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Church Of England Allows Female Bishops


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If one wants to be the greatest according to what is written (smile) they must become the least.
And look at the amazing women that Kathi pointed in out post 52 that did that through the example of their humble service. And we have loved and respected them for it through all of history since then, not looked down on them for it.

Consider the woman who anointed Jesus out of her love for him. She was purposely given the honor of being mentioned wherever the gospel was to be preached in the world (Mark 14:9). Now, would you rather be a popular and recognized pastor and leader of the church, or someone who Jesus purposely picks out to be honored through all of history along with him in the gospel story. I know which one is the greater honor. And he gave that honor to a woman!

(By the way, Kathi. My spell checker says you are misspelling your name. :lol )
What does that have to do with today? I don't dispute Paul would not choose women as bishops or whatever title you want to state. (Pastor) I think you can find women in ministry and leaders in all walks of life. So you state females can do all things but be a Pastor? I think better yet show me the command from the Lord that states its forbidden. If so then any place of leadership over men would be a sin. I don't think that is the case. If Jesus issued such a command I think He would tell those He loves so that they would not sin. What is lawful then is not seen by me in terms of error. I think the Lord leaves it up to the church to choose their own leaders. Some churches allow that selection to be both male or female. Others are not able to accept that but that doesn't make it a sin.
The way I see this is if it's in the Bible it is Jesus words. If the Bible is God's word then the words that Paul spoke in the Bible are there because God wanted them to be.
I found an interesting article that talks about women presbyteries in the early church and when that position was officially eliminated in AD344. We see them mentioned in Paul's writings. But this article mentions historical writings including Polycarp and others.
I read this and it says women in charge of other women in need, not men.
The writer even says not men.
Never is there mention of leadership over a church, including men.
I read this and it says women in charge of other women in need, not men.
The writer even says not men.
Never is there mention of leadership over a church, including men.

And I didn't say anything about them being over men. Just that there was an actual position of authority in the church, that they were women and they had a title. :shrug Just facts.

My own opinion looking at Paul's teachings were that these were the older women who were responsible for teaching the younger women.
The way I see this is if it's in the Bible it is Jesus words. If the Bible is God's word then the words that Paul spoke in the Bible are there because God wanted them to be.
This all started in the Garden of Eden.
God put Adam in charge.
He was responsible for the woman.
When they sinned, God asked Adam first what had happened.
In Genesis 3:16, God said to the woman, "your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you".
In Genesis 3:17, God starts out talking to Adam by saying, "Because you listened to your wife.....".
God set the order of things here.
This all started in the Garden of Eden.
God put Adam in charge.
He was responsible for the woman.
When they sinned, God asked Adam first what had happened.
In Genesis 3:16, God said to the woman, "your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you".
In Genesis 3:17, God starts out talking to Adam by saying, "Because you listened to your wife.....".
God set the order of things here.
Right and it doesn't mean that women don't have any power over men. Men's attraction to women is something very powerful.
The way I see this is if it's in the Bible it is Jesus words. If the Bible is God's word then the words that Paul spoke in the Bible are there because God wanted them to be.

(Edited, CF.Net doctrinal statement: "We believe that the Bible is inspired by God in its entirety", ToS 2.1 "We consider Paul's writings to be part of the inspired Word of God. This is a Christian forum and any posting(s) that is intended to purposely distort Paul's writings will not be tolerated." Obadiah.)

As with men there are women who are natural as leaders and teachers. So its not a gender thing. People are diverse in their skill sets. Isn't it written that all are one in Christ Jesus? Peter wouldn't even have gone into a gentile house but the Lord had different plans. We are not under law.

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This all started in the Garden of Eden.
God put Adam in charge.
He was responsible for the woman.
When they sinned, God asked Adam first what had happened.
In Genesis 3:16, God said to the woman, "your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you".
In Genesis 3:17, God starts out talking to Adam by saying, "Because you listened to your wife.....".
God set the order of things here.

But God put us all under Jesus. Vows are taken to the Lord. Not men or women. And the command I read is for all to honor their Father and Mother. Somehow I missed the command "honor your husband". The command is Love one another.

No we are not under the law Randy we are in the New Testament where it says..

I Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Jesus makes it very clear here and that's not imo its the word of God..

In the world there are natural leaders and teachers as you say but Jesus said we are not of this world anymore we are in the body of Christ which has absolutely nothing to do with this world

No we are not under the law Randy we are in the New Testament where it says..

I Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Jesus makes it very clear here and that's not imo its the word of God..

In the world there are natural leaders and teachers as you say but Jesus said we are not of this world anymore we are in the body of Christ which has absolutely nothing to do with this world


I know my Lord. He would never tell someone to remain silent for the sole reason of gender. His command to us is to love one another and to treat people like they want to be treated. And by the way with equal schooling and "bibles for all to read" its a different age. (Edited, CF.Net doctrinal statement: "We believe that the Bible is inspired by God in its entirety", ToS 2.1 "We consider Paul's writings to be part of the inspired Word of God. This is a Christian forum and any posting(s) that is intended to purposely distort Paul's writings will not be tolerated." Obadiah.)

But I tell you if Jesus did direct such a command I would not be moved from that position. I don't believe HE did.

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But God put us all under Jesus. Vows are taken to the Lord. Not men or women. And the command I read is for all to honor their Father and Mother. Somehow I missed the command "honor your husband". The command is Love one another.

1 Peter 3:1; NIV
"Wives, respect and obey your husbands...".
1 Peter 3:1; NIV
"Wives, respect and obey your husbands...".

What if as a woman your church leaders approach your husband and tell him they want you to teach the next Bible study class or even want you to pastor the congregation and your husband tells you he wants you to take the position. Should the wife obey him?
What if as a woman your church leaders approach your husband and tell him they want you to teach the next Bible study class or even want you to pastor the congregation and your husband tells you he wants you to take the position. Should the wife obey him?
Are you asking me as your spiritual leader?
That is a mean question Deborah13 :hysterical
Three moderators are at the doctor for memory tests. The doctor says to the first moderator , “What is three times three?”
“274,” was his reply.
The doctor says to the second moderator, “It’s your turn. What is three times three?”
“Tuesday,” replies the second moderator.
The doctor says to the third moderator, “Okay, your turn. What’s three times three?”
“Nine,” says the third moderator.
“That’s great!” says the doctor. “How did you get that?”
“Simple,” says the third moderator. “I subtracted 274 from Tuesday.”
Say Randy the word of God stays the same in any age..

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.



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