Your version of the KJV bible has again led you astray.
The words you cite were skewed.
Here is John 5:24, KJV..."Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."
Your version changed "condemnation" to "judgement".
That change allows doubt of Peter's words in 1 Peter 4:17..."For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"
There is an inescapable judgement coming for all men.
I love the verses - but how did you miss "hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."
You apparently missed "hath' that Old English word that we don't use anymore!!!
It means has - We are not talking about something in the future!! You also had trouble with Paul writing "doing" and thinking that it was something Paul had done
And look at the second verse you quoted!
"For the time is come"
Note: It does not say the time will come, but is come!!
That goes with the word "Today" which is the day we need to hear His voice
So the problem with you misinterpreting the Bible seems to be a problem of when things are coming about!
If the time has come and is come - Today is the day to hear His voice and if you hear His voice "Today" you the time is/has come that you no longer come into judgement/"condemnation"
One day I woke up and started hearing a spirit talking to me (if you have ears to hear it means you can hear in the spirit) and that spirit was using a string of what seemed logical but the conclusion of that logic was that God did not exist. HA - it was some demon - which I promptly got rid of. Then I sought the Lord Jesus Christ for comment on the event.
He started telling me about that snake of old in the garden. Specifically He talked to me about the characteristics of a snake. That is, a snake twists and wind around hoping to get it's prey in it's coils and in it's mouth.
Now spirits are spirits and not physical beings of any type. So a spirit that can be thought of as a snake is a spirit that twists the logic around to get you in his coils and in his mouth (spiritually speaking)!
It is a small twist to make "doing" to used to do - but is wrong
It is a small twist to make "is come" to "will come", or "has" to "will be" - but it is wrong.
This is why Paul wrote that he who wanted to do good found himself doing what he did not want and then concluded that if he was wanting to do good, then sin was the one dong what he did not want. Thus he found the principle that evil was present in him.
This is also why John wrote that anyone who didn't understand they had sin (present) then the truth was not in them and that they were deceiving themselves!
The truth is that evil spirits, those dark forces, are around and about and we can hear them with our spiritual ears, and those work inside us! So we have to use discernment, when using our spiritual ears!!!
But the person who thinks God has eliminated the evil spirits in this world we are in, or that He somehow has made it such that we no longer have to use discernment, is just deceiving themselves!
Saul - the "old man", that Pharisee, not seeing the "Light" thought he did everything right, because he studied the Bible and was zealous for God. Paul - the "new man" had the "Light" Jesus Christ showing him about how the dark spiritual forces of this world (called Sin) were active and about. Jesus Christ then, as the Light, made Paul (the new man) aware of the evil operating in his life and that so Paul would be able to choose Him, our Lord Jesus Christ.
They are called "dark" spiritual forces because they want you unaware of the spiritual things going on around you. Don't deceive yourself into thinking those things are not still going on around you. Seek the Lord Jesus Christ and He will light up the spiritual world around you! That will cause you to seek Him about what is going on!! It will cause you to seeking Him "Today"! You will hear from Him "Today" and so "Today" you will have passed our of condemnation/judgement and into life. The time is come, and that time then is called "Today"!! or perhaps To Day, if you lived and spoke English some hundred of years ago.
Heb 3:7 Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice,
So as for which Bible to use - The Lord had me open and run a Christian bookstore for a couple of years and so I have some familiarity with Bible selection. I even have myself a copy of the 1611 King James Version. It is quite a novelty.
S Iohn V 24 Verily, verily I say vnto you, Hee that heareth my word, & beleeueth on him that sent mee, hath euerlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation : but is passed from death vnto life.
The above is from the 1611 KJV, which of course was the original. Isn't it interesting how language changes with time. I don't write that now, as can be seen. So the Bible like like is the NASB [New American Standard Bible]. It reads in "American" , which happens to me my language! It was, (at the time I had the christian bookstore) considered to be the most accurate word for word translation of any Bible, by Zondervan Publishers. They had put out a massive Bible catalog showing all the Bible available from all the various Christian Publishers at that time, along with lots of useful information to us Christian bookstore owners.
The Lockman Foundation published the NASB and they had gone back and did an extensive study using all the available references of the time, and so was not just a translation of a translation, which indeed even the KJV was. Back in 1611 the KJV was a translation of the Latin version. Our scholars of today have much more to consider. You might enjoy a bit of research about how our Bible came to be. The KJV today is not the original KJV. The original KJV was a translation from the Latin Vulgate, is my understanding. The Latic Vulgate was a translation made by Jerome about 450 AD - but I am going by memory so you will want to double check all that.
The point is that if you are talking to the Lord "Today" and listening to what He has to say to you, then you are not judged or condemned by Him. He doesn't consider the actions you make as "Sin"!! You are "reckon" as righteous in His eyes! Yet He does make you aware of sin in your life - meaning He shows you what those evil spirits of darkness are doing about you and how they are messing you up! However if you think they are not doing that, and that sin (those evil dark forces which are called "dark" because they don't want you knowing what they are doing) then you are just deceiving yourself. And unlike the Lord, you are going to wind up judging other people - like the person struggling with a sexual desire for other people of the same sex.
That person is more likely to understand their problem and struggle than the Pharisee like Saul, who did not think he was sinning