No, I've never ever posted that. I've never read any Calvinist write anything like that.
: Don't you feel silly for not understanding the topic you say you deny?
DO believe that human kind can resist the Holy Spirit, even the elect can resist the Holy Spirit, until the time the Spirit regenerates their heart so that resistance to God is no more. The non elect effectively resist Him all their lives and that's why they are punished. That's the problem with sin and so-called free will. We freely, because of sin, deny the Lord Jesus Christ.
DO NOT believe that mankind is brought kicking and screaming irresistibly to Christ. We believe in
irresistible grace. The will is not passed by in salvation and no man ever came to Christ unwillingly, or regretted that he had been brought. When we are set free by the work of the Holy Spirit to see the offer of the Gospel, we accept it freely.
Read up before you go blowing you top off, you don't understand the Doctrines of Grace.