Assalamu Alikum goodfriday.
I just arrived at this website and this topic really interested me but frankly I don't have the patience to read thru much of whats been posted here, forgive me.
I like to think I have a rudimentary knowledge of the Tanakh, New Testement, Hadith and the Noble Quran. Unfortunetly my writing skills are worse. May I ask what do you understand of the relationship between Allah and Yahushua Hammashiach? Now I suppose this next question could be answered based on the answer to the first, but is it your belief that Allah of Islam and the God of Israel are the same?
Lets not get into spelling bees or semantics I think this a matter of doctrine and of the heart.
Kumi Ori
I just arrived at this website and this topic really interested me but frankly I don't have the patience to read thru much of whats been posted here, forgive me.
I like to think I have a rudimentary knowledge of the Tanakh, New Testement, Hadith and the Noble Quran. Unfortunetly my writing skills are worse. May I ask what do you understand of the relationship between Allah and Yahushua Hammashiach? Now I suppose this next question could be answered based on the answer to the first, but is it your belief that Allah of Islam and the God of Israel are the same?
Lets not get into spelling bees or semantics I think this a matter of doctrine and of the heart.
Kumi Ori