Mt 24;37-39
But as the days of Noah were,so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking,marrying and given in marriage,untill the day that Noah enterd into the ark.
And knew not untill the flood came,and took then akk away;so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Seeing that Jesus said he would be coming after the tribulation in Mt 24;29-39 and that people would still be doing the same things they always do such as marrying or working in the fields.Just your normal everyday things.And mind you these things are taking place after the tribulation of those days.How could it be that a day like this would sneek up on anyone like it did to those who were destroyed inthe flood?With all the preachers worldwide preaching that the antichrist beast will give everyone in the world the mark of the beast ,how could that day come upon anyone like a thief in the night?
Now I could see that day coming upon people as a thief in the night if those preachers are wrong as I believe they are.
If they believed that the beast was the Messiah Jesus and if they believed that true Christians where false, but servants of the devil. And if they thought that in killing us they where doing Gods work. Then the arrival of the true Messiah would indeed come as a shocking surprise.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days