I am sorry there is a valid argument but let me go a little deeper. I do not believe that the Bible anywhere teaches that man is a has freewill. That teaching is a figment of the imagination of the harlot church system. In fact, the Bible teaches the exact opposite. It tells us, "It is NOT of him that WILLETH or of him that runneth, but of GOD that showeth mercy" (Rom. 9:16). The biggest lie that ever was told in human language is that all men are born free. They are not born free. Be honest! Ask, Is that child free who is born in the slums; the child of a harlot and a whoremonger; a child without a name, who grows up with the brand of shame upon his brow from the beginning; who grows up amidst vice, and never knows virtue until it is steeped in vice? Is such a child a FREE MORAL AGENT, free to act intelligently, as he chooses, upon all moral questions?
Is that child free who grows up amidst falsehood, and never knows what truth is until it is steeped in lies; that never knows what honesty is until it is steeped in crime? Is that child born free? Is that child free who is born in a communist land and in a godless home; who is told by its government and taught by its teachers that there is no God in heaven, and never knows even a verse of Scripture until it is steeped in unbelief and infidelity? Is that child born free? It is a sham, a delusion, and a snare to say it. It is not true. None of us have freedom of choice but we are not really speaking of man freedom to choose.
The preachers claim that when God made man in the first place, He endowed him with freedom of will, the ability to accept God's love or reject it, to keep God's laws or break them, and that the decision here and now is a final choice. But our Lord says, "No man can come unto Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him" (Jn. 6:44). A little observation will show that man's freedom has very narrow limits. One is able to wish or desire or purpose as he pleases, but when he comes to carry out his wish or desire or purpose, he finds that he faces a problem.
One is not free in the physical realm. Just let him try to jump off the Earth and land on Mars, for example.
One is not free in the social realm.
Not every man can marry the woman he wishes.
One is not free in the economic realm. Not every person who dreams of being a millionaire can become one, no matter how hard he tries.
One is not free in the moral and spiritual realm. He may desire with all his being to rid the world of drunkenness and vice, of