shad said:
jasoncran said:
so shad then lead by example, when the bad guy comes to rape your wife. please be honest and dont stop him
You don't have to kill evil to protect innocent ones; you are continually making excuses. His teachings apply to all circumstances. That's why Jesus says, if you love your family, friends and whatever(your country) more than Me, you cannot be my disciples.
so you would let your wife get raped then.
if he has a knife and you are able to stop him via anymeans.
which one would shad use?
homemade weapon(a knife,broom)
hands or feets , the rapists will most likely win. and i know how to disarm a knife but i dont want to find out
pan you must get close stop him, and hope that you knock him out or disable
same with the others
cops, they would warn him and if he fails to drop the knife, they shoot him if need be(taser can be used by the threat matrix allows deadly force.)
so answer me, or do you only talk the talk.
since you believe in love thine enemy even in this situation then what should i do?