- Aug 16, 2015
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We have a nice, new member that has posted the following in the forum for New Members.
I have his permission to move it to here because I found it so interesting.
I'd have a few questions for both Seasoned by Grace, our new member, and all the participants:
1. Is it important to know church history?
I think in general history is important, and it is important for society as a whole more then it is for individuals who are interested. What I mean by this is that if history is part of our culture then our actions can learn from it as a whole. However there is also a warning I have for history. I have this warning because I'm not a scholar or a history buff,mand don't know how to sift through the good stuff from the crap made up. The warning is that there is crap that is untrue and deceitful. Double standards and misinformation that is through it all. I read a book on the history of Bethleham which was interesting and gave an account that was not pretty for any of the main characters in history. The book also seemed to openly voice squabbles with other historians, and to interpreted modern times a very specific way politically (when it got to modern times). That was a bit of a wake up call, because when studing history, who's version of history are you studying.
Therefore while I think history as a subject is important as a whole, I think there are more important things to hold to as our foundations and not get lost sifting through. Indivually speaking it's not important for everyone to study history, but it is important for enough people to study it and have that information as part of our culture.
2. How, or what, can make us feel secure when standing before God (even in this life)
I wish I knew. All I can say is to hope on God and think of Him as a loving Father, like your own dad or like a good dad that you've met who loves his kids. That kind of example is the best I have for getting past the mountians of "how to"s that state being a Christian means doing this and not that. It's the best because when I look at my dad, I know he wants me to succeed, and not to fail. I have to hope on God to be like that and even more so is on our side trying to encourage us, even while trying to make us mature.
3. In light of Matthew 7:21, who are the few that will find the narrow gate?
21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "
What can we do to earn our salvation,mand who can do it? To do it through works I think of it like being a monk who lets go of all ties to the world to live in seculusion and not let temptation come into his life. And I'm not sure that would be enough, nor that this is what is asked for by Jesus. To do it through study and finding the narrow path seems just as difficult as it would to remove yourself from society, because there is so much to study and get lost in. Many scholars and professors who make a life out of studying don't agree with eachother. So this might not be the narrow path either, nor again is it what Jesus seemed to say.
Although I would say both of those are important for everyone to do in their own lives, I think the narrow path is Jesus Himself. That's at least my current thought. Nothing we can do can earn us our way to heaven, but Jesus already walked that narrow way and made it open for any of us to follow by just following Jesus and believing on Him. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. And perhaps that also means He is the narrow way as well. The Narow path. This might seem to be the broad path until you talk to a person who doesn't believe in God nor in Jesus. Then after talking to them you might see the blessing of finding Jesus, because many don't even find the narrow path, and never find Jesus. Follow Him and cling to Him so that we don't fall off the path or lose our way.