White police vs. American blacks

every state has stupid laws. why they cant be clarified very simple is beyond me
I think the thought behind it is that nobody's property is worth another's life. In some ways I can see this as being Biblical.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV
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Poor, rich, black, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, and even white may be targeted. I remember when I was in my early 20's there was an unwritten knowledge that anyone with a sports car or muscle car was a potential target and watched closely. I also recall one of our neighboring towns had a reputation that if you were from out of town, best not get caught doing anything wrong.
i am age 59 i could be wrong if i was to guess you are older than that. your generation has seen more than mine. but to be honest if i was to describe the year 2020 .it would either be a major even worse than any hurricane forest fire in calif. said thing is i know scripture and i still scratch me head and say GOD when is this going to end .the virus the unrest imo is leading into end time events
I think the thought behind it is that nobody's property is worth another's life. In some ways I can see this as being Biblical.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV
i can agree with this. but we also know some break in just to do bodily harm sometimes death . But the Bible means very little to our lawmakers or even those who break the law
I think that’s the problem JLB. Some people think it’s ok to beat up on women or commit sexual assault without any consequences. When they get called on it, they don’t think they have to take accountability for their actions... it’s always somebody else’s fault.

This whole BLM movement has really gotten out of hand. With the Democratic Party pandering for the black vote, they have really empowered the movement while turning a blind eye to the destruction this movement is causing.
the Bible says the end of ALL things are at hand we are are nose diving at rapid speed to the end when who knows ....having said that i am in agreement with your post . BLM ord is nothing more than a excuse
And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.
Zechariah 14:12
your the only one i have ever seen post this scripture. i had completely forgot about it .either A a horrid plaque or nuclear war
Conveniently ignore this one ?
the retired detectives needs to keep there mouth shut.or come out of retirement become active .the last time i was stopped ny a state patrol .i met him doing right at 65 or close to 70 mph in a 55 mph zone. on my way to a church camp meeting. i meet him seen brake lights i pulled over and waited for him by the time he got turned around. had my drivers license couldn't find my ins card., we went to his car he ran a check asked where i was going i told him. he gave me break wrote me a ticket for no proof of insurance instead of speeding. all i had to do was going to the prosecuting attorney office present my insurance card with my ticket. .i walked away with out it costing me money ..had i got crappy with him it would cost me money and points .

the thing of it is these people was in commision of a law being broke. each time had they complied .no life would have been lost.. is that the truth or is it not. btw i was stopped once due to expired tags i was not aware of.the state failed to send me a notice and i never check them things.. i got a ticket plus my car searched .
due to the fact i told him before he ran a check i had a felony record for growing pot. i have permission to search my car.. after that he asked me if i was on some type drugs/ i was a christian and had a bible in the front seat. you bet it ticked me off.but i took the ticket and paid it...
the law man is just trying to do his job. he has a family also just respond to the request. most are professionals and polite
Fentanyl —
High risk for addiction and dependence. Can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol.
I know. My daughter died using that drug because it's the only drug that removes the automatic circuit for breathing.

It was the third death that month.

your the only one i have ever seen post this scripture. i had completely forgot about it .either A a horrid plaque or nuclear war

I don’t think it’s nuclear war with man made devices, but comes directly from the Lord.


An intense fire that mankind has no idea even exists.

I understand. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to someone breaking in. Here in MN, if you use deadly force you better be prepared to prove that your life was in danger or face the consequences.
In the levitical law, it was unlawful to kill an intruder if he broke into your house during the day. The thought behind that law is the robber did not expect anyone to be home and meant no physical harm.
However, if a robber came in at night, it was ok to kill them for trespassing. The thought behind that was the robber came in seeking to kill the occupants in order to rob the house.
Do you feel it is justified to use deadly force on someone entering your home even if they are not threatening your life? For example some states provide a homeowner with this level of self protection while other states, like MN, do not allow for the use of deadly force to protect property.
I can in my,state
You have the narrative backwards, as usual.

The Pharoah and the Egyptians were black, and the children of Israel were white.

You have me mixed up with someone else.


No, you are known.

When you chose the highest of seats for yourself, you can only look down upon others and see them in their sins; But when you humble yourself as Jesus did and walk among men in the flesh, you will see the oppression.
No, you are known.

When you chose the highest of seats for yourself, you can only look down upon others and see them in their sins; But when you humble yourself as Jesus did and walk among men in the flesh, you will see the oppression.

Now look in the mirror and say that.

In the levitical law, it was unlawful to kill an intruder if he broke into your house during the day. The thought behind that law is the robber did not expect anyone to be home and meant no physical harm.
However, if a robber came in at night, it was ok to kill them for trespassing. The thought behind that was the robber came in seeking to kill the occupants in order to rob the house.
while I get that ,an armed robbery is evident that he intends to if pushed .an armed robbery to be as such ,the victim simply feel that threat .ie he uses a fake gun under his shirt .states he has one
while I get that ,an armed robbery is evident that he intends to if pushed .an armed robbery to be as such ,the victim simply feel that threat .ie he uses a fake gun under his shirt .states he has one
Those verses do not apply to armed robbery.
do know that homes didn't have glass windows or doors like today and to enter my,home via Windows will take a lot .missile proof Windows .

if a guy did break one he is using a gun or rifle .I can jimmy locks open ,learned in,the art of meter reading.flat tip screw driver ,and yeah in my,state if I present the gun to defend myself and he flees ,I can't shot him even under the castle laws.
Please try to show a little respect and common courtesy for me. I try very hard to respect the views of others, including you. It would be nice to get some of that respect back.

You see Jeff, that goes both ways. Respect would be answering the question I asked of you. I asked you to look at the forest. You keep pointing to a single tree stump.

Do you realize that his girlfriend called the police for assistance?
Did you know that he had an active warrant for his arrest?
Did you know he resisted arrest?
Did you know he was tased not just once, but twice for resisting arrest?
Did you know he wrestled with the police?
Did you know he told officers he had a knife in his car?
Did you know there was a knife on the driver's side floor of his car?
Did you know he was reaching for his knife when he was shot?

What does any of this have to do with the question I asked you?

Will you answer the question.

Why do the cops feel so frightened and threatened by an unarmed black man walking away from them that they end up shooting them, but when a white kid armed with an assault rifle walking towards the cops after just shooting people, the cops did not feel threatened, nor were the frightened. Why is this?

This is the first, second and third question that need to be answered before you go looking at the hatchet marks on the tree stump.