Cut and dry short answer: It depends, which is to say we need discernment. That is not to say there are not rules for discernment, said rules (hermenutics) being fallible as they are set by man to a large degree; but that seems to be the best we've got.
Very good answer in my opinion. It shows your wisdom.
I am glad for you that Joel was of benefit to you. But bad people can cause good things to happen (
Genesis 50:20) so this information, does not persuade me to think much of the man.
Aren’t we all bad? Perhaps it’s all a matter of emphasis and perspective? After all, some call OSAS heretical. While I do not ascribe to Joel’s teaching, God did use Joel in my recovery. I will give credit where credit is due and share truth from wherever I find it.
That being said, I find @for_his_glory theological knowledge to be superior to most men.
Yes indeed. I am thankful and blessed to have her as an Admin on this site.
The most qualified man or woman should teach,
And for me, this strikes at the heart of the matter. I do hope I can tie this in without it sounding awkward and not getting verbose.
13 For Adam was formed first [by God from the earth], then Eve; 14 and it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was led astray and fell into sin.
There is so much in Jewish writings, it is very hard to pinpoint his deeper understanding of this verse. We can get some insight as Paul was under ,
Gamaliel, who was the grandson of the infamous Hillel. Side note, Hillel was more in line with Jesus than Shamia with the exception of divorce. So we can dig a bit on Hillel teaching on these passages to get a better understanding of Paul’s theology.
What we do know is this. Paul writes elsewhere that Adam willfully disobeyed, but Eve was deceived. This indicates that Adam knowingly ate when he knew better. I do believe it is safe to assume that the men who were teaching in Corinth knew the truth, but Paul understands how men work. As an example, Solomon had many wives and was led astray. He even had his own children offered in the fire to Chemosh.
I do not know why men are like this, but we are, and it is from this perspective I believe Paul is writing from.
I do not believe Paul is making a broad stroke of the brush here. I believe, in part that Paul is saying something to this accord. A woman in error, much like Eve should not have authority over a man, like Adam who knows better. Why? Because she would teach him the wrong thing... As men, we need to be the spiritual leaders in our homes, and in our churches.
Have you seen the wild kingdom documentaries on the Savanah where the Lions lay around while the lionesses do all the work? I think nature is trying to tell us something. Some men will be lazy if the woman continues to do the work.
sadly, this is true for many homes. Men don’t read their Bibles, but women do. Men need to step up.