Reading this back and forth dialog reminds me of a story. It's a true story, one I was part of. Not the only one I've been a part of by any means, but one that fits this thread.
As some of you know I spent a career as a police officer in Los Angeles, and I was always a street cop. No desk jobs for me (other than when I was recovering from an injury.) Part of that time I worked in a neighborhood that for some reason attracted a lot of pacifists who had the same and sometimes even more extreme pacifist views on life than those expressed by some of our members here. One of them was a young lady I knew personally because she was a waitress in a restaurant we all ate at almost every night and I had become friends with her.
Late one dark night a call came out on the police radio that a woman in a park was screaming for help and screaming for the police. I was the first to get there and to my surprise there really was a woman screaming somewhere out in the pitch black dark park! (Those kind of calls are either false alarms or by the time you get the call and drive there it's too late almost 100% of the time.) So I go running into the park and guess who I find screaming for help? Yep, the waitress, my friend. To be exact, the scene was so horrific I didn't even realize it was her until it was over. What happened was while she was walking home from work a guy high on Angel Dust grabbed her from the sidewalk, dragged her deep into the park, stripped off most of her clothes and had her pinned on the ground raping her! He had beaten her and thrown her down on the ground where her bare back, rump, and legs were being cut up from some broken glass that happened to be in the grass.
Now think about just that part of it for a minute. How much does a paper cut hurt? Now imagine hundreds of deep gashing cuts being torn into your bare skin as some guy with superhuman drug induced strength grinds your naked body into several pieces of broken glass, and keeps doing it on and on and on as seconds start to feel like minutes and hours and you feel like it's never going to end. And on top of that, your head is pounding from the pain of the blows from his fists, and you are totally and completely unable to do one thing about it. You are overpowered and completely unable to take any kind of control of the nightmare that your evening suddenly became. You feel such shame and revulsion from the things he is doing to you. And this isn't even mentioning the fact that you are being raped all the while too, and that you are sure when he's done he's going to kill you so you can't testify against him. That'll be easy for him to do because you know you are half dead already and can feel the life slipping out of you as every second passes. It's probably not a good idea for me to start describing the details and horror of the actual rape itself on this site, but let's just leave it at from interviewing many victims I probably have a better idea of how horrible it is than do most women who haven't been raped. I could go into a lot more detail, but I know there are people here who don't want to think about it.
So I stopped him. I almost beat him to death with my baton to stop him. Those police batons with the side handle can deliver tremendously powerful blows in the hands of a trained person, and I was well trained in it's use. Because of the drugs in his system, he didn't even stop raping her while I was beating him and all attempts to just pull him off were futile. The drugs were giving him superhuman strength and my last resort before shooting him was to continue hitting him with the baton as hard and as often as I could, even across the head to try to knock him out so he would stop. My fear of shooting him was accidentally shooting the waitress, so I really didn't want to do that. By this time other officers had arrived and we simply wailed on him with our batons until he finally weakened enough that we could pull him off. (Tazers were relatively new and few had them yet, but even those aren't very effective on people high on Angel Dust.) Rodney King only got love taps compared to what we had to do to this guy just to get him to weaken enough that the five of us could finally pull him off of her! That night he came within minutes of dieing in the hospital from the internal injuries we caused.
So what's the point? The point is the second that guy grabbed her on the sidewalk, the waitress was no longer a pacifist! And this was typical of what happens when pacifists are suddenly confronted with a situation where they are in great pain or great fear from what some scumbag is doing to them. (And this is even true of Christians who boldly claim that they will trust in the Lord to save them or just willingly allow themselves to be needlessly killed.) They lay aside their pacifist ideals and scream bloody murder for someone with some kind of rescources or some kind of a weapon to come save them. It happens pretty much EVERY time. I've seen it many more times than I can ever try to list or even remember. Not ONCE did I have a pacifist, after being the victim of a violent crime, tell me "No, don't do anything bad to him, don't try to stop him, I don't mind laying down my life for this violent scumbag of a criminal." No, not ONCE in my entire career did I hear a person who claimed to be a pacifist say that while or after they were victimized. None of those who condemned us for using force to stop violent criminals and preached about how wrong that was were people who had ever been a victim of a truly violent crime where killing the criminal was actually justified. Not one. Those that had the experience of being a victim of a truly violent crime immediately abandoned all their ideals.
I know from real life experience that it's simply just too easy and unrealistic to sit in a comfortable house in front of a nice computer and talk about how all us Christians are supposed to just lay down our lives for the criminals. I've not once seen or heard of one person, Christian or otherwise, who literally and voluntarily did that if and when the opportunity came along. Sure, martyrs were burned a the stake and such things as this. But that was forced on them by tyrannical governments with tyrannical enforcers who didn't exactly give them any more choice than my waitress friend had. None of them walked up to the stake voluntarily to be burned alive! It's a whole shockingly different world when you are suddenly and violently being beaten, shot, raped, or murdered and those ideals go right out the window real fast.