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Antichrist is not a man.


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The anti-christ is that belief in Christ which sees only the historical(was) but does not see the present manifestation(is not). Truth is not a present revelation (spirit)to ant-christ. Judas did not see the present manifestation of God in Jesus; though he was a believer from the historical view. The historical is good but it lacks power to save us from will worship with its attending material greed and to deliver us from voluntary humility and its desire to be comfortable(without suffering).

The spirit of anti-christ lives in my flesh. The law of the spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus delivers me from the power of anti-christ that dwells in my flesh, warring against the law of my mind. The spirit of anti-christ lusts against the spirit of grace so that I cannot do what I would.

There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus; and the inward man is delivered from the dominion of anti-christ; so that with the mind I myself serve the law of God(under Christ Jesus) and with the flesh I serve the law of sin.

The spirit of anti-christ dwells in my flesh. The body must perish to burn him out. Then a new body will be given to me in the day of Jesus Christ.

Gal 6:17,18
17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

XTruth said:
Cornelius said:
XTruth said:
â€â€Dake's Topics
With respect Xtruth, I use to also use Dakes as a study tool, but later found that he is always just in the "letter" He is very good for lists and getting related scriptures, but he never sees the spirit in Scripture. I still use him, when I want to look up certain things, and I do not think he did this on purpose to be so about the letter only.
Respect noted and reciprocated. We have been allies for our kingdom before and I hope we will always be. A disagreement in prophecy won't change that. But if what Dake wrote is wrong about there being a literal man, then it should be easily proven. I don't believe that a system would have so many personal attributes. Skipping that long post before, how do you see the first "antichrist" of 1 Jn.2:18 as a system and not as a literal man to come? I believe we should take the Bible literal when at all possible. I see no figurative or typical language that would make me believe otherwise. Write back when you have the time; no rush and no big deal. This subject isn't extremely important to me since I only plan on seeing the Antichrist at the Second Coming (2 Thes.2:3-8; Rev.19:11-20:10).
OK, I think you might be a reader, so I will give you a link to a free book, called "Hidden Manna" Its a huge work on the end time and it does something, we cannot do on a forum and that is to systematically look at ALL Scriptures and relate them to a "now reality". I use to believe the antichrist is a man, I believed in the pre-trib rapture, I REALLY loved Dakes :) but something was bothering me, and I could not put my finger on it.

After reading Hidden Manna, I finally understood prophecy and saw how it relates to me and the whole world as a whole.

This book WILL upset doctrine. I smashed mine to pieces, but I like being wrong, because that means I have a chance to grow in truth. :)

This book really must come with a warning LOL but here is the link anyway:

(Its 100% free and you can download it as a PDF file.)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the book:
XTruth said:
Respect noted and reciprocated. We have been allies for our kingdom before and I hope we will always be. A disagreement in prophecy won't change that.

Amen :) I really will not change my opinion of you, if you disagree with me. I see in you, somebody who respects the Word.
your brother
Cornelius said:
OK, I think you might be a reader, so I will give you a link to a free book, called "Hidden Manna" Its a huge work on the end time and it does something, we cannot do on a forum and that is to systematically look at ALL Scriptures and relate them to a "now reality". I use to believe the antichrist is a man, I believed in the pre-trib rapture, I REALLY loved Dakes :) but something was bothering me, and I could not put my finger on it.

After reading Hidden Manna, I finally understood prophecy and saw how it relates to me and the whole world as a whole.

This book WILL upset doctrine. I smashed mine to pieces, but I like being wrong, because that means I have a chance to grow in truth. :)

This book really must come with a warning LOL but here is the link anyway:

(Its 100% free and you can download it as a PDF file.)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the book:
Oh irony! In a thread about the nature of the antichrist you point people to David Eells. :biglol
XTruth said:
Cornelius said:
XTruth said:
â€â€Dake's Topics
With respect Xtruth, I use to also use Dakes as a study tool, but later found that he is always just in the "letter" He is very good for lists and getting related scriptures, but he never sees the spirit in Scripture. I still use him, when I want to look up certain things, and I do not think he did this on purpose to be so about the letter only.
Respect noted and reciprocated. We have been allies for our kingdom before and I hope we will always be. A disagreement in prophecy won't change that. But if what Dake wrote is wrong about there being a literal man, then it should be easily proven. I don't believe that a system would have so many personal attributes. Skipping that long post before, how do you see the first "antichrist" of 1 Jn.2:18 as a system and not as a literal man to come? I believe we should take the Bible literal when at all possible. I see no figurative or typical language that would make me believe otherwise. Write back when you have the time; no rush and no big deal. This subject isn't extremely important to me since I only plan on seeing the Antichrist at the Second Coming (2 Thes.2:3-8; Rev.19:11-20:10).

I should clarify :)

By a "system" I do not mean a system without people. Antichrist is a spirit and it dwells in people.Its just that people want to find THE man, and they miss the MEN. Whole governments are at this moment moving in the spirit of antichrist.

We are getting ready for a one world currency . China is calling for it, and Obama is saying it will not happen. It will. The UN is just another Roman empire. It has all the nations in it. We are moving to a one world order, it is in the news every week.MANY people are working towards this and everybody who will join this will be part of the body of antichrist.

I must say, I am a little surprised at the lack of "seeing" of many Christians at this moment. Why is it that most are in denial about what is going on ? Its happening again, just like it happened to the Jews in the second World War. They also refused to believe that something evil could happen to them. Most Americans refuse to believe that their country will soon be killing Christians. My country is gearing up for a genocide.......and most white people here also think it will not happen to them. Well its going to happen. Soon, maybe even this year, thousands and thousands of white people are going to die here. Its being whispered and there is really nothing we can do about it. Where do we go? :) Antichrist is here as well and planning something for my country too and believe me, its not just one man.

We have to hide in Psalm 91 and we will

XTruth said:
I don't believe that a system would have so many personal attributes.............. I see no figurative or typical language that would make me believe otherwise.

OK, you are a man of the Word, so you would be able to see this. God uses "man" or "woman" to describe groups or nations.

Many times the beast kingdom, which comes against God’s people is called “a manâ€Â. (Jer.6:22)…Behold, a people cometh from the north country; and a great nation shall be stirred up from the uttermost parts of the earth.(23) They lay hold on bow and spear…and they ride upon horses…as a man to the battle, against thee, O daughter of Zion. One corporate “man†comes against one corporate “daughterâ€Â.
The nations who fight against Zion are called, “a hungry man†and “a thirsty man†in Isaiah 29:8. The nations which come against Babylon are called a “mighty man†in Jeremiah 50:9 and “a man†in 41,42. Babylon is called “a man†in Daniel 7:4 and “a haughty man†in Habakkuk 2:5.
Egypt is called “a drunken man†in Isaiah 19:14. Also, God’s people are “one man†in many texts, some, where they warred with the beast. (Jdg.6:16) And the Lord said unto him, Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man. You can see this truth also in Numbers 14:15; Judges 20:1,8,11; 1 Samuel 11:7; 2 Samuel 19:14; Ezra 3:1; Nehemiah 8:1; Jeremiah 30:6; Zechariah 9:13,10:7; Malachi 3:17, etc. In other cases, too numerous to mention, Israel was spoken of as one woman, or the nations were called by the name of their father as if they were one man (Israel, Edom, Moab,)

So again, the Beast is a "man" even in Daniel.
destiny said:
I tend to agree with xtruth although i'm not pre-trib.
Is there anywhere else in the Bible that God refers to a society or a system as "he", as in singular?
I hope the above post, also then answers your question. I think I must replace the word "system" because that was a bad choice . Nations and people might be better?
I understood what you meant, I'm just watching and waiting and not wanting to be closed to either possibility. I think we will know for sure as time goes by, although I lean towards it being a man and a system.
destiny said:
I understood what you meant, I'm just watching and waiting and not wanting to be closed to either possibility. I think we will know for sure as time goes by, although I lean towards it being a man and a system.

