Orion said:Of course, the "you must not have been a good enough, believing Christian, then". Another ridiculous statement. I was completely believing of all of it! I was VERY sincere, all through my childhood and young adult life, and even into my adulthood. I once dropped a college class because the instructor was bad mouthing a "young earth". So don't tell me I wasn't truly attempting to follow Christ, I was. He just never made himself known to me. Why is that? Because it ALL has to do with a person's "level of faith" in the unseen, unfelt, and literally unknowable, outside of a book.
This isn't a "bitterness towards God". I simply don't believe that the God mentioned in the bible, especially of the Old Testament, was truly who God really is. I think a lot of it was MAN'S words, speaking for who they thought God was and what they thought God wanted of people.
Your story is quite familiar Orion. Much of it mirrors mine. Much of it mirrors the story of many, many people.
They would have you believe that no one who truly believes could ever turn away from their religion. Their Bible says otherwise. Experience says otherwise. Statistics say otherwise.
Christianity is the religion of nativity in this culture. Most people who are Christians, even the devout, are so because their family is; because that is the culture they were born into. If they were born in the middle east, they would be Muslim. In Asia they would be Buddhist, etc.
Is it therefore that surprising that a good number of people who, having truly believed, and not finding God in the religion of the culture, or their fathers, would search for God elsewhere? Or perhaps give up the search?
Fundamentalist Christians simply cannot abide the thought of anyone finding God elsewhere. This is why they must come up with ways to pretend they know your heart better than you do.