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Search results

  1. C

    Identity Wars

    Identity Wars is a book about our relationship with God and with each other. It looks at how Adam & Eve lost their identity by eating the forbidden fruit and how God made it possible to reclaim our identity back. It also discusses some of the problems in the society today like; broken families...
  2. C

    Hell Fire

    This may sound strange but I've got a point to make. Do animals have spirit? Are their spirit "immortal"? What happen when animals die? Do they go to heaven or hell?
  3. C

    One World Government

    Can't be islam, they actively reject and deny the divinity of Jesus. You can't deceive the whole world with that. There is only one other person called "the son of perdition." And that is Judas. So, what does this mean? Judas was one of the disciples of Jesus. He was with them all the time...
  4. C

    Hell Fire

    The Bible says that only God is immortal. Could you explain what is spirit.
  5. C

    The Great Apostasy

    If you want to know about the great apostasy then study the seven churches and the seven seals. In acts Paul told the church of ephesus that it was going to be in trouble as soon as he leaves. "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you...
  6. C

    One World Government

    Daniel 2 is plain on this issue, they will try to unite but they will never succeed. There will never be one world government, instead look for one world religion. The Ecumenical Movement
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    Hell Fire

  8. C

    Clean and Unclean Meats - Mark 7:19

    I'm not trying to impose strick doctrine on anyone. Most unclean meats are not healthy, so I advice people not to eat things that cause harm to their bodies. I suppose you know what Paul says; Causing harm to the "temple of the Holy Spirit" is not a good thing. So I advice people to take good...
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    Clean and Unclean Meats - Mark 7:19

    This has nothing to do with clean and unclean meats, it talks about eating with unwashed hands.
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    I wonder where people get 7 years of tribulation from, cause its not in the Bible.
  11. C

    Clean and Unclean Meats - Mark 7:19

    Well to God, bacon is an abomination.
  12. C

    Clean and Unclean Meats - Mark 7:19

    This vision actually talks about people. The Jews used to call gentiles common or unclean, so the Lord was telling Peter not to call people common or unclean. If you read further, Peter explains the vision;
  13. C

    Barack Obama - the Anti-Christ?

    If you want to know the antichrist then study the book of Daniel. In Daniel 7 the attributes of the anitchrist are given as follows: A. The "little horn" or kingdom "came up among them"--the 10 horns which were the kingdoms of Western Europe (Daniel 7:8). So it would be a little kingdom...
  14. C

    A Deceptive Argument: No Gentiles Under the New Covenant

    Actually there is a prophecy in Daniel 8 & 9 that tells exactly the year when the Messiah was going come. The prophecy is so accurate that the Rabbis have placed curse on those that study it. The curse can be found in the Talmudic Law.
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    The rapture will take place after the tribulation. You can read more here:
  16. C

    Question about Hell

    The Punishment Of The Wicked What is the end result of sin? The wages (or punishment) for sin is death, not everlasting life in hellfire. The wicked "perish," or receive death "death." The righteous receive "everlasting life." Ok, now lets look at hell The word "hell" is used 54 times in the...
  17. C

    Question about Hell

    You have asked a very good question. Many people have been in the same situation as you and most of them became atheists because they see how a loving God could torture is children eternally. The punishment of sin is eternal death by burning and death is an unconscious state just like animals...
  18. C

    Is Evolution a Religion?

    Haven't you realised that if you take evolution to its lowest denominator you go to the big bang. if you ask where did the animals come from? a unicellular organism, where did that unicellular oragnism come from? from inorganic matter, where did that inorganic matter come from? well you go back...
  19. C

    Is Evolution a Religion?

    Of course, Evolution is a religion. If you take both creationism and evolution to their lowest denominator you find that its the same. You ask a creationist, "where did God come from?" the answer is "I don't know" You ask a evolutionist, "where did the big bang come from?" the answer is "I...
  20. C

    The woman of Rev 12 and USA in prophecy.

    If all events in Revelation are in the future then satan has not been cast out of heaven yet. Certainly you can't say that. Its obvious that John here was looking into the past.