MEC - lots of people have recorded details of events that they were not actually at. Does that make them any less valid?
I agree 100 percent. I don't know how to answer the part concerning validity. I believe that you too ARE aware that the Bible means NOTHING without guidance OF The Spirit. And we would both agree, I believe, that there have been alerations to ANYTHING close to a 'pure form' of The Word offered IN The Bible. The ONLY way we can KNOW what is true and what ISN'T is THROUGH The Spirit. For we have MUCH PROOF that those that compiled the Bible DID indeed ADD to and ALTER what they CHOSE to USE to 'create' the book that is now known as The Holy Bible. What IS truth and what is, let's say, 'speculation' to be 'polite', CANNOT be discerned EXCEPT through The Spirit. So, NO, the simple 'idea' that one NOT present is 'unable' to record an event accurately is NOT possible is INCORRECT. But where there are a NUMBER of people present at the SAME event, record the SAME words, and then there is 'another' that WASN'T present, and records the words DIFFERENTLY, there IS SUSPICION.
Perhaps . . . if our doctrine or theology doesn't fit. Perhaps folks might try to find a reason NOT to believe. And in our search for something to discredit it, shouldn't we be careful that it doesn't cause a weaker brother or sister to stumble and miss whatever gift the Lord may have for them?
What you offer IS of a 'truth'. no doubt. And I will WHOLY agree that this IS possible for EVERYONE, including myself.
And the REASON that I offer 'what' I offer is for this VERY reason itself. For those that ARE exposed to 'false tongues' would NOT be so subceptable to such IF they KNEW the 'truth' concerning tongues. And perhaps, (notice I offer the REALITY that I DON'T KNOW everything), but perhaps, IF this verse of Mark WAS 'created' while NOT actually BEING the 'truth', (I have found that MOST that defend tongues USE this as their MOST valid point of PROOF for the 'use of tongues'), which COULD, if NOT a valid section of scripture, ALLOW those withOUT scruples, (simply a DESIRE to encourage tongues that ARE NOT valid), TO manipulate those that are UNAWARE of the possibility of such a 'possible' fraud.
But, it is CERTAINLY up to the INDIVIDUAL to discern the truth. If they simply ACCEPT what is offered to them without ANY validation THROUGH scripture AND The Holy Spirit, they are certainly taking their faith less seriously than they ought.
And I have 'tried' to be as informative as possible AND have TRIED to Show where MY OPINION separates itself from PROVABLE 'truth'. I HAVE read Mark over and over and over and over................again and have found MYSELF to be able to 'see' the difference in the words used THROUGHOUT the Gospel being 'similar' UNTIL one gets to the LAST eight verses. And NOT ONLY are the words 'different', but it's as if it STARTS over at verse nine, (if I remember correctly), like the person that 'wrote it' FORGOT that they had ALREADY explained WHO Mary was and starts over by explaining AGAIN WHO she was. Once this is 'recognized', it is VERY apparent.
I am also speaking to myself here MEC.
And Mutz, I 'believe' that we know each other well enough to KNOW that NEITHER would do ANYTHING 'intentional' to lead ANYONE in ANY direction other than that which we have 'been led'. NO TWO people will EVER agree 100 percent of the time 100 percent. And I am NOT trying to discourage ANYONE from veering in ANY way from that which they are led BY The Spirit. I just feel it's PRUDENT to warn those that there ARE those that would 'lead them' in a 'different' direction than that God would have them led, (I am NOT referring to you or ANYONE particular), but you know as well as I that there ARE Beni Hindi's out there that WOULD sell their congregation's souls for filthy lucre. And there are PLENTY that would ignorantly follow the likes of these without 'knowing better'.
Why not take it the Lord?