lol i noticed you only answered part of the question with I believe sigh in some denoms your not joining the the body of christ as per salvation. your saying you want to be part of that local assembly .. in most cases church membership is used to help keep order and conduct business with in the local assembly. some use church boards ..some allow the deacons to run the church....
I am not sure what you are saying that I am saying, so I will say again what I am saying ;)
You and others claim the CoC has a doctrine of their own, and I said they do not, they go by the Bible as their doctrine and conduct their worship as close to the way the NT Church did as they can, the first century Church did not have a "board" or any other body to keep their assemblies in "order" (other than the Apostles and their teachings which is now our Bible).
If in fact all that was "all Bible" (and some of them I would argue they are not) then why have them? you have demonstrated man made doctrine used to tell man what God really means... you have shown exactly the same thing that the serpent did in the Garden when he told Eve what God meant...your confusing the 2 .. ok i read A Short Confession of Faith, in Twenty Articles. guess what i agree its all Bible in fact for the most it lines up with what the general baptist believe . i am attempting to get you to remove the religious eye glasses you wear. once again everyone else that i know hold the same truths. Church membership and salvation are separate joining a church or being baptized does not make any body a Christian...
this is general baptist Articles of Faith { you will note its all Bible}
If your confession of faith is Bible, then why do you need it other than for men to follow men and not God, leading to "Contradicting Beliefs".
NO, if there is only one true body of Christ, how could all these other bodies be the one body? the body has many members, it does not have many bodies...i am not promoting G.B doctrine. as there are others besides baptist that are members of the Body of Christ . my question to you...is other Church denominations recognized as being part of the Body of Christ--- redeemed blood bought born again children of God. by you or church of Christ? YES or NO
I did not say the CoC doesn't have a doctrine, I said they don't have a man made doctrine like the article of faith you just posted earlier... they have the same doctrine that the apostles taught, the doctrine of Christ (a.k.a. the NT Bible)sorry to burst your Bible but church of christ has a doctrine --Doctrine (from Latin: doctrina) is a codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions, taught principles or positions, as the body of teachings in a branch of knowledge or belief system. The Greek analogue is the etymology of catechism.[ :shocked! so much for that theory of c o c no doctrine![]()