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Another question: Do infected people have the right to kill others by infecting them?

Treating people like they are infected with a contagious disease and forcing them to be on home detention when it's not even a fact they have a contagious disease is not cool. Coming home to your home country and being treated like that.

I'm sure some would be happy to do it anyhow but the government loves to force things on people.
They should be tested to find out for sure.

Exactly. I understand why they want to do it, but it s the wrong way and should be done at bio security entry point, you pass the test your in, your infected your in isolation.

It's just unfair on many people. In isolation for nothing, they should get compensated if found clean and forced to isolate.

How are they going to enforce it as well.
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America let the numbers get too high?

I have spoken about bio security for the last few years around the whole wall and boarder debate and I always mentioned bio security and why bio security is important why people cannot just enter the country illegally and why boarders need a wall and to be shut sometimes, and I got seen as a joke and racist.
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Because the government here is forcing people who come to the country into isolation for 2 weeks, that includes returning citizens and those who live here, I'm trying to figure out if the government are going to pay all there power bills, deliver them food, and cover there lost salaries.

If I was forced into isolation against my choice for two weeks I would expect food delivered, my power bill payed, and lost wages for two weeks as a minimum.
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The majority of cases has been those who have travelled to an outbreak area or on the same airplane as someone who has been to an outbreak area.
Meaning that the airports are a source of transmission around the world. Just working in an airport is a high risk job for catching this thing.

Symptoms can appear in as little as two days or as long as 10 days... usually within 6 days for the vast majority. The 14 days is because of a margin of safety is needed. Your average guy (who feels absolutely fine) is going to infect at least 2 others.

Those cases in which people didn't travel, did ordinary things, but yet came up sick are the most troubling. It usually means that they caught it in their community.

Most of the initial cases were men over the age of 40 but under was first thought that women and younger people couldn't catch it...but later results showed this not to be the case.
Even here in the is predominantly older men that have gotten sick first.
It trickles down to the thirty somethings...but it takes time. About two weeks.

These two week isolations are perfect for identifying the sick and continuing to isolate them.
Does the government have a right to force people to self isolate for two weeks?. Imagine coming back to your home country and you have to self isolate for two weeks because someone you don't even know said so.

I don't even know how far it goes, I mean is no one else allowed in the house or if there are people they live with because that's normal then they have to lock themselves in a room?.

Forced by the government to be in self isolation for 2 weeks. How boring, it would be like prison, maybe more boring you don't even have a ping pong table and anyone to play with, punished for doing nothing wrong.

Some criminals on home detention have ancle braclets on and cannot leave there house. What's the difference.

Ten days ago, my neighbor and his wife went to Sweden to attend their son's wedding. From there they traveled to Denmark to visit his wife's parents and other family. Their plans were to celebrate my neighbor's wife's mother's birthday tomorrow. Nobody was experiencing any symptoms and nobody to their knowledge was infected at the time, but, they ended up cutting their visit short by five days because they didn't want to risk transmitting the virus by gathering together.

Yesterday, I talked to my neighbor and asked him if they had to be tested before they got on the plane or after they arrived stateside. He said they did not but it was recommended that they consider self quarantine for two weeks because if they did somehow contract the virus, they should experience symptoms within that time frame.

They were not ordered to do this but having been in close quarters with many others in the plane and in the interest of reducing the risk to others they have chosen to self quarantine and not attend our church worship service today. Our congregation is an older group and most would fall into the high risk category. I told him that if they need anything from town like grocery items and such to let me know and I would be happy to assist.

The choice to self quarantine is a loving, caring thing to do.
A virus can spread by numerous means. First, it is airborne so it is not necessary to have direct contact. Just being in a room with an infected person puts one at risk. It can be spread by body fluids. When a person coughs, sneezes, or sweats the person releases fluids from the body and if these fluids come into contact, the virus can spread.

The contact can be either direct or indirect. For example, if I am carrying the virus and I sneeze and some of my bodily fluids land on a hand-railing, the virus is now present on the handrail. Just me touching the handrail leaves potentially contaminated sweat from my hands. Anyone that would touch that handrail while the virus is still alive could become infected.
A virus can spread by numerous means. First, it is airborne so it is not necessary to have direct contact. Just being in a room with an infected person puts one at risk. It can be spread by body fluids. When a person coughs, sneezes, or sweats the person releases fluids from the body and if these fluids come into contact, the virus can spread.

The contact can be either direct or indirect. For example, if I am carrying the virus and I sneeze and some of my bodily fluids land on a hand-railing, the virus is now present on the handrail. Just me touching the handrail leaves potentially contaminated sweat from my hands. Anyone that would touch that handrail while the virus is still alive could become infected.
The virus remains viable:
Airborne for 3 hours
on paper surfaces (money, Cardboard, mail) for 24 hours.
Copper...only 4 hours
Plastic or stainless steel...3-4 days.

So...rubbing your nose on any handrails isn't a good idea.
People don't realize how much we do out of habit that can be a problem in times like this. I was watching a video a couple days ago where a health worker was talking about some of the steps we need to take to avoid spreading or possibly contracting the virus. She spoke of things like shaking hands due to sweat, touching handrails and other objects, handing things to one another, touching our face, etc. But, when she got to the bottom of the page of her written speech, she inadvertently touched her tongue before turning the page. This is something we do habitually and without forethought and proves how easily we can forget.

A little self-awareness, caution, and due diligence can go a long way to slowing this virus. If my neighbor asks me to pick up groceries for them, I will wear gloves when handling the products so that if I happen to be carrying the virus, I will be less likely to spread it to them while they are in quarantine and I will not enter their home lest I contaminate their home or they contaminate me.
More like Livestream and Zoom and other means
Actually the word ,or nomenclature wood be jliss suit and m42 .

Pastor gonna stream from his house ,with worship from each player ,playing his instrument in their house?
People don't realize how much we do out of habit that can be a problem in times like this. I was watching a video a couple days ago where a health worker was talking about some of the steps we need to take to avoid spreading or possibly contracting the virus. She spoke of things like shaking hands due to sweat, touching handrails and other objects, handing things to one another, touching our face, etc. But, when she got to the bottom of the page of her written speech, she inadvertently touched her tongue before turning the page. This is something we do habitually and without forethought and proves how easily we can forget.

A little self-awareness, caution, and due diligence can go a long way to slowing this virus. If my neighbor asks me to pick up groceries for them, I will wear gloves when handling the products so that if I happen to be carrying the virus, I will be less likely to spread it to them while they are in quarantine and I will not enter their home lest I contaminate their home or they contaminate me.
Wearing gloves at the store is a great idea...coughing and sneezing shoppers have likely contaminated all the packaging on the goods on the shelves.
Removing the gloves before you touch your face is an even better idea.
A virus can spread by numerous means. First, it is airborne so it is not necessary to have direct contact. Just being in a room with an infected person puts one at risk.

In China, they made everyone wear masks while in public. New cases are now rare there.

In the USA, it is extremely difficult for Americans to buy masks. Amazon has put unavailable on their website. The CDC recommends that anyone coughing should wear masks when if they have to go out in public, but how do they do this if they can't find any?

The USA should ramp manufacturing of masks.
...I always mentioned bio security and why bio security is important...

Yes, it is. Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy test that airport screeners can use to identify biothreats. The best that they have come up with is taking people's forehead temperature, and watching people to find out if they are coughing. This system catches few biothreats. They need research to develop much better airport and port testing.