Well. My A1C was 6.9, so no insulin for now. But I'm doing terribly on the diet front right now.
Diet is the least of a type 1 diabetics problems.
If by eating a healthy diet you can avoid degrading into a type 1 you will save your self a lot of literal pain.
My daughter is type1 and she has the delightful pleasure of sticking pins/needles into her self a minimal of six yes 6 times a day.
So the next time you feel like eating a takeaway or other rubbish.
First stick a pin into a finger and draw blood, no blood do it again untill you've draw blood. Then stick another pin into your tummy and keep it there for a slow count to ten.
This is simulating what every type 1 does after every meal.
Still fancy not sticking to a healthy diet?
Type1 diabetics risk damage to there circulatory system, which causes eyesight problems and a high risk of gangrene in there feet.
The regular stabbing if lancets into fingers causes nerve damage, they loose the feeling in there fingers. Risk infections due to the repeated piercing of their skin.
So take my advice, eat a healthy diet, join weight watchers or some other system that helps you loose weight.
Practical advice, dump your large dinner plates and eat from smaller tea plates, have one helping, cut down, sorry reject processed food, because as a type 1 you will be doing this and more.
It is your choice change or learn to stab your self after every meal.