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Fair.enpugh, our dictator PM wants to force people to self isolate for 2 weeks, who gave her the right to tell people they cannot have there freedom and socialise with others and must be stuck in a house like a criminal on home detention.

It's New Zealand...I have no idea about your Constitution or politics or freedoms.

Here in Nashville TN USA our Mayor asked/demanded that a section of town's bars close for a few weeks...they told him to stuff it. They aren't going to close.

But soon our President may shut down areas just like China or Italy did.
Nashville may be one of those areas.
I won't be able to go to work if that happens.

We might get quarantined from going to the store and getting groceries. Military and police will fill the streets. Martial Law be in effect.

It's not definite yet...
But it's a possibility.
1) Ask why we can't compete in the long run, and how to fix it.

2) During wartime and other national emergencies production is converted over to needed material, regardless. During WWII the factories converted over to make tanks and such didn't do it for long run profit.
A declaration of war is a totally different situation. The fate of the entire country is at stake and there are provisions in the constitution that go into effect including things like diverting existing processes toward supplying the military and rationing others like living essentials, raw materials, and food for all non-military personnel to meet that demand.
It's New Zealand...I have no idea about your Constitution or politics or freedoms.

Here in Nashville TN USA our Mayor asked/demanded that a section of town's bars close for a few weeks...they told him to stuff it. They aren't going to close.

But soon our President may shut down areas just like China or Italy did.
Nashville may be one of those areas.
I won't be able to go to work if that happens.

We might get quarantined from going to the store and getting groceries. Military and police will fill the streets. Martial Law be in effect.

It's not definite yet...
But it's a possibility.

A normal correct way of thinking without being a fascist would be, if you think you are infected or have been around people who were, then you should isolate yourself.

The governments way of thinking is, we are forcing you to self isolate yourself for two weeks against your choice by law, even there is no fact you are infected or have been around any infected person, so you must self isolate yourself like a criminal on home detention even you have done nothing wrong, you cannot even sleep in the same bed as your wife, or hug your children, or go in public space, your banned.
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China failed to close it's boarder and contain the virus back in November, silenced journalists reporting, and critics disappeared.

They should be held responsible. All countries debt to China should be wiped. Give them nothing.
A US war with China would not go well. So the US converts all their manufacturing to wartime. Oh wait....

Yes, manufacturing equates to global military and economic power. The USA is being invaded by 19, and can't build enough masks or tests to protect the American people. Its time to make US manufacturing competitive on the global market again. Once upon a time the USA produced 50% of global GDP all by itself, when manufacturing was done here. Now the US is #2 in PPP GDP, and moving backward.

Bank and lobby central planning of the economy is just as inefficient as previous experiments with central planning. Bring back free market capitalism.
I agree, that is why terrorists are called enemy forces, they are a pest and disease and should never be released from prison and be in solitary confinement.

Agreed. Anyone violent should be locked up, and the key thrown away. Violence is not acceptable.

South Korea can test 10,000 per day for 19. The US has not tested 10,000 yet in total. Even Vietnam has tested more people than the USA has. America has become a banana republic due to bank and lobby central planning of the economy. Americans can't even buy masks to protect themselves with, like people can in other nations. The only thing Americans are allowed to do is wash their hands with soap. Are they kidding? Soap won't protect people if the shoppers and cashiers at the supermarket are coughing like crazy.
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