Alcohol Intolerance?

You mean like where someone's heart is?

Yes, the content/intent of the heart that God is intimately aware of.

This is why when they were arguing about what foods were sinful / how some people celebrated holidays - it says “let each be fully convinced in his own mind”

To some, alcohol may not be an option. They may not be in a place to participate in that, while some are. Each should know about themselves and where they stand. But pretending the Bible condemns drinking altogether is just silly.
I feel comfortable speaking on this because I did use to be an alcoholic. Bigtime. High functioning- people never knew - but severe. I know what it’s like to be “led astray” by it - terribly - and now I am very aware of my heart and where God has brought me on this issue. I enjoyed 2 drinks over the weekend with my fiancé on a date. I have social anxiety and sound sensitivity (neurodivergent issues) so I actually don’t like restaurants- but yep - a little alcohol can help with this. And that is my personal experience.

In no way am I condoning getting wasted. I feel like I’ve made that clear though. There is an appropriate balance - but I think Jesus turning water into wine so everyone could continue to celebrate says a WHOLE lot on this subject. And the fermentation of grapes is truly a fascinating thing. ??✨

Now - other liquors are definitely another story. I would say stick with clean wines, ales, and I bought one brand of organic vodka made with organic strawberries and organic lemons one time that didn’t upset my digestion like the stuff that’s processed badly. Again, for celebratory reasons. We are meant to care for our bodies, and drinking any alcohol REGULARLY and in LARGE quantities IS BAD FOR YOU and destroys your body in many many ways. Especially the brain.

Just be aware. Be aware of where you are spiritually on this subject and learn to be aware of what your body is sensitive to or cannot handle. But don’t be afraid to raise a glass with friends if you are in a stable enough place to do so.

I feel comfortable speaking on this because I did use to be an alcoholic. Bigtime. High functioning- people never knew - but severe. I know what it’s like to be “led astray” by it - terribly - and now I am very aware of my heart and where God has brought me on this issue. I enjoyed 2 drinks over the weekend with my fiancé on a date. I have social anxiety and sound sensitivity (neurodivergent issues) so I actually don’t like restaurants- but yep - a little alcohol can help with this. And that is my personal experience.

In no way am I condoning getting wasted. I feel like I’ve made that clear though. There is an appropriate balance - but I think Jesus turning water into wine so everyone could continue to celebrate says a WHOLE lot on this subject. And the fermentation of grapes is truly a fascinating thing. ??✨

Now - other liquors are definitely another story. I would say stick with clean wines, ales, and I bought one brand of organic vodka made with organic strawberries and organic lemons one time that didn’t upset my digestion like the stuff that’s processed badly. Again, for celebratory reasons. We are meant to care for our bodies, and drinking any alcohol REGULARLY and in LARGE quantities IS BAD FOR YOU and destroys your body in many many ways. Especially the brain.

Just be aware. Be aware of where you are spiritually on this subject and learn to be aware of what your body is sensitive to or cannot handle. But don’t be afraid to raise a glass with friends if you are in a stable enough place to do so.

I think that's good advice. I wouldn't say my relationship with alcohol is healthy. I can't just have one shot of liquor and I usually drink alone. But I only drink on the weekends.
I think that's good advice. I wouldn't say my relationship with alcohol is healthy. I can't just have one shot of liquor and I usually drink alone. But I only drink on the weekends.
It’s important that you’re recognizing this. For sure. Our brains can’t begin to make new connections/ new patterns of thinking until we identify what it is they are doing in the first place. ???
I do not care for language like “kick the devil in the teeth” …
I would rather put up a fight than roll over and play dead.
we certainly can’t ever actually do that.
It was a figure of speech.
Yes he’s our enemy, but he’s ancient and extremely intelligent. This language belittles that truth and can foster unhealthy spiritual beliefs,
Like what?
That we who were once subject to him can't now beat him?
The devil only wants to destroy us, so fighting back is a very good thing...thanks be to God.
imo. (I say this because in my area people loooove to say how they’re “beatin’” the devil .. “not today Satan” etc - and it’s just - ugh. Why give him attention at all??? Like you said we are told to “resist” the devil - not actively fight him or give him the time of day.
Why fight against those showing how little power that loser has?
And we do this by using the armor of God. All of which is offensive equipment- even the sword which is meant to separate truth from lies - not seek out battle. Not trying to argue. I am a “word nerd” and language is one of my extreme interests/is very important to me.
Don't let a love for "language" over shadow your hate for the devil.
Regarding drinking:
The devil and alcohol are not synonymous. Though many have been taught to think this way (understandable, but false).
Paul told Timothy: “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.”
Wine (good wine) has beneficial properties, such as antioxidants.
Proverbs says “Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.” The key here is “whoever is led astray” … hence, if you’re not being led astray, it is not sin. Jesus makes that very clear and throughout scripture God uses wine to commemorate celebration and joy.
This is a very different use than simply getting plastered. It’s a heart issue, just like anything else.
You seem to be unaware of the OP writer's POV.
I would rather provide help in resisting drunkenness' than encouragement to keep drinking.
I would rather put up a fight than roll over and play dead.

It was a figure of speech.

Like what?
That we who were once subject to him can't now beat him?
The devil only wants to destroy us, so fighting back is a very good thing...thanks be to God.

Why fight against those showing how little power that loser has?

Don't let a love for "language" over shadow your hate for the devil.

You seem to be unaware of the OP writer's POV.
I would rather provide help in resisting drunkenness' than encouragement to keep drinking.

