- Apr 22, 2013
- 1,294
- 140
What do we do when some people say evolution is a fact and others say it is a lie? There are many scientists that will say its a fact and have a lot of evidence to support their claim Darwin was right. There are some scientists that say it's a lie and have evidence to support their claimDarwin was wrong. Shall we appeal to a higher authority? Or perhaps would the quality of the evidence be weighed? I wonder what the piles of evidence will look like 30 years from now. ;)
Two scientists meet to have a discussion. One scientist brings a bag of assumptions, the other brings a bag of facts. It's obvious which bag is bigger (endless assumptions) and which scientist would run out of material first (facts). But does burying someone with endless assumptions really accomplishing anything? Perhaps we should let the facts speak to us.
For example: A Dinosaur fossil with soft tissue was discovered.
It's assumed they went extinct millions of years ago. Soft tissue doesn't last more than a few thousand years. Why would anyone ignore what is known about decomposition in exchange for assumptions?
Another example:
The history of most fossil species include two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1) Stasis - most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear;morphological change is usually limited and directionless; 2) Sudden appearance - in any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and 'fully formed'.-Stephen Jay Gould Harvard professor, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science, "Evolution's Erratic Pace",Natural History, vol. 86, May 1977.
MOST leave the record looking much the same as when they entered. If Gould had any commitment to truth he would have acknowledged Darwinian evolution did not happen, instead he exposed his commitment to . Should we ignore this fact and bury it with assumptions?
ENCODE discovered 80% of the genome has biological function. ID was right, evolution was wrong.
I was reading about Olaus Roemer, and his boss Jean-Dominique Cassini. Seems Olaus was hired to be assistant but made a discovery, that light does not travel instantaneously. His boss who held to the established belief light was instantaneous, predicted when IO would come from behind Jupiter, and Olaus predicted his boss was wrong by 10 minutes. Turns out Olaus was correct and his boss was wrong. As we know light is not instantaneous. Cassini never accepted that idea, in spite of the evidence he held to the established belief.
Dr Eugenie Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education, has spent almost 30 years doing everything she can to keep creationism and Intelligent Design Theory from being taught in public schools. In spite of her efforts, she says 20-25% of biology teachers, not math teachers, not english teachers, but 20-25% of biology teachers believe in Intelligent Design Theory. She didn't say where she got that figure. I couldn't find anything on teachers, but gallop polls for the public indicate a sharp decline in theistic evolution, a sharp rise in creationism, and flat line for evolution.
There's a reason 20-25% of biology teachers reject evolution in favor of intelligent design, it makes a lot of sense. It makes sense language in DNA and a rotary motor driving bacteria flagellum are the products of intelligence, not nature. Unless one thinks nature does have intelligence. [MENTION=96193]Doulos Iesou[/MENTION] the genetic code is a well documented immaterial event. Guanine, Cytosine, adenine, and thymine are not information, any more than ink is information. It's the sequence of those chemicals that reveals the immaterial code, just as the arrangement of the ink on paper expresses an immaterial concept. I would invite you to examine the evidence again. Take a critical look at what is fact and what is assumed. New discoveries in genetics and microbiology are transforming biology for the better. Darwin's theory is breaking down, just as he said it would, in the light of irreducible complexity.
Two scientists meet to have a discussion. One scientist brings a bag of assumptions, the other brings a bag of facts. It's obvious which bag is bigger (endless assumptions) and which scientist would run out of material first (facts). But does burying someone with endless assumptions really accomplishing anything? Perhaps we should let the facts speak to us.
For example: A Dinosaur fossil with soft tissue was discovered.
It's assumed they went extinct millions of years ago. Soft tissue doesn't last more than a few thousand years. Why would anyone ignore what is known about decomposition in exchange for assumptions?
Another example:
The history of most fossil species include two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1) Stasis - most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear;morphological change is usually limited and directionless; 2) Sudden appearance - in any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and 'fully formed'.-Stephen Jay Gould Harvard professor, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science, "Evolution's Erratic Pace",Natural History, vol. 86, May 1977.
MOST leave the record looking much the same as when they entered. If Gould had any commitment to truth he would have acknowledged Darwinian evolution did not happen, instead he exposed his commitment to . Should we ignore this fact and bury it with assumptions?
"Non-functionality of “junk DNA” was predicted by Susumu Ohno (1972), Richard Dawkins (1976), Crick and Orgel (1980), Pagel and Johnstone (1992), and Ken Miller (1994), based on evolutionary presuppositions.
By contrast, predictions of functionality of “junk DNA” were made based on teleological bases by Michael Denton (1986, 1998), Michael Behe (1996), John West (1998), William Dembski (1998), Richard Hirsch (2000), and Jonathan Wells (2004)."
By contrast, predictions of functionality of “junk DNA” were made based on teleological bases by Michael Denton (1986, 1998), Michael Behe (1996), John West (1998), William Dembski (1998), Richard Hirsch (2000), and Jonathan Wells (2004)."
I was reading about Olaus Roemer, and his boss Jean-Dominique Cassini. Seems Olaus was hired to be assistant but made a discovery, that light does not travel instantaneously. His boss who held to the established belief light was instantaneous, predicted when IO would come from behind Jupiter, and Olaus predicted his boss was wrong by 10 minutes. Turns out Olaus was correct and his boss was wrong. As we know light is not instantaneous. Cassini never accepted that idea, in spite of the evidence he held to the established belief.
Dr Eugenie Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education, has spent almost 30 years doing everything she can to keep creationism and Intelligent Design Theory from being taught in public schools. In spite of her efforts, she says 20-25% of biology teachers, not math teachers, not english teachers, but 20-25% of biology teachers believe in Intelligent Design Theory. She didn't say where she got that figure. I couldn't find anything on teachers, but gallop polls for the public indicate a sharp decline in theistic evolution, a sharp rise in creationism, and flat line for evolution.
There's a reason 20-25% of biology teachers reject evolution in favor of intelligent design, it makes a lot of sense. It makes sense language in DNA and a rotary motor driving bacteria flagellum are the products of intelligence, not nature. Unless one thinks nature does have intelligence. [MENTION=96193]Doulos Iesou[/MENTION] the genetic code is a well documented immaterial event. Guanine, Cytosine, adenine, and thymine are not information, any more than ink is information. It's the sequence of those chemicals that reveals the immaterial code, just as the arrangement of the ink on paper expresses an immaterial concept. I would invite you to examine the evidence again. Take a critical look at what is fact and what is assumed. New discoveries in genetics and microbiology are transforming biology for the better. Darwin's theory is breaking down, just as he said it would, in the light of irreducible complexity.