 1 Chronicles 16:29 - 34 that it is our praise to God for His mercy that in all His beauty He will endure forever
Worship is our sacrifice of praise through the fruits of our lips, Jeremiah 33:11; Hebrews 13:15

Gods Holy Spirit will bring us into the Holy of Holies, which is the Spiritual realm of God in all His beauty, as we present and humble ourselves before Him. Worshiping God through music, pray, and reflection through meditating on His awesomeness causes me to be so caught up in the Spirit that I feel like I have left my own body and gone beyond those places you could not even imagine. One time I was so caught up in the Spirit for quiet a while that when I would try and stand all I could do was laugh and fall back down again. One would have thought I was drunk and I was as I was drunk in Gods Spirit that filled me with all His joy. I love being slain in the Spirit, John 18:6, as when you are truly in the presence of the Lord your body is not it's own as one can not stand in the presence of Gods full glory.

Worship - bow, esteem, glory, reverence

Worship is defined in John 4:20-24 as Gods salvation that since it is a Spiritual renewal we honor Him no matter where we are as being in the Spirit that is God
Worship is commanded in 1 Chronicles 16:29 - 34 that it is our praise to God for His mercy that in all His beauty He will endure forever
Worship is our sacrifice of praise through the fruits of our lips, Jeremiah 33:11; Hebrews 13:15

Gods Holy Spirit will bring us into the Holy of Holies, which is the Spiritual realm of God in all His beauty, as we present and humble ourselves before Him. Worshiping God through music, pray, and reflection through meditating on His awesomeness causes me to be so caught up in the Spirit that I feel like I have left my own body and gone beyond those places you could not even imagine. One time I was so caught up in the Spirit for quiet a while that when I would try and stand all I could do was laugh and fall back down again. One would have thought I was drunk and I was as I was drunk in Gods Spirit that filled me with all His joy. I love being slain in the Spirit, John 18:6, as when you are truly in the presence of the Lord your body is not it's own as one can not stand in the presence of Gods full glory.

These seem like extra gifts that Jesus sends to us because we love Him so. Steve, I love that testimony of the Spirit's action to you. God doesn't give those out to folk who are careless about their relationship with Him....My best to Debbie. Love you two!
Interesting Brother. Question. Did you, in those 4 days, function in the natural world? Go to work, chores, anything?

(Dang, I started another thread very similar to this, thinking not to take this thread too far off topic, when Perhaps I did not need to!)
I was like that for 9 months one time. I did go to work and function, but when I was alone, I was praying flat on my stomach before God, reading the Bible, and getting visions and direction for my life. It was weird, my life was falling apart at the time but it didn't matter because I was in another realm. I was still on earth, but I was in a different place that was more real than earth. That is the only way I can explain it. Maybe Chopper can explain it better than I can.
These seem like extra gifts that Jesus sends to us because we love Him so. Steve, I love that testimony of the Spirit's action to you. God doesn't give those out to folk who are careless about their relationship with Him....My best to Debbie. Love you two!

Chopper I am Debbie. I'm the one who post in here, not Steve. He doesn't come into forums, LOL
Having seen "that glow" around dad was strange , strange to this world anyway, it was seen and felt. No doubt as to what/who it was... That raptured feeling for me seems to be around before times of deep trouble.
I was like that for 9 months one time. I did go to work and function, but when I was alone, I was praying flat on my stomach before God, reading the Bible, and getting visions and direction for my life. It was weird, my life was falling apart at the time but it didn't matter because I was in another realm. I was still on earth, but I was in a different place that was more real than earth. That is the only way I can explain it. Maybe Chopper can explain it better than I can.

Oh my dear, you told it right! Although you are aware of your surroundings, you are captivated by the spiritual realm. Your mind and thoughts are in a different place although still aware of what you are doing. At time's you have to stop and get into a private place to raise your hands and weep. It is the Holy Spirit hugging you on the inside and there is not an emotion like that in this earthly realm, IT IS GOD!!
Having seen "that glow" around dad was strange , strange to this world anyway, it was seen and felt. No doubt as to what/who it was... That raptured feeling for me seems to be around before times of deep trouble.

Yes! For those who are in love with Jesus, He comes so close to you He appears inside of you. The closest thing that I can say about this very strange event is this is when Jesus makes love to you. I know that has an earthly connotation, but is is all a heavenly visit from the One how loves you most.
I was like that for 9 months one time. I did go to work and function, but when I was alone, I was praying flat on my stomach before God, reading the Bible, and getting visions and direction for my life. It was weird, my life was falling apart at the time but it didn't matter because I was in another realm. I was still on earth, but I was in a different place that was more real than earth. That is the only way I can explain it. Maybe Chopper can explain it better than I can.

9 Months?! Wow! That's mind boggling to think about. I think that when we go to heaven, that we will have that constantly, but of course we will have been transfigure and stronger constitutions by then also. You did indeed tell it right for I follow your post perfectly.

Ok, learn something new everyday. It is possible to function in the natural when in the Spirit. I certainly do not put it above God to make it possible. He strengthens us when we need it. :)

Chopper I am Debbie. I'm the one who post in here, not Steve. He doesn't come into forums, LOL

Thanks for clearing that up. That threw me for a loop when he called you Steve because I thought I had it right, that you're female, lol.

Yes! For those who are in love with Jesus, He comes so close to you He appears inside of you. The closest thing that I can say about this very strange event is this is when Jesus makes love to you. I know that has an earthly connotation, but is is all a heavenly visit from the One how loves you most.

That's very insightful brother. Many times, many Christians are not able to do that, they put God in a box with negative connotations, when in fact there is nothing bad about sex to God. That it may be is part of Satan's lies. God can use imagery and language and so forth however He wants to. People need to believe more, and release that we can receive and enter into the full promise of what He is anxious to give us. I like the analogy.

What are visions? Language. Picture is worth 1000 words. A good thing for us feeble minded flesh creatures, lol. :goodpost