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Animal Rights

I am not arguing this point. However, could you post some links to back this up? If this is true then it could change alot of peoples thinking.
Sure. I need to talk to my psych teacher, gimme a day or two. Learned about it in my psych class.
We must remember that like us, animals are living souls given the gift of life by the God of the universe. That gift is precious and we must not take it for granted or look upon it likely as again it is a gift that is not ours to give. With that being said we also realized that God has made us wards and stewards of this planet and the life it supports. As stewards we such show respect for the creations out of respect and humility towards the creator.

The shedding of blood should be a somber moment to those of us who regard the words of our Lord. Consider the solemn occasions mentioned in the OT when animals were sacrificed, then consumed. This was not something that was taken lightly as the Lord wanted to keep illustrating to the minds of the people the terrible reprocussion of sin which of course is death.

In closing, God have given man the authority to be lords over the animal kingdom, but in performing this duty we must also realize that we have a Lord and try to immulate Him in our 'being faithful over a few things' here in this life.
i will get this going again. if need be i would have bambi

ok well then let me ask you this. most peta types are supporting the idea animals are equal to man and also societies will save an animal before a baby.something is wrong. i just wish man would justify the type of actions peta does at planned parenthood.Not that i'm endorsing violence but the intensity.
Animals are not equal to humans. They are just not so low that we are allowed to mistreat them. Babies come first. I'm 99% pro-life (ask me about the 1% if you want, I have a good reason to keep it) in humans AND animals, actually.
Animals are not equal to humans. They are just not so low that we are allowed to mistreat them. Babies come first. I'm 99% pro-life (ask me about the 1% if you want, I have a good reason to keep it) in humans AND animals, actually.
DID i ever say that we should abuse them? NOPE. but if you care to know this. here is petas and the humane society doctrine and some in peta wont kill flies. flies? there are disease carriers. i will excute a rat and any rabid animal by any means at hand and rat poision isnt exactly humane. bleeding to death isnt exactly a quick death but that is the only way they will die. wayfarin doesnt kill them. but that blood thinner does.snakes when they eat their prey use a poison like that(in some species) to accomplish the task. sorry if God in his wisdom felt the need to equip the deadliest snake in the world to men(15 min death and no cure). who are we to say that is inhumane to the rat, that same snake would eat that rat in that manner!

with nothing left of the rat.

peta and specism

Of Pigs and People

that is the spca and they do work with the humane society yrs ago one of those killed dogs via gas and the dogs took hours to die. the citizens put a stop to that.
No you didn't say that. I was adding that to clarify my own point. And I smack flies all the time and sic my dog on spiders (she loves to hunt them and it's fun to watch). As for rat poison, don't poison someone's pet rat but rabid rats are a danger to people and pets. I think if we can find a way to kill them that won't cause them anguish, that would be best. We also are supposed to kill ticks we find on dogs and cats because they can spread to another host. And fleas and worms are awful parasites. Yes I do say we should kill certain animals. They don't necessarily deserve it, it's their nature, but if we don't, more will die or become very sick.

But livestock and pets deserve a little better because they don't actively spread disease or pose a threat to us or each other (yes there are exceptions and I don't support euthanasia unless I know the actual story, then I make a judgement).

And I also think that euthanasia is a wonderful gift we can give to our suffering pets. It's heartbreaking and a difficult decision to make but in the end, it's really worth it because the pain the animal feels will never come back. I am very much against it to make kennel space but for a sick and dying pet in lots of pain, it's a gift.

And I'm not totally innocent as far as causing animals pain. I hit a snake on the road the other day. I thought it was a rope until I was about to hit it. But I don't feel guilty because I'm pretty sure it was the poisonous kind we get here in Maryland.

So I support the ethical treatment of animals... just not PETA. I do, however, support the ASPCA completely.
i will not support either. given what that link with chuck colson stated. i will support reasonable laws. i have family that has shot animals in the day as that was the way it was done on the farms/and large land. i see nothing wrong with that if that was the only way. and at times it was.

i shall digress into what soldiers must do and i have seen done and will do. since the supplies of basic needs must be priortised for common sense things ie beans bulllets and ammo. euthanisation of sick animals was done at gun point. we killed dogs and cats and other livestock if they had any appearence of lashmanious and the mange and rabies or were agressive. we did have vets that did come by to treat the haji livestock and we had them treat certian adopted animals. i had donkeys and mules under me and sf had horses we treated them as humane asap since we depended on them.certian zoological diseases overthere did transmit to humans.

i will also add that if i was on patrol and mr.donkey and or dog and cat and i was in a large convey and they stepped in front and common sense dictates, they die. one doesnt stop convoys for nothing till destations is reached or ambush is imminent. dogs also will be dropped as they are narcs for the muslims. so we had to shot them(none with me did) but as a whole that is needed.
i will get this going again. if need be i would have bambi

ok well then let me ask you this. most peta types are supporting the idea animals are equal to man and also societies will save an animal before a baby.something is wrong. i just wish man would justify the type of actions peta does at planned parenthood.Not that i'm endorsing violence but the intensity.

