- Aug 16, 2015
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I'm reading along and there is so much misunderstanding that sometimes I just want to throw up my arms.
We all sin. It's not sin that makes us lose our salvation UNLESS it's a purposeful returning to a LIFE OF SIN. God can forgive all and any sin. What makes us lose our salvation is willfully returning to the road that does NOT lead to God, but the road that leads to satan. Even Jesus said the road to God is narrow, the gate is narrow, because not all take that road. In fact, most do not.
When a person is on the road going TOWARD GOD, he is headed toward God. Sinning does not mean he's changed his direction -- it's only a failure, we just get up and keep on heading toward God.
The O.P. said something about unconfessed sin. We all have sin we've forgotten or may not even think IS sin... I think what he means is that we should be sorry for our sin when we confess it. You know, God cannot be mocked.
We just have to decide if we're headed toward God or headed toward the enemy.
It's our heading that counts. We're not getting to Florida on Route 80.
We just have to be on the right route.
That's a perspective I hope on too. Keep working towards God. However the idea that our thoughts are not included with our sins. The verses quoted in Mathew point to this.
Satan put the thought in Judas' heart
and Judas ACTED upon the thought.
A thought by itself, without its moving to the heart, iis not sinful.
We need to conquor our thoughts though. Or have God in our hearts to keep our evil thoughts at bay. Consider God's warning to Cain after Cain was jealous of Able.
Genesis 4:6-7
Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
I can say from my experiences the same is true with our thoughts. We might think one thing, but if we give it ground to grow it becomes worse. Until it becomes overbearing and influences us with our struggles or with our submission to that sin. Salvation is a different issue, even though it is related. But our our thoughts are where are heart is.