I’m more interested in what scripture says than my feelings about it or anyone else’s. OP wasn’t a question of drunkenness per se but alcohol intolerance. And I answered with biblical concepts not emotions or what “I’d rather” say.

Southernisms about the devil have no real power..and are usually said in passing with no real conviction or purpose. Actually resisting him in Jesus’ name does have power. I can understand though that everyone’s journey is different - everyone can say what they want. I’d just rather it be backed up by truth not tradition.

Just because I love language and actually take it seriously doesn’t change how I might feel about the demon. Not sure how that line of thinking played out there…Also, he’s not the only one. They’re everywhere. Gonna name them and say “not today so and so” ? do y’all even know when it’s him vs. another one? Hmm haha why make him special? Like giving a bad kid extra attention.

But I wasn’t trying to discuss this. It’s ultimately silly. I’ve said all I want to say about the post. I may care “too much” about words but I like that and it’s important to me and a part of who I am.
And forgive the bad kid expression. Bad kids are just kids trying to communicate feelings.? definitely would never actually compare them to evil.

But sometimes the best course of action with “bad” behavior is not giving it attention and continuing what you’re meant to do. That’s all I meant.
I'm not sure if that's what this is. Or if this is normal and most people who drink just build up a tolerance because they drink like it is water hahaha no offense XD

But basically. I get drunk a lot faster than anyone else. Half a glass of wine, one shot, half a bottle of beer, half a gin/lemonade etc.. incredibly "small" amounts when compared to how others drink. I become intoxicated, staggering around, not thinking straight, slurred speech etc..
People have different body chemistries. Some already have a certain amount of ethanol in their system, made by their own body. Others have more receptors for the -OH radical. Just accept that as how you were put together.
When I "misuse" alcohol I drink in this way. I don't drink bottles and bottles of vodka. I don't need to. And my motivation for drinking is always just to get drunk and forget my worries much like my opiate abuse. So it is still misuse.
The thing is. The drunkenness only lasts about an hour or two then the hangover begins. The headache and feeling sick.
Other people my age drink all night partying and don't get hungover til the next day.
I think I'd get alcohol poisoning if I tried!
Yeah - I would certainly be careful of that if I were you.
BTW I understand my reckless behaviours are both sinful and worrying. I am in the process of getting help. They are suspecting BPD or some kind of psychosis but we will see. My behaviour is not good, normal or light hearted by any means.
I am glad you are getting medical advice on this. Better safe than sorry. Bipolar usually does not have that effect with alcohol. I have known a few with BPD and they seemed rather routine as far as alcohol goes. Most did not drink much as it reacted with other medications they were using.

When my daughter was a teen, she hung out with another girl who was the daughter of a pastor. They got ahold of something to drink and the other girl believed it to be alcohol. (it was NOT) So she got fall-down drunk. But it was all in her head. So your extreme reaction may be - in part - psychosomatic.
When my daughter was a teen, she hung out with another girl who was the daughter of a pastor. They got ahold of something to drink and the other girl believed it to be alcohol. (it was NOT) So she got fall-down drunk. But it was all in her head. So your extreme reaction may be - in part - psychosomatic.
Some people can't handle Dr. Pepper.
I agree with the poster who wrote that people have a differing ability to process alcohol. Native Americans, for example, genetically lack the ability European stock has to breakdown alcohol and have a therefore a greater tendency to alcoholism. This is unrelated, but apparently, asians have the ability to extract from rice nutrients that westerners do not have. So there are biological differences between ethnics groups and their biochemistry. Probably best if you avoid alcohol because your body cannot digest it sufficiently for the detrimental effects to be minimized like in others.
I agree with the poster who wrote that people have a differing ability to process alcohol. Native Americans, for example, genetically lack the ability European stock has to breakdown alcohol and have a therefore a greater tendency to alcoholism.
Some people have an alcohol intolerance that can be suppressed by taking a non drowsy antihistamine before a night out. I saw this while watching my stories on the tv ? so it must be true lol ?

Other than that…

I dunno ?‍♂️ I always had a high pill tolerance…benzodiazepines amphetamines pain killers…not so much alcohol. Now I’m off the fun pills still no booze ? and..?

The economic and social costs of alcohol abuse are significant. That doesn’t factor In human and emo costs. Alcohol is a foreign substance and it always taxes the liver in particular. Problem? That’s true of just about all medications…fun and boring pills alike…and even poor diet can stress the body and result in liver problems. If the church condemns booze should they continue having pot lucks?
Hmm this is an interesting perspective, thank you
There is absolutely no good reason why a Christian would want to continue to consume a drug that is so damaging and dangerous. Consider yourself blessed !! I highly recommend finding some genuine Christian friends that live Godly and sober lives. Tell me one thing that taking a drink of alcohol will improve ?
That's just the worst of luck. Or maybe the best of luck, depending on your view. I went six years without a drink and life sucked. I made some decent money, but you gotta have a little bit of fun every now and again.

Life is tragedy. It's a disaster. Maybe go skydiving or something like that. Something that reminds you you're still alive. I see so many people suffering and Jesus never said life was going to be easy. He turned water into wine for a reason. That's sort of how I look at it.
Define that word FUN
I'm glad to hear that. When I made the post last night I wasn't sober. Today I'm more inclined to agree with you.

I can, just not by myself. Or I guess you could say alcohol makes whatever activity you're engaged in more fun.
No, alcohol is a trap that ruins many, many lives.
Jesus said to become as little children.....children do not need to abuse drugs to have "FUN" and be happy