- Jul 13, 2012
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You know, JLB, honestly, I was going to reply "I don't have to. The mere fact that God created the heavens and the earth, created a sinful man, (even if you hold the man was holy), the intention of God is clearly found in that in every contact God has made with the man it was HE who initiated the contact, of every person in the Scripture that had a positive relationship with Him - whether it shows that He called the man (or woman) or that if the narrative begins with the person already in positive relationship, the M.O. of God is that every one of these people was called of God to begin with. From Adam to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to David, to Andrew, Peter, Paul, Jesus, and everyone in-between. God has been the One who offered or insisted, or downright pushed salvation on man, and the fact that man did not ask God for saving, or deliverance but God provides salvation in and through Covenant - first in Trinity, second, in Trinity - shows that salvation was God's idea and not man's, and yet man is to be beneficiary of God sacrificing His Right Arm so that those He contemplated in Trinity as saved individuals can and could come to pass in TIME, and the which when TIME is no more, then it's back into Trinity from whence we first were contemplated. But now we'll have bodies!"
And then I thought to myself....hmmmm, that sounds rude. You asked for a Scripture and I don't provide one but instead provide an examination of the first causes of salvation instead.
So, now that you know my spirit in which I choose not to sound rude (it's not rudeness, it's declaratory, straight-up and forthwith without deception without ambiguity, because that's how my Father would respond as well. And since my Father says what He means and means what He says, I, being conformed into the unbroken image of Christ (not Adam) who does the same as His Father, I am under instruction AND command to come at you in the same way - without shadow or turning.
So, let my first thought above be my response, please, and just to let you know, I am not being rude.
Is that Okie-Dokie with you?
Some like the smell of napalm in the morning. Me? I love the sound and experience of HEAT, IMPACT, FRICTION, SOUND, and WONDER when two swords clang!
Ok. So you don’t have a scripture for your statement.
You wouldn’t be the first to believe in unscriptural doctrine.
God bless you.