The Bible...
the whole context of the Bible, not parts of the Bible NOT rightly divided out from the whole.[/quote}
I am not familiar where the bible says worship as singing does not matter. No point in the bible gving instructions about singing as in Eph 5 or for the bible to say whatever you do, do all in the name of the lord, that is, do by the lord's authority if it did not really matter.
jethro Bodine said:
You're over simplifying things. You have a legalistic view of this. There are things that directly affect the matter of being saved or not. Then there are things that affect the quality of life of the believer within salvation. Then there are things that God simply has not given much, if any, guidance about, which don't affect salvation in any way shape or form--maybe the quality of one's Christian experience to some extent, or maybe not at all. As we grow up in our salvation we learn to discern which category various things belong in. Some non-essential things may even differ believer to believer. A big step in Christian maturity for me personally was learning to recognize this truth.
The "legalism" argument is a dead, bad argument. Nowhere did God ever condemn anyone for strickly following His laws, but He condemned many for not following his laws. The bible calls those that follow what God says righteous not legalists. If one did not have follow what God says abot music he would not have to follow what God says about anything meaning one cannot be a legalists about his beleif in faith only.
jethro bodine said:
Because of what I just said. Not all things affect salvation.
Does obedience/righteousness or disobedience/unrighteousness to what God said affect salvation? Yes.
All I see so far is you are trying to determine for me and others what matters and does not matter...."And whatsoever ye do (includes worship as singing) in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus..." You are telling me it does not matter if it is in the name of the Lord Jesus. In the name of means by His authority and you are telling me somethings do not matter and do not need His authority.
jethro bodine said:
No. That's not what I said, nor was I even suggesting that.
You did not say those exact words but that is what you implied.
Your exact words were "You will find saved people in and among ALL denominations."
It is a fact that denominations contradict each other in what they believe including contradicting each other as to how one is saved. So if people from ALL these various contradicting denominations are saved they are being saved in contradicting ways. And if all these denominations are supposedly going by the bible then that implies the bible contradicts itself as to how one is saved.
jethro bodine said:
It's impossible to think any one group of 'Christians' is composed of only saved believers. There are false believers in every denomination. And, believe it or not, there are true believers in false denominations. There are believers who secretly don't believe everything their denomination teaches. What church you go to, or what denominational beliefs you most closely align yourself with DOES NOT IN AND OF ITSELF DETERMINE IF YOU ARE SAVED OR NOT.
there is no such thing as different groups of Christians with contradicting beleifs. The bible in facts condemns division and conflicting beliefs, Jesus prayed against such in the garden.
jethro bodine said:
Faith in the blood of Christ to remove sin guilt and replace it with God's righteousness is the ONLY thing that counts towards justification. What you want to argue is what are the expected and obligatory behaviors of justifying faith? Baptism? By submersion? Saturday worship? Short hair? Long hair? No hair (thank you very much)? Guitar music? Piano music? Voices only? Believing in predestination? Pre-trib/ post trib? The list goes on.
You see, most of the things the church likes to argue about are not matters that signify whether a person has saving faith in Christ or not. And we sure love to judge other people about whether they really have that faith or not. Especially when we are new in the faith. My journey down this road has led me to discern true salvation by the presence of the fruit of the Spirit, and not so much external things like worship. Which is really what Jesus meant when he said 'you will know them by their fruit'. I could say a lot about this, but if the church would learn that the fruit of the Spirit is the 'tell all' about those in the church false leaders and sheep would quickly be exposed for who and what they are. Instead, we mistakenly rely on charisma and doctrine to do that.
All I am trying to point out in this thread is that various religious groups contradict each other as to how one is saved. And since they contradict each other and the bible doesnot then these gruoupsCANNOT all be right about salvation and therefore cannot all be Christians.
Does the bible contradict itself? no
Do these groups contradict each other? Yes
Therefore it isnot possible at all they are all going by the bible and therefore cannot all be saved. God's truth is not found in contradictions.
What is the point in me trying to explain to "joe" that a person is saved by "x" when "Joe" believes a person can be saved in many different ways. "Joe" is going to first have to realize there is just ONE way to be saved and salvation is not found in various contradicting ways. Once "Joe" is willing to face this reality then maybe 'Joe' will be willing to learn the one way the bible teaches.