Randy, I'm enjoying the exchange between you and JLB.
I'm going to say that some biblical principles must be clarified somewhat because at the writing of the N.T. some ideas came through that were not very clear until they were made so with the help of the Holy Spirit and those that put together our doctrines, which make us Christian.
One of these doctrine would be the one of the Trinity or Godhead. Another would be the Deity of Jesus. Another would be HOW He came to be our salvation or our atonement. Still another is the use of the term Kingdom of God and/or Kingdom of heaven. Paul used these terms interchangeably and it took some study to understand what he meant by each one.
Sanctification is the same. There are some of the Christian faith that believe God does everything for us, makes every decision for us, and we do nothing for ourselves...this would be the reformed faith.
Every other denomination believes that we have a say in our sanctification and play a part in it. We could call this a cooperation with God....He plays a part and we play a part.
God gave us Jesus and Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit when He left us. John 16:7 tells us that Jesus is going to send us a helper. That helper is the Holy Spirit. Why do we need a helper? In John 15:5 Jesus tells us that we can do nothing without Him. Like what for instance?
JLB has given perfect scripture to show that we have a part in our sanctification,,,or, in our being set apart for service to God.
God sends us the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit helps us to do what God wants us to do, and this doing is the part we play in our sanctification.
Righteousness means being right with God.
Sanctification means being set apart for service to God,,,which, in turn, makes us righteous if we obey Him.
This obedience is the part we play in our sanctification. You DO state that we are to obey....THIS is our part. Jesus does not sanctify us all by Himself...it requires our action...our obedience.
We are sanctified IN HIM, because we obey Him, as He said to do.
When I finally understood the above, it helped me a lot in my walk with God. You may not need this help,,,but for others reading along, this idea may be helpful to them.
Justification is by GOD ALONE. Nothing we do can gain us God's approval but we are saved by His grace through the instrument of our faith.
Right after justification, we are sanctified IN HIM...a cooperative action between us and God --- He tells us what we should do, and we do it.
Ephesians 4:22-24
We are exhorted to put on the new self. This requires action from us...that action is the process of sanctification.
In Mathew 5:48 Jesus tells us to be perfect, as our Father is perfect. He does not say that this goal will be achieved for us.