Baby & animal= innocent. why neglect either.
Man = guilty of crimes against both.
Both need protection from adult humans. The innocent must be protected not exploited.
you do realise that the deers and the moose and others livestock would overpopulate and die out. they do eat themselves out of food if we dont cull them.

the moose in alaska has only one predator that eats them the wolf. if we dont control the wolf they will eat too many of the moose and thus die, and if the reverse certain diseases crop up.
In the natural realm it is different than some folks would suppose,if you could see a fox catch a rabbit and see the rabbit struggle violently for its life(screaming all the while) while the fox is mercilessly tearing it to pieces,THEN you will get a picture of the world we live in. Maybe in the same day the fox meets a similar fate when caught in the open by a pair of coyotes. Wild critters die violent deaths, it is the way of this world, as Jack London said,kill or be killed,eat or be eaten.
As a human we should only kill for food or clothing or to protect ourselves, and we should make the killing as quick and painless as possible for the animal. Domesticated animals of course are not natural, we should show them respect as living creatures and not ever mistreat them,however a human who owns an animal should have the power of life and death over his own animal,but not the power to torment or torture.
Man wasn't initially meant to eat animals. However once man was given animals as food God sure did set it up so that man must eat animal in order to keep the ecosystem balanced. Just like Jason said.

And I'd still rescue an adult human before an animal. Heck I'd go into a burning fire for a human but I sure wouldn't for an animal.

And I don't get PETA, they kill so many animals it's ridiculous...
I'd go into a burning fire to save my Grace. That's how valuable she is to me. But I can understand the sentiment.

That being said, animals have been known to go into burning houses to save their owners, completely against their instincts. Now that's cool and very noble. Mammals love unconditionally. You don't find that very often. I respect them because their innocence actually makes them more kindhearted than most people.
So for the few who have stated that they wouldn't kill animals, I have a question...

Do you kill insects?
Yes. Sorry to say. If I can, I let it outside but most of the time I can't so I let Grace eat them. Watching her hunt them is hilarious, she puts her paws on either side of them and sort of crawls along until she gets bored of this and eats them. Looks ridiculous!

I flush stink bugs because they're disgusting and EVERYWHERE. I don't think bugs are on the same scale as mammals or reptiles because they don't really even have individual personalities like they do.
So for the few who have stated that they wouldn't kill animals, I have a question...

Do you kill insects?
In this thread that is a great question to tell you the truth I really struggle with killing anything at all.. Unless it's biting me or sucking blood. I will spray things for hygiene reasons because sometimes it has to be done or we will get disease. Our house is full of roaches so we have to do things.I hate doing it though. If I kill anything feel bad inside. When I used to eat meat I never cared about killing insects but when I stopped that changed
So for the few who have stated that they wouldn't kill animals, I have a question...

Do you kill insects?
I don't unless it's necessary either. Even after being bit by a spider and having to go to the ER, get shots, yadda yadda...I'll carry spiders outside and shoo wasps out, unless it's just not practical to do so or they'll die outside anyway (as in being -0 outside).

And I've already confessed my moth phobia...but still prefer that Steve or the kids carry them outside rather than kill them.

I do swop flies, because there are millions and millions and millions around here (cattle, poo, flies, the circle of life) and mosquitoes. Flies and mosquitoes carry diseases, grass hoppers destroy our fields, garden and flowers, so yeah, I kill them. But I won't kill a bug unless there is a reason for it.

I guess that is what it boils down to for me...why am I taking this creatures life?
I kill chickens and turkeys. We have the cattle shot when their time comes, or they go to auction and are bought by others who use pretty much the same butchers we do, so, except for the stress of the auction, they're no better nor worse than those that are put down here. My son and sometimes my husband fish...but we eat all of these. Food is a legitimate reason to kill. Suppression of diseases, the protection of crops, population control of species that have a tendency to reproduce at high rates...all legitimate reasons.

Even though bugs don't really have "personality" they still have the drive to survive. And, God created them for a purpose and they do their purpose well. So, why kill them if they aren't causing any particular problem.

For me, to hunt solely for sport, or to kill a bee as it's buzzing along, minding it's own business, for me, this would be a sin.
In the natural realm it is different than some folks would suppose,if you could see a fox catch a rabbit and see the rabbit struggle violently for its life(screaming all the while) while the fox is mercilessly tearing it to pieces,THEN you will get a picture of the world we live in. Maybe in the same day the fox meets a similar fate when caught in the open by a pair of coyotes. Wild critters die violent deaths, it is the way of this world, as Jack London said,kill or be killed,eat or be eaten.
As a human we should only kill for food or clothing or to protect ourselves, and we should make the killing as quick and painless as possible for the animal. Domesticated animals of course are not natural, we should show them respect as living creatures and not ever mistreat them,however a human who owns an animal should have the power of life and death over his own animal,but not the power to torment or torture.
I often hear people say this about the law of nature.. join in for sure but leave the weapons at home. metallic weapons used in helpless creatures is not nature at all. it is artificial. our natural balance is wrong because of bulldozers and guns as it is.
People who had no idea at all what they were doing caused natural disasters and imbalances in nature with modern machinary and weapons.

It worries me that people who still have no idea and still have weapons are still out there doing it. ( not proffessional culling by the govt) I mean hunters, farmers, and sadistic idiots.

sometimes I envy other countries and religions that attempt to live in harmony with each other and nature. I envy the gentleness and regard for life.