Childeye, The Holy Spirit uses the Bible (the word) to speak and teach us the truths of God's will...If we "ignore" this "Spiritual manual" we then, starve ourselves of Spiritual "enlightenment..." The word says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Have you read the "entire" Bible??? If so, you must "continue" to read it the rest of your life...That pertains to believers and those who are "seeking" to believe...
Yes Grubal it is true the Holy Sprit uses scripture. Don't see what I've said that would lead you to think that I believe otherwise. Perhaps you misunderstand my point. As Jesus said God reveals things to mere children what He hides from the wise and prudent, it is clear to me that He can reveal great things to those who can't even read. It is better to humble ones self and trust the Holy Spirit to make sure you know what God needs you to know, when you need to know it.
So, I believe Jesus when he says, all the laws and prophets can be summed up in two commandments Love your neighbor as yourself and Love God with all you heart mind and soul. It is true.