When you first started calling me on the carpet for not shooting the dog and not shooting anyone ever though there was plenty of justification to do so, I thought it was the strangest thing. It struck me so odd. But it all clicked into place for me this morning. You hate the fact that I didn't shoot the dog or the men. It goes against your life beliefs. I feel stupid I didn't see it right away.
You've been conditioned by action movies & vid games to aspire to be a hero. A killer, but a good guy. You've even attached a holy good man of God moniker below your avatar...Christian.
It is very easy to be angry. It is very easy to feel and act in hatred. But you certainly can not neglect learning to love also. Do you have a heart? Why are you resistant to myself and others talking about Love, God's Love to you? Can you not see the incongruity with that? Why you would not open your heart to love and continue to embrace the anger and bitterness is a mystery to me.
If you are a real Christian then you believe in God and what He did for us. And you know God? Do you understand that Love is the most powerful force in the universe? You have several Brothers & Sisters in Christ here trying to teach you a bit about Love and about God...don't bark at these people! You know, anger may feel powerful within you when it comes over you, but I kid you not, Love is a lot more powerful. It is so powerful that sometimes...everyone walks away unharmed. If you don't believe that, then you don't know God? You have to be teachable. Everyone has a lot to learn. You're making a mistake by responding in anger to us people.
Anger is not a sin. Anyone can feel anger. But a response to anger is what we call rage. Rage is sinful and anti God.
Remember that the enemy is not the enemy in his own eyes; This may offer you an opportunity to make him your friend. If not, you can kill him without hate, and quickly.
(Lazarus Long)