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  1. B

    Question: "Does God punish us when we sin?"

    disciplining is pointless to people that can't be lost anyways, waste of time.. how to you "turn people back" that can't be turned away to begin with??
  2. B


    you are right, you have to misconstrue the bible to get that conclusion...
  3. B

    God chastises us for our unrepentant sins so that we will turn from them.

    thanks for posting that, it goes hand in hand with the fact that we are not "always saved", the word willful obviously goes back to the idea that we willfully decide to remain in sin and not repent, hence the reason that bible talks about God being sure we are not "snatched from his hand" but if...
  4. B

    God chastises us for our unrepentant sins so that we will turn from them.

    Please specify your verse and elaborate, not sure where you are going with this??
  5. B

    God chastises us for our unrepentant sins so that we will turn from them.

    Come on man, look at the bible, When the bible says things like "you have forsaken you first love" means they were once "hot" and now God will spit them out of his mouth (how do you spit out what was never there to begin with), the bible is clear on this... Jesus wrote to the 7 churches asking...
  6. B


    drew and free, don't waste your time, i have asked her numerous times to address obvious, basic theological issues and she (and others) just ignores it, this is not difficult to understand, if we took these passages to atheist (that don't know anything about the bible) and others that know...
  7. B


    sure read post 6, where i point out the numerous times God said he was going to reject his churches..
  8. B


    so was Jesus wasting his breath when he wrote to the 7 churches???
  9. B


  10. B

    This Is A Crazy Translation Of The Bible

    guess they didn't check the hebrew and greek too much for this version... all i can say is another example of people trying to change the bible for what they want to believe... funny how he specifically mentions the "sexual sins" as what needed to be changed, isn't that convenient!!
  11. B


    let me tread carefully here. the parable of the workers among other things show that there is not a "limit" on how much you can sin. Yes you can sin as a christian, but you can repent "70 times 7", so basically unlimited... but if you decide to continue to live a life of sin, unrepentant then...
  12. B

    Double Standards

    ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!!!
  13. B

    Premarital Sex - Not A Biblical Conflict Extensive Biblical Discussion

    not saying i fully disagree, but the argument of having sex with a lot of people to find out what good sex is ridiculous. I will agree lots of people (espically women) have sex issues, but it stems largely from them not being comfortable. Some of my wives friends have NEVER talked about sex...
  14. B

    Unrepentant Adulterers

    as you continue to ignore everything i say and just pull random scriptures... let me break it down one more time.... Satan/Demons/ANYTHING cannot TAKE US FROM GOD. the scriptures are clear on that, i don't disagree at all. WE HAVE FREE WILL. If we did not then living is pointless, what is...
  15. B

    Unrepentant Adulterers

    i am not angry at all, as far as discussing each example we can if you want to, but i don't feel like we will get very far, if basic logic is not going to be part of the discussion... honestly it is weird to me to hear you say things like Returning (which means you can leave) and they wanted him...
  16. B

    Unrepentant Adulterers

    How did it happen to Judas, why warning about falling away, you are just pulling scripture up and not even understanding basic theology.... You are right no one can snatch them away from them... think about what that means, if i a child as long as you stay inside the house no one can snatch you...
  17. B

    Unrepentant Adulterers

    Being legalistic is far from what i am saying... i am preaching free will, Jesus never forced himself on anyone and even Judas whom followed Jesus and saw Jesus do things firsthand that no one hear will ever see, allowed Satan to enter his heart...... I don't think the depth of our relationship...
  18. B

    Unrepentant Adulterers

    so then what is the point of going to church or even living a spiritual life??? I won't get into verse after verse after verse, but every promise in the bible is hinging upon following the commands of God, i mean have you even read the OT at all, All we see is examples of people like saul, that...
  19. B

    Unrepentant Adulterers

    So are you saying that once someone is saved they are always saved??? that it is impossible to fall?? i believe there is a big difference from sinning and living a life of sin....
  20. B

    Feminism & Christianity

    just because you can show emotion, doesn't make you right brain driven or emotional driven.... it is proven that a womans view of the world can be heavily effected by hormones, for example my wife has to take a progestrone supplement and she is like a different person almost then she was before...