25 quotes on Calvinism

He attacks Calvinists in most of his posts.You declare that to be impressive???? No bias here!
We are okay with him posting what he wants. We are okay with answering him or you.
You want to censor what we say if we do not agree with you.
You offer your opinions as we do.
Depraved comments?
Depravity is very dishonest or immoral behavior. It comes from the latin with the root idea of being crooked de pravis.

Satan was a depraved being when he said this:

Gen.3:3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? He took the truth of what God said, then twisted it, made it crooked,
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

If Satan said such a thing on this forum, would he be celebrated, given a high five? Would we rush in and tell him that was 'IMPRESSIVE" to question God and twist His exact word?

25 quotes were offered here representing what has been historically believed in the confessing churches in history and held as solid truths. Do we dismiss them as "false doctrine" which indicates any who hold it are also teaching false things? On forums this kind of interaction is what takes place, it is a given.
Grown people can deal with it, consider it, and express their own ideas on it.

If men are totally depraved it means every expression they offer that opposes what God said, is by definition
depraved, depraved comments.

Depravity is very dishonest or immoral behavior. It comes from the latin with the root idea of being crooked de pravis.

Satan was a depraved being when he said this:

Gen.3:3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? He took the truth of what God said, then twisted it, made it crooked,
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

If Satan said such a thing on this forum, would he be celebrated, given a high five? Would we rush in and tell him that was 'IMPRESSIVE" to question God and twist His exact word?

25 quotes were offered here representing what has been historically believed in the confessing churches in history and held as solid truths. Do we dismiss them as "false doctrine" which indicates any who hold it are also teaching false things? On forums this kind of interaction is what takes place, it is a given.
Grown people can deal with it, consider it, and express their own ideas on it.

If men are totally depraved it means every expression they offer that opposes what God said, is by definition
depraved, depraved comments.
Nice of you to offer the lesson.
Nice of you to offer the lesson.
GG, It does not mean you need to agree.
You may post whatever you believe.
No one tells you not to post.
If I post error, say so, offer your ideas in any way you see fit.
We just want to reserve the right to express our ideas.
If you need to call me names, go ahead.
When people come on a message board, this happens as people get emotional about topics.
No one is cursing, or posting blasphemy.
I want to hear exactly what others believe, without filtering out what they actually believe.

A problem cannot be fixed, if no one is allowed to describe the problem as it is.
Not from other Christians.
On a Christian forum.
Offering correction is not an attack. If you or any other poster is in fact wrong...the correct thing to do is offer the biblical solution. You are wrong on Calvinism quite consistently.
Many have offered correction to you at least 40-50 times. You do not see the truth of what is offered, so you lash out saying we are violating TOS rules???

Take a person who denies the trinity. Everyone knows they are in error. After we are kind and gentle and keep offering the truth to them, then they not only resist, but claim instead that you are a heretic...There is no real easy way to say the truth that if they continue in unbelief, they are going to perish.

Are you then unloving by telling them the truth? If you tell them...you are wrong???

If an American Indian bows before a totem pole and worships it....and you explain that this is idolatry and he will perish if he does not turn from such things, should you get warned of a TOS violation, for speaking the truth about Idolatry???
What is your definition of Christian ?

IF a person identifies himself as a Christian,,,we on this site, have to accept that it's true.

What is my definition of a Christian?
They must believe:

Some on these threads tell me they don't have to believe any of that to be a Christian.
They tell me that they're Christian because they follow Jesus. Well, that's not what the Early Apostolic Fathers taught.
Unless, of course, the persons making this claim understand what it MEANS to FOLLOW Jesus .... but I'd say that they don't.

A person must behave like a Christian.
If we are not transformed,,,we have no right to call ourselves a Christian - or even a follower of Jesus since this is all He taught.

Forums are inanimate beings.
Sure. But I'm not sure why you're saying this....
GG, It does not mean you need to agree.
You may post whatever you believe.
No one tells you not to post.
If I post error, say so, offer your ideas in any way you see fit.
We just want to reserve the right to express our ideas.
If you need to call me names, go ahead.
When people come on a message board, this happens as people get emotional about topics.
No one is cursing, or posting blasphemy.
I want to hear exactly what others believe, without filtering out what they actually believe.

