The truth is....if your money is wrong.....that is to say, if you dont have enough....then you live in stress.
Stress kills.
So, the right amount of money for you, is exactly enough to allow you to live without any money issues...
"well, Jesus was poor, he had no place to lay his head, and he died on a cross, so, that is what my life is supposed to be like, so that i can prove im more spiritual then you".
= "yawn".
= "yawn"
= "yawn"
The fact is, you are Not Jesus, and you didnt leave Glory with a specific assignment to come here for a few years , provide yourself as an offering on a Cross that saves us all who will believe, then Go back to Glory where you started off, as a DIETY.
Jesus is not poor, currently, and tho he gave up his 'riches" to save YOU, this does not mean he started off poor or ended up poor.
Are you poor if you end up in Jerusalem on a Throne?
Are you poor if everything that is created, you created, and it's all yours?
If your bible tells you that its "God who gives you the power to get WEALTH".......well then, is Jesus God?
If He is, then He is the author of your power-ability to get wealth, and so why would He mind if you are NOT POOR?
Does God tell you to "remember the poor"?......and what do the poor need from you?.... A hug?.... A glass of cheap wine?
NO, they need your money, and if you dont have any then how can you obey God's requirement that you give to the poor?
What do widows and orphans need?....... Chewing gum?..... A Walmart Gift certificate?....... NO NO NO, they need your money, and if you dont have any, then you cant do what God told you to do.
So, if you have an issue with money.....then you are the issue, and not the money.
So, yes, have a few million, and do whats right, then everything is fine.
Money Matters, and if your money is wrong, your life is upside down and that is not how you are supposed to be living.
Consider, that all money belongs to God.......and if you have any, its His anyway....So, if HE has money, and you get to use it, then how spiritually backwards are you to worry that you should not have any, or not much, as some type of proof you are spiritual?
You're not spiritual if you think you cant serve God correctly unless you are "poor".
You are in fact, ignorant of the Bible, and ignorant of God's perspective on "money and YOU".
It is true that Gain (money) is not Godliness, but its also true that poverty has destroyed more already then Material Prosperity ever will.
"POVERTY is the DESTRUCTION of the Poor", its not a blessing from God, and its absolutely and positively not a badge of christian suffering you are to wear.
Money is just a TOOL. And you need it, and i hope you always have more then enough so that you can help OTHERS.