Yelling into the darkness

Seems bad but think outside the box now we must after 30 days they go on lay off pay and can use this time wisely to get another job position etc ... so might become a long shut down America is facing
but neccesary important is remaining open even though media telling Americans other wise equal is total lie to the American people but PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY
I dug into the word today and we are fully completely on track and sadly some of the extreme negative we will see as seeing As to how much unsure of myself diginBible.jpg
Place the blame where belongs on demorats
and yes we must PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY for all those being negative effected But soon be 30 days than can receive layoff unemployment benefits and seek other employment than and resources becoming available opening up daily and as I receive these I am sharing them and use these resources as needed I say I would if was in these shoes .
Trump a prophecy seeing this prophecy unfolding daily and this shut down no surprise to the Lord either I do not have gift of prophecy visions etc ... but biblical backed is a available tool we can use
Just not proud of what America has become and worsen daily getting further away from its foundation roots God PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY daily for my beloved America 01c.jpg
Prayerfully snope hoax red shoes not being made out of human skin and root is satanic but sadly NY was not abortion to full term was accepted but not by me no way no how 01c.jpg01c.jpg
I see also as warnings Sadden me many much suffer because of wickedness evil upon the world
and go youtube what is happening and rapidly happening now and days01c.jpg
Sunday January 2019 all church altars open and become a Sunday of weeping for those unborn AMEN \0/
No worship music no sermon just weeping at the altar
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