A problem cannot be fixed, if no one is allowed to describe the problem as it is.
I don't call people names.
I make an effort to live my life and behave in such a way as to please our Lord.
Offering correction is not an attack. If you or any other poster is in fact wrong...the correct thing to do is offer the biblical solution. You are wrong on Calvinism quite consistently.
Many have offered correction to you at least 40-50 times. You do not see the truth of what is offered, so you lash out saying we are violating TOS rules???

Take a person who denies the trinity. Everyone knows they are in error. After we are kind and gentle and keep offering the truth to them, then they not only resist, but claim instead that you are a heretic...There is no real easy way to say the truth that if they continue in unbelief, they are going to perish.

Are you then unloving by telling them the truth? If you tell them...you are wrong???

If an American Indian bows before a totem pole and worships it....and you explain that this is idolatry and he will perish if he does not turn from such things, should you get warned of a TOS violation, for speaking the truth about Idolatry???
Biblical truth will always equal hate to those who do not or cannot understand.
It is part of a life in Christ, to suffer attacks for our faith.
But you believe you are sinless and that Jesus Christ is not God come in the flesh.

How should we accept that as Bible believing Christians?
Biblical truth will always equal hate to those who do not or cannot understand.
Are you speaking about me?
Am I a hateful person?

Do not speak about other members without tagging them in...
(you're doing this above).

Do you know that you're not supposed to be having this type of talk on this site?

Maybe brightfame52 would like to advise you as to the TOS rules ??
But you believe you are sinless and that Jesus Christ is not God come in the flesh.

How should we accept that as Bible believing Christians?
The other member would say that YOU have many incorrect beliefs.

You do not have to ACCEPT what anyone believes....
We're here to discuss and exchange ideas.
Not to fight with one another and exchange hate.
He attacks Calvinists in most of his posts.You declare that to be impressive???? No bias here!
We are okay with him posting what he wants. We are okay with answering him or you.
You want to censor what we say if we do not agree with you.
You offer your opinions as we do.
This is so kind of you Iconoclast!
Are you speaking about me?
Am I a hateful person?

Do not speak about other members without tagging them in...
(you're doing this above).

Do you know that you're not supposed to be having this type of talk on this site?

Maybe brightfame52 would like to advise you as to the TOS rules ??
My statement has nothing to do with members, it is broad and in general.

Unbelievers hate the word of God.
The other member would say that YOU have many incorrect beliefs.

You do not have to ACCEPT what anyone believes....
We're here to discuss and exchange ideas.
Not to fight with one another and exchange hate.
My question to Hopeful was sincere.

Are you without sin?

Do you believe Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh?

Perhaps I do not understand the Bible at all, and as a Christian I should be without sin, but since I have sin in my life, I am on my way to hell.

Maybe Hopeful is right and Jesus Christ is just a man?

What should I do?
My question to Hopeful was sincere.

Are you without sin?

Do you believe Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh?

Perhaps I do not understand the Bible at all, and as a Christian I should be without sin, but since I have sin in my life, I am on my way to hell.

Maybe Hopeful is right and Jesus Christ is just a man?

What should I do?
Debate with him in a respectful manner.

My statements here are not aimed at YOU.

There are other members on this forum that have no ideas as to how to debate/discuss with love and respect.
It's not a matter of who is right and who is wrong.
Of course one will be wrong.
Of course we will sin while in this body.
Of course the Trinity is true.

The aim is not to convert the other person but to exchange ideas.
Did you know that it's against the TOS to tell a member they are WRONG....
That is considered flaming.

It's not your fault if this forum is not being run properly by the overseer.

I'd say that Iconoclast and Fastfredy0 have much to learn regarding conversing with Christians.
To begin with, we should ACT like Christians.

Because we don't agree does not mean we are not brothers in Christ.