Urk. You misread my statement LOL!!!
I was Telling Savedbygrace57 What he believes. It is called Calvinism. Calvinist have to word things fancy because they really don't believe a gospel is needed as God picks and chooses how is saved or not saved and nobody can take them from the fathers hand. However they being Christians can't admit to what they really believe, and to be honest I think a whole lot of them believe the extra fluff. I know savedbygrace57 from years back, and have already done the scripture war thing with him on several occasions. The only opinion that matters to Savedbygrace57 is His. You can't reason with him at all. I am totally against any form of election Doctrine except that when you were bought and paid for with a price you became a body part, a Workmanship made for the master. That means you have a end and begging declared by God as a path to follow. If you do the will of God, things go well, if not then your off the path of righteousness and in the dark. Things come up off God's path that God never intended you to experience.
God does not pick who goes to Heaven or Hell. The Word of God being preached is powerful enough to cause faith in any human to respond (Rom 10:17) Every man was also given "THE" measure of faith that every human would have to ignore the fact there is a creator to ignore the gospel by choice. Some have to hear several times before making the right choice, as God is full of mercy.
I also take it a step further that we are to choose death or life, blessings or cursing. It is recorded in Heaven against us. Since it's recorded and our choice then God is not picking or even knows what mans response to him will be in the future, but acts according to man's response. God has declared the end, from the start of all things and it will all happen according to what God speaks, but each man's role in that scheme will be determined by that mans responsiveness to the plan of God and obedience to the Lord. For if God knew at any point a man would choose hell, then God alone would still be the one choosing as it is written that God puts the spirit in the body of man. You don't set of disaster knowing anything ahead of time as God does not knowingly set up disasters or do wrong.
For God had said I will give you the promise Land. That was His plan and purpose, but they did not enter in because of unbelief against the will of God. That was not God's plan, but their choice.
So even though there is hard core election, I am way, way on the opposite side of it.