True. And yet, if we see a blind person about to walk in front of a truck because another blind person has them tethered to a rope that has, "leader", embossed upon it, do we allow that blind person being led to continue on their path?
Or do we cut the rope?
To put this evil one to whom Parsley refers into context when he speaks of writing a check for 3 million dollars here,
read this so as to put
that evil one into context. Parsley, who claims he had nothing to do with what transpired so as to make that check, a settlement check, necessary, is referring to a child. Who's family sued after their son was beaten severely by an alleged substitute teacher at Parsley's church school.
Excerpt from that read this link:
The proximate cause of Parsley's trouble, it seems, is a $3 million deficit for the fourth quarter and a $3.1 million legal settlement over a 2006 incident in which a two-year-old child in a Parsley-affiliated daycare center was spanked so hard that his "buttocks and legs were covered with welts and abrasions":
The boy, then 2, said he was spanked with a "knife" by a substitute teacher. His parents, Michael and Lacey Faieta, believe it was a ruler.... The Faietas said Parsley refused to meet personally with them and that the church did not apologize or take accountability for the beating.... Mr. Faieta said he and his wife were "disgusted" and "saddened" by Parsley's words.
I kid you not. Years ago I was driving in Tampa and had occasion to get into a left turn lane so as to enter route 275 from a city street on-ramp. As I approached that intersection where my turn was, I had to blink and realize what I was looking at.
A young girl in a dress, wearing wrap around sunglasses and holding a cane, the style used by the blind, was standing on the island on the right side of an incredibly busy street, that which I was on and making my left into the turn lane, while holding onto the post of the stop light beside her. In the island across from this girl where the other light was that indicated to my lane that left turn, was the young girls
guide! Standing there at the end of what was a painted pedestrian cross walk that ended at her feet and that island where she stood.
This woman had left her blind charge on the other side of the intersection!
Taking all this in, God let it be so that the signal light in the through way traffic lanes, three lanes, turned red, stopping three lanes of bumper to bumper traffic. While my left turn lane turned green as I approached. I took the left, veered to the right onto the shoulder beneath the overpass of 275, threw my car in park and ran back across that busy street to the blind girl. Who was still there even though the light had changed so that her guide could make her way back to her.
By that time the light was green again and we waited together for another change as I introduced myself and told her I'd help her across to her guide.
I did this and then I got in my car and proceeded on my way after a brief conversation with the guide to make sure the girl was OK and on her way to the houses just across the way.
Until this moment, this thread, I never really understood how God could let a scene like that come to my attention. How does a blind girls guide make her way alone and without her charge and across a busy intersection? Leaving the blind girl alone at an intersection she had no way of crossing unassisted? How do they do that and find themselves trusted to ever lead again?:
I'd have talked the girl to her home if she'd have let me, because I didn't trust the guide. But the young girl insisted it was alright to leave her there with the older woman.
Who it turned out was her mother.
Jesus said:
Matthew 15
13 But He answered and said,
“Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.
Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.”