Well , there will obviously be leaders in the time that is upon us. The One Word Order will have leaders, but the Bible points to Ten Crowns.Ten nations ruling together. Did you know that the Federation of Earth has divided all the nations into ten regions already ?

:) OK, now this is complicated. A bit like "His mothers father's sister's uncle , twice removed on her sister's , aunt's side"

(Rev.17:11) And the beast that was (the principality in the Roman Empire), and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is of the seven. The spirit of the beast is “of the seven†because he was the sixth head of the world through Rome. The body of the beast is “an eighth, and is of the seven†because it is made up of the seed of all seven previous world ruling kingdoms/empires. This is the iron of Rome mixed with the clay of the world in the toes.

Its a perfect picture of the UN. But a UN that will be reconstructed soon, so that it will have the power it needs and desires.A little time on Google will prove this.
Cornelius said:
destiny said:
I understood what you meant, I'm just watching and waiting and not wanting to be closed to either possibility. I think we will know for sure as time goes by, although I lean towards it being a man and a system.

Well , there will obviously be leaders in the time that is upon us. The One Word Order will have leaders, but the Bible points to Ten Crowns.Ten nations ruling together. Did you know that the Federation of Earth has divided all the nations into ten regions already ?

I didn't formally know but will look in to it more. I could guess this one..

Canada and America.. maybe Mexico(?)

I really need to start studying and referencing the symbolism in Revelation.
Cornelius said:
...Well , there will obviously be leaders in the time that is upon us. The One Word Order will have leaders, but the Bible points to Ten Crowns.Ten nations ruling together. Did you know that the Federation of Earth has divided all the nations into ten regions already ?

Cornelius said:
...Its a perfect picture of the UN. But a UN that will be reconstructed soon, so that it will have the power it needs and desires. A little time on Google will prove this.
First link, main page of their site:
Paul Warburg, a banker, said: "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).

Pope Benedict said on Sunday 25 Dec 2005: "A united humanity will be able to confront the many troubling problems of the present time: from the menace of terrorism to the humiliating poverty in which millions of human beings live, from the proliferation of weapons to the pandemics and the environmental destruction which threatens the future of our planet. Do not fear; put your trust in him! The life-giving power of his light is an incentive for building a new world order based on just ethical and economic relationships".

Anti-Christ is a spirit, yes.

Federation of Earth? :o :lol Humorous! :lol :lol :lol :lol :biggrin

Their goals:
1. Have direct control of the worlds' military forces ( :lol Good Luck! :lol )
2. The capital city of Earth is Federation City ( :lol :lol :lol How about Intergalactic Space City? Seems more likely, LOL. :biggrin)

Besides, this verse was accomplished 1975 years ago -

"And in the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall the sovereignty thereof be left to another people; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." Dan 2:44

Vic C. said:
First link, main page of their site:


Vic C , this link you gave is the dummy site brother. It is somebody that is making fun out of it.

Here are some links :

A Constitution for the Federation of Earth

As Amended At The World Constituent Assembly In Troia, Portugal 1991. Now being circulated worldwide for ratification by the nations and people of earth.


Realizing that Humanity today has come to a turning point in history and that we are on the threshold of a new world order which promises to usher in an era of peace, prosperity, justice and harmony;

Aware of the interdependence of people, nations and all life;

Aware that man's abuse of science and technology has brought Humanity to the brink of disaster through the production of horrendous weaponry of mass destruction and to the brink of ecological and social catastrophe;

Aware that the traditional concept of security through military defense is a total illusion both for the present and for the future;

Aware of the misery and conflicts caused by ever increasing disparity between rich and poor;

Conscious of our obligation to posterity to save Humanity from imminent and total annihilation;

Conscious that Humanity is One despite the existence of diverse nations, races, creeds, ideologies and cultures and that the principle of unity in diversity is the basis for a new age when war shall be outlawed and peace prevail; when the earth's total resources shall be equitably used for human welfare; and when basic human rights and responsibilities shall be shared by all without discrimination;

Conscious of the inescapable reality that the greatest hope for the survival of life on earth is the establishment of a democratic world government;

We, citizens of the world, hereby resolve to establish a world federation to be governed in accordance with this constitution for the Federation of Earth.

The Constitution for the Federation of Earth (CFE) is a blueprint to build an emerging democratic world federation -- a backup strategy for the possibility that "significant United Nations reform" proves totally inadequate.
If the UN cannot be turned into a democratic world federation, then the Earth Federation will fill the void. The strategic advantage for the Federation is that it need not wait for approval from the nation-states, important as they ultimately will be, but the Federation can immediately begin building through individuals and communities who ratify the CFE or otherwise aid the Federation's development.
Here are the "ten horns" (which means ten kingdoms or ruling nations )

The World Civil Service Administration shall be headed by a ten member commission in addition to the Cabinet Minister or Vice President and Senior Administrator. The Commission shall be composed of one commissioner from each of ten World Electoral and Administrative Magna-Regions. The persons to serve as Commissioners shall be nominated by the House of Counselors and then appointed by the Presidium for five year terms. Commissioners may serve consecutive terms.

Rev 17:3 And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness: and I saw a woman (The harlot, or false religions ) sitting upon a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads (The seven traditional/ancient ruling nations of Earth ) and ten horns. (Ten Magna-Regions of the World Parliament )

Perfect fit.

This has all been prophesied..................

Obviously, a major social revolution is required, and that is possible if we can bring another major institutional revolution – to eliminate the division that institutionalized religion and political ideologies place between people. We need a religion and an ideology that brings us common ethics and unites people under the values of development, unity, justice, and equity. That is the religion that we all must learn to share, regardless of what name we call the divine power.

One world religion, one world governement, by the people , for the people.
We do not need an Indian plan or an American plan. We need a global plan for climate change, population control, ozone depletion, water development, technology, and the rest – a plan that combines global vision with local actions and control.

Now who do you think will be the "terrorists" that stand against this "wonderful " plan ? Who will be the "fly in the ointment" of the peace of the world. Who will be standing against their one world religion? Who are the people that must first die, before this can become a world reality? and I...............we are the next generation of terrorists, that will stand in the way of "world peace". We will be the last obstacle to remove. Has anybody heard of the FEMA camps?
Cornelius said:
Now who do you think will be the "terrorists" that stand against this "wonderful " plan ? Who will be the "fly in the ointment" of the peace of the world. Who will be standing against their one world religion? Who are the people that must first die, before this can become a world reality? and I...............we are the next generation of terrorists, that will stand in the way of "world peace". We will be the last obstacle to remove. Has anybody heard of the FEMA camps?
Muslims, Communists, Hindus, Jews, Catholics and Protestants would all stand up to this bogeyman conspiracy. Not to mention the North Koreans and the French. :biggrin

Relax; the beast was the Roman Empire; the woman was apostate Israel; and The Lord is Sovereign. :wave
Sinthesis said:
Relax; the beast was the Roman Empire; the woman was apostate Israel; and The Lord is Sovereign. :wave

I am afraid that no amount of "relaxing" is going to take this Beast away. We can stick out heads deep into the sand, and it still is not going to go away.

Although the Beast was indeed Rome in the time of Israel, we all know what the Bible says about history repeating:Ecc 1:9 That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done So you see, its about to happen again.
researcher said:
Anti-Christ is a spirit, yes.

Vic says, "Agreed."

Federation of Earth? :o :lol Humorous! :lol :lol :lol :lol :biggrin

Their goals:
1. Have direct control of the worlds' military forces ( :lol Good Luck! :lol )
2. The capital city of Earth is Federation City ( :lol :lol :lol How about Intergalactic Space City? Seems more likely, LOL. :biggrin)
...or a Space Station or even a station on the Moon... places where it would be impenetrable from the earth.

You liked that, heh? Funny stuff. :lol It may be a "dummy" site, but it is a good overall outline for such an organization.

... "And in the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall the sovereignty thereof be left to another people; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." Dan 2:44

Amen and Hallelujah to that! :amen
Vic C. said:
It may be a "dummy" site, but it is a good overall outline for such an organization.

You are right about that. In fact it is the real way that it will be, although this is just a send up


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