25 quotes on Calvinism

Debate with him in a respectful manner.

My statements here are not aimed at YOU.

There are other members on this forum that have no ideas as to how to debate/discuss with love and respect.
It's not a matter of who is right and who is wrong.
Of course one will be wrong.
Of course we will sin while in this body.
Of course the Trinity is true.

The aim is not to convert the other person but to exchange ideas.
Did you know that it's against the TOS to tell a member they are WRONG....
That is considered flaming.

It's not your fault if this forum is not being run properly by the overseer.

I'd say that Iconoclast and Fastfredy0 have much to learn regarding conversing with Christians.
To begin with, we should ACT like Christians.

Because we don't agree does not mean we are not brothers in Christ.
I understand what you are saying.

Satan is crafty and loves to put doubts in the minds of Christians.

That is not healthy.

It produces division and strife.
Lets not put no ones salvation into question, for even the elect who are eternally saved, even they are brought out of many deadly errors prior to their conversion to the truth. Just show the Truth, defend it, without putting them in hell.
Lets not put no ones salvation into question, for even the elect who are eternally saved, even they are brought out of many deadly errors prior to their conversion to the truth. Just show the Truth, defend it, without putting them in hell.
Love your first sentence.
Love your last sentence.
It's the middle part that's confusing.

In your last sentence you said not to put anyone in hell.

In the middle part you said that many have been brought out of deadly errors.

Why are they deadly if we're not supposed to put anyone in hell??
Not from other Christians.
People who deny Jesus is God are not Christians
On a Christian forum.
A forum that allows people to deny Jesus is God and cannot say they are wrong...can that be rightly called a "Christian Forum"? It might be new age, or unitarian, but how can people denying Christ, be Christian?
IF a person identifies himself as a Christian,,,we on this site, have to accept that it's true.

What is my definition of a Christian?
They must believe:
Can failure to believe any of those items prevent one from walking as Jesus walked ?
I don't think any of those things are addressed in scripture as topics at local churches, or Paul's letters.
Some on these threads tell me they don't have to believe any of that to be a Christian.
They tell me that they're Christian because they follow Jesus.
If they are following Jesus, does it matter if they beleive any of those things ?
For instance, can believing a creed that didn't come about until hundreds of years after the church was founded make anyone more holy than if the creed didn't exist ?
Well, that's not what the Early Apostolic Fathers taught.
Post biblical "fathers" don't hold any authority with me.
Unless, of course, the persons making this claim understand what it MEANS to FOLLOW Jesus .... but I'd say that they don't.

A person must behave like a Christian.
If we are not transformed,,,we have no right to call ourselves a Christian - or even a follower of Jesus since this is all He taught.
I think you've got it !
Sure. But I'm not sure why you're saying this....
There are plenty of non-Christians allowed to post here too.
This forum isn't entirely Christian.
But you believe you are sinless
I do, thanks be to God and all He provided through Jesus Christ.
Rebirth, for instance frees us from the "flesh", and its monstrous effects.
It frees us from being of Adam's seed !
and that Jesus Christ is not God come in the flesh.
Jesus was the Word come in the flesh...according to John 1:14.
How should we accept that as Bible believing Christians?
Look at the fruit.
I do, thanks be to God and all He provided through Jesus Christ.
Rebirth, for instance frees us from the "flesh", and its monstrous effects.
It frees us from being of Adam's seed !

Jesus was the Word come in the flesh...according to John 1:14.

Look at the fruit.
You cant look at fruit over the internet.

Actions speak louder than words.
You still don't get it. Both sides, (1) Reform side and (2) the R.C./free will/arminian side, think we are saved by the work we do called 'faith'. The difference is that the Reform side believes God causes one to do the work and the other side thinks their faith is self determined. (Aside: I know you don't know what "free will" means as when asked you always come up with an incomplete answer so you probably are lost as to what I am saying).

You also do not articulate well. Example: You said everything Calvinists believe is wrong. Since Calvinists believe there is a God and you believe Calvinists are always incorrect one would conclude using simple logic you don't believe in God. As this is contrary to a vast majority of your posts it must be due to poor communication skills.

Your statement is confusing. You probably can't/won't define "cheap grace" so there's no sense trying to expand your probable faulty doctrine.

Aside: Why is it you won't identify what denomination you belong to??????

You're confused. Investigate cause and effect to establish what the reformed side thinks. I know you will still be confused, but that is the source of your confusion. Think ... who is the cause and who is effected.

Wrong/confused again. We don't "obey" to be saved. That is contrary to scripture. That's works salvation.
Obedience is the result (effect) of saving faith, not the cause. This concept is confusing you.

When it comes to faith that saves it is the work of God. John 6:29 Jesus answered, “This is the work of God: that you believe [adhere to, trust in, rely on, and have faith] in the One whom He has sent.”
See, God does the work. I'll try to keep it simple for you. Think of a carpenter with a hammer making a box. The carpenter and hammer do WORK, but the cause of the construction is completely that of the carpenter. Analogously, God (carpenter) causes a person (hammer) to have faith (box).
Warning: Galatians is all about people believing in works for salvation and Paul says: Gal. 5:4 You have been severed from Christ, if you seek to be justified [that is, declared free of the guilt of sin and its penalty, and placed in right standing with God] through the Law; you have fallen from grace [for you have lost your grasp on God’s unmerited favor and blessing].
So, stop believing in works; stop believing you did something to merit your salvation. Stop boasting that your salvation is a partial result of what you do independent of God. 1 Corinthians 4:7 "Who maketh thee to differ from another? And what hast thou that thou didst not receive? Now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?".

Happy predestination (or is it "good luck") *giggle*
Will not be replying to the above.

Why would you ever want to speak to a person such as me that understands nothing??

However, I do believe I'll continue to believe what Jesus and the writers of the NT taught.

So nice of you to try to get me to stop...
You are doing that very thing. You are saying you are right and we are wrong.

Calvinism is not a denomination

No one agrees with you here, or your supposed history.
You do not dictate to us who is true or not.
You are biased
I never tell someone YOU ARE WRONG.

I am biased.

You're not??
GG, It does not mean you need to agree.
You may post whatever you believe.
No one tells you not to post.
If I post error, say so, offer your ideas in any way you see fit.
We just want to reserve the right to express our ideas.
If you need to call me names, go ahead.
When people come on a message board, this happens as people get emotional about topics.
No one is cursing, or posting blasphemy.
I want to hear exactly what others believe, without filtering out what they actually believe.

A problem cannot be fixed, if no one is allowed to describe the problem as it is.
So cursing and blasphemy is your standard?

Anything else goes?

Interesting ...
GG, It does not mean you need to agree.
You may post whatever you believe.
No one tells you not to post.
If I post error, say so, offer your ideas in any way you see fit.
We just want to reserve the right to express our ideas.
If you need to call me names, go ahead.
When people come on a message board, this happens as people get emotional about topics.
No one is cursing, or posting blasphemy.
I want to hear exactly what others believe, without filtering out what they actually believe.

A problem cannot be fixed, if no one is allowed to describe the problem as it is.
Thank you so much for the valuable training.
So cursing and blasphemy is your standard?

Anything else goes?

Interesting ...
Yes...censoring people is flat out wrong. When any moderator looks to censor and silence those they cannot answer truth is being stifled. I do not censor anyone on my site.
Thank you so much for the valuable training.
Earlier you complained that FF and myself do not "act" like Christians. That is you POV. My answer would be, we are busy being Chrisitans, not trying to "act " like a Christian. People who act are self righteous hypocrites, that is where that word comes from...a hupocrisis, was an actor who spoke through a mask. YOU are more concerned with trying to pin the TOS Tail on the donkey , than the truth is how it looks. You never tell someone they are wrong.
Proverbs says, open rebuke is better than secret love.
A Christian does tell people when they are wrong and in danger of the second death.
Well this is against our TOS rules.
We do not tell members they are wrong.
This is flaming.

We do not tell members they are going to hell. Or in danger of going to hell.
This is flaming.

You would be breaking
Yes...censoring people is flat out wrong. When any moderator looks to censor and silence those they cannot answer truth is being stifled. I do not censor anyone on my site.
You should post on your site.

Our rules here are different.
Earlier you complained that FF and myself do not "act" like Christians. That is you POV. My answer would be, we are busy being Chrisitans, not trying to "act " like a Christian. People who act are self righteous hypocrites, that is where that word comes from...a hupocrisis, was an actor who spoke through a mask. YOU are more concerned with trying to pin the TOS Tail on the donkey , than the truth is how it looks. You never tell someone they are wrong.
Proverbs says, open rebuke is better than secret love.
JESUS said we are to behave as believers.
Iike children.

Read the Beatitudes.

If the fruit is rotten on the outside, it's rotten on the inside. And V V.
Definition of wrong: Not in conformity with fact or truth; incorrect or erroneous.

I never tell someone YOU ARE WRONG.
So you claim you have never told someone they are "Not in conformity with fact or truth; incorrect or erroneous."

*shakes his head in disbelief*

The bible tells us to tell others when they are wrong:
Still not going to tell us what denomination you belong to? *giggle*
Definition of wrong: Not in conformity with fact or truth; incorrect or erroneous.

So you claim you have never told someone they are "Not in conformity with fact or truth; incorrect or erroneous."

*shakes his head in disbelief*

The bible tells us to tell others when they are wrong:
You put words in the mouth of others.

I find it difficult to discuss with you.
Maybe I need a dictionary by my side.

You are on THIS site.
You must follow the TOS of THIS site.