Dear follower of Christ,
I may be late in replying here because I see you guys have brought other discussion of doctrines into the topics. But I must say this so as no confusion is present in regard to your reply to my postings. I do not wish to bicker. I find it rather taxing and will not continue on with such. Just want to clarify and have no misunderstandings.
Please don't take my postings as if I believe it's okay for people to be dancing in giving praises and thanksgiving to the Lord God in their underwear. I don't think they should be, but I surely don't think that Paul's teachings and understandings ever negates the reason King David did what he did. And I don't think people today should make it a 'ritual' to dance and praise God in their underwear in a public place. David did not do it as a ritualistic practice. It was an uninhibited form of expression for a reason. Not an everyday occurrence.
And, please don't take my posting as if I believe sound doctrine isn't being utilized in the church IF someone chooses to express themselves more so than some others do in other churches. Some people believe that snake handling is in order with scripture , but I would not be inclined to participate in any such style of expression. Nope not me. It's okay for them, but not for me. I don't want to handle snakes and no where in scripture does it order me to do so, nor does it say I am to not handle any. So seems to me, we have a choice in how we want to conduct ourselves in choosing which the power of the Holy Spirit we have been given to express or perform miracle or wonders. Not all of us are the same, but that doesn't mean that IF I choose to not handle snakes or attend a church that does so that I am causing or they are causing division in the body. They are only a different part of the body, that does not mean they are whacked out or cooky. They are expressions none the less or more than anyone who prefers to worship and praise the Lord by just sitting still and doing no outward expressions. I'll not judge anyone in regard to how they are inspired by Holy Spirit to express praises and thanksgiving’s.
I think you may have used your example of the division of the Corinthians out of context to the scenario Paul was referring to. That division probably had little or nothing to do with what we are discussing here.
Note: The cause of the Corinthians division was most likely in regard to “the household of the woman named Chloe“ .
Chloe's people were slaves, freed persons, or both.
CHLOE - klo'-e (Chloe, "a tender shoot"): A woman, presumably a Christian, mentioned only in 1 Cor 1:11. She was a resident either of Corinth or of Ephesus. Paul had been informed by some of her household, probably Christian slaves, of the dissensions in the church at Corinth. Nothing more is known of her.
So then, the bickering was presumed (considering Corinthian culture and life style) to be over her household, not over how people expressed their giving of praise and thanksgiving in the congregation.
And, please don't take my posting as if it indicates there would be division of the body or no unity just because the branch of the congregation isn't exactly like yours or anyone else’s specific type of church.
Those people in the various other churches are equally yoked, and it is up to God to judge them whether they are transgressing the Holy Spirit in how they conduct their services or allow others to express or not allow them to express. Not all congregations will be exactly the same as if they are some borg-like robots who are all expressing in the same exact mannerisms. That doesn't mean any one or all of them are out of line with the principles or precepts, or doctrines as indicated in the bible for them to follow. God will let each person know in due time if they are in the wrong place. And, I believe that if anyone doesn't care for one particular style of worship expression, then they can join a church in which they are well suited and feel there is a God Holy purpose for you being there. There is no law that says we are not allowed to express ourselves within the confines of a congregation unless we have permission from the minister or board members who dictate it's time for this or it's time for that form of expression. Yes, there is a time and place for all manner of expression and disciplines, However, I believe God is a God that does not limited how expressions of praise and thanksgiving are to be given to Him as long as they are not transgressions against Holy Spirit.
Just because there are a variety of congregations it doesn't mean every other church that is not alike in how they are expressing to God are then out of line or order with Holy Spirit inspiration.
We are a varied people, different cultures, different styles, etc., and partly for that reason, we see a manifestation of a variety of congregations/churches.
I believe that everyone has a right to choose whatever church/congregation they want to join as long as it is not professing transgression against Holy Spirit. If a person chooses a conservative one or a holy roller one it's up to them. And let no man tell them it's a sin or out of line to worship and give praise and thanksgiving to God as the Holy Spirit has moved them to do so.
Pray that no man 'control' or cramp anyone's Holy Spirit inspired style of giving praise and honor, and thanksgiving to God.