No. I think it's purpose is to command the Israelites to worship in a literal prescribed manner. A literal manner of worship according to temple, priesthood, and sacrifice that we now know has been replaced by a New Covenant of worship according to a new Temple, Priesthood, and Sacrifice. This is plainly taught in Hebrews. Plainly. The old way of worship was set aside as being no longer needed because of the appearance of the NEW Covenant of Temple, Priesthood, and Sacrifice through which the people of God would now relate in Covenant with God.
I have no argument with this. It's a shame the church was taught that any and all acknowledgement of the law is a sin. But that adapting pagan practices and time tables for worship of Yahweh is not. What is true, though, that it is no longer necessary as a matter of commanded law to worship God according to the old system. You don't HAVE too, anymore. That doesn't mean you categorically can't and shouldn't. It means it's no longer a matter of covenant law, punishable by death, to not worship according to Moses.
Actually, even the law rejecting church 'keeps' the requirements of, for example, the Passover, when they believe in Jesus Christ. They just don't know that they are (speaking generally of the Church, of course).
And I'm in complete agreement with you that the church's doctrinal beliefs about the law of Moses does actually abolish it and replace it with a new law. But to say that belief has them categorically and without exception not fulfilling various requirements of the law of Moses would be completely false. As I've shown, faith in Christ, whether a believer realizes it or not, does in fact satisfy God's requirement for a Day of Atonement, and a Passover, etc. Just not literally as you insist it MUST be fulfilled, but which is shown to not be true right from the pages of our NT.
Well, they obviously do not remember the work of Christ through the literal Mosaic law. There's no debate about that. And I honestly can't think of a single reason why the church should not have continued to remember the work of Christ through the literal ceremonial law. What better way to commemorate and honor the work of Christ illustrated by the Mosaic worship stipulations than to actually use the illustrations to do that. (I can hear the gasps of 'heresy!', 'blasphemy!' right now, lol).
I have no problem with using the actual illustration of removing leaven from your house to bolster the reminder that, now that Christ our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed, we should now 'keep' the Feast of Unleavened Bread that immediately follows the Passover by ridding the 'house' of our body of the leaven of sin (the lesson taught by the illustration is obvious). Especially if one needs that kind of visual reminder.
No problem with me about that. Just don't now make it MANDATORY that all believers MUST now do that, or else be sinning. You can not sin in regard to a literal old covenant worship stipulation that has been replaced by a NEW covenant worship stipulation.