Jesus said if you love me, you will keep my commandments. It is not just about pure obedience, its about love for our Bridegroom.
When we see Christ as our beloved Bridegroom, and we as His cherished Bride perfect in His sight, we will undoubtedly rid ourselves of all sin, and rededicate our lives to loving, and serving our Groom. When we come to the realization of the undying, unending, unexplainable love Christ has for us, we will love Him and others like we did not know was possible.
If we can receive this revelation, of the Bridal Paradigm it will change our lives. If we let this change of perspective root itself in our hearts we will never be the same. Once we know who we are in Christ, the Bride of the King, betrothed to the God that has created all that is, we will remain stedfast, we will crucify our flesh, we will make manifest our Savior, work out our own salvation, purifying ourselves, cleansing ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, we will perfect holiness in the fear of God, we will make ourselves ready for our Bridegroom King. We will adorn ourselves with the righteousness of the saints, clean and white, pure before our God. Sinless, righteous, unblameable, unblemished, without spot or wrinkle. We will shine like the sun, being salt and light to this world, we will walk in all the power, and authority God has always meant for us to walk in. We will happily give up our very lives to remain faithful to our relationship with Him. Once we get this revelation rooted deep in our hearts we will be able to keep God's great commandments to love Him with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength, and love our nieghbors as ourselves. We will be set completely free from the bondage of self and sin, releasing us to fulfill the deepest most heartfelt longing of our hearts which is to stand before God truly pure, totally sinless, completely righteous, wholly holy, fully worthy to be an equally yoked Bride for our Messiah.