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You Learn Something New Every Day


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I agree. But there is a time for everything, and sometimes grace is both the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and others.

Honestly, I shouldn't be posting, but you've actually helped... I'm in a dark valley full of death and mourning. Thank you for the ray of light.
Hey, I come off a little rough sometimes, but I do care.
Hey, I come off a little rough sometimes, but I do care.
Yeah... A little rough lol, but I'm not to proud to take the good where ever I find it.

I like things that empower me.. I like to be cause, not effect. But I don't like to control. I'm finding that place of acceptance for lost hopes and dreams that can never be. Death is pretty final... Game over. Life is too short to hold grudges or bad feelings or pack around anger that's just stealing any joy that may have been hiding in the folds.

And I'm tired... Really, really tired... And I care too much not to care, but afraid to care because it hurts to care... So I need to care because caring is who I am.. And round we go and suddenly I get the idea behind the sabbath... Its for us and I desperately need one.
Sometimes, just sometimes, seeing the whole world as God's children that He asked YOU to take care of is enough.
I lost my daughter to heroin in Jan and my mom to old age last week... Sometimes you just get tired and need to be carried... I was just feeling better and BAM.... Mom dies. I'm holding together OK... Just going through it....
I lost my daughter to heroin in Jan and my mom to old age last week... Sometimes you just get tired and need to be carried... I was just feeling better and BAM.... Mom dies. I'm holding together OK... Just going through it....
And, I guess that is simply the only way we can look at all that kind of "S", it happens... and we just make it through it.
And........ ? The world is what it is. But you do have the choice, and often the opportunity, to help do a little about the bad parts almost every day. But we have to be willing to choose to do it... and not always on the ideal terms we would like.
he isn't saved, im also stating that it takes TWO to argue. you can say all the nice thing and still have to deal with a fool. try working in corrections and law enforcement.i can ask politely to lie on the ground and they make comply, if not I have "options".
And, I guess that is simply the only way we can look at all that kind of "S", it happens... and we just make it through it.
Well, we do the best we can and here is what I've learned...

When Dad falls apart, the whole family falls apart. I have to be strong for my wife and my son. I don't have the luxury of showing my deep inner fears or expressing the tremendous loss I feel to them because when I do, they don't know how to deal with me and our family becomes unstable. I've learned that I have to forge a path through this, because my family is counting on me to lead them through this because in times of distress, we all want to be shown the way through.

Make since?
Well, we do the best we can and here is what I've learned...

When Dad falls apart, the whole family falls apart. I have to be strong for my wife and my son. I don't have the luxury of showing my deep inner fears or expressing the tremendous loss I feel to them because when I do, they don't know how to deal with me and our family becomes unstable. I've learned that I have to forge a path through this, because my family is counting on me to lead them through this because in times of distress, we all want to be shown the way through.

Make since?
It does to me. That's our job.
I learned that Comcast Cable is a service I would only wish on my worst enemy.
I switched my business account from Verizon to Comcast Voice so as to consolidate the business expenses that included separate billing for cable TV & Internet with Comcast, and phone from Verizon.


When Comcast cable goes out it all goes down. They don't care to put a message on your phone that says the lines are down, please leave a message in your voice mail. Noooo. They attach a message that says your business(number) is no longer in service! Big impression to customers there.

But what tore it, was I found out they blocked my business number from 411 operator listing June 5th! No warning. No letter letting me know. And that affects every operator service in the nation and stops everyone from finding my listing, All because a woman who took the transfer order from Verizon Business to Comcast screwed up. And I just found all this out 4 days ago!
Thank God for internet search engines allowing people to find me.
Comcast says they can fix the screw up they created in two months! By giving me a different account at a higher price. Just so I can get back on 411.


I'm scheduled to be moved to Verizon August 11th at an expedited pace. :shades I now refer to Comcast as many others have. Con-crap. They really don't care! I'd heard that but today I learned it the hard way. And I'd had TV exclusively with Comcast for over 10 years. They fail when it comes to business.

That's what I learned today. But had I not done that I'd have never found out that your phone provider owns your phone number! When they say it doesn't go on their operator service, it doesn't go anywhere.
Ever! It will be as if your business fell off the face of the earth when it comes to operator information being an issue for the public that seeks you out.
:crossGod forgive them .
I will, after August 11th. :woot


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