- Jul 13, 2012
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This is a great question, and I believe while it does mean "life forever," and certainly carries that connotation in many places. I believe it also carries a qualitative meaning in many places as well, having eternal life isn't just about immortality, it is a quality of life. More specifically, it pertains to a quality of life that is in the age to come, and that future age and life comes into this age and we become part of the New Creation. Where we have no need for a priest in the Temple to mediate with God on our behalf, but we have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us. He is a down payment, Paul says, of our future inheritance which of course is not some vague inheritance but rather the world. The future world where Heaven and Earth become one and we shall reign with Christ over the nations.
So to put it simply, I would say eternal life is to know God and have deep and real relationship, where the world of the future comes into the present to be a light to the world.
This is from my post 172 -
agree, for the most part with this statement, as Jesus said -
the righteous into eternal life.
Jesus made a distinction as to who would be granted eternal life, and who would not.
The righteous would be granted eternal life.
And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." Matthew 25:46
However, I ask you to consider that eternal life also has an element of quality to it as opposed to everlasting [eternal] death.
Eternal life is knowing the True God. John 17:11
Eternal death would then be, not knowing God.
Eternal death would not necessarily be; "cease to exist", but rather "cease to be connected" to God, or existing in a state of being without the experience of being connected to God.
I see eternal life as a quality of existence.
I see everlasting punishment or everlasting destruction or death, as the lack of quality of existence.
You might say that the inner man or spirit man of a person is constructed from God and is eternal, and will continue to exist in one place or another, with a quality or lack of quality of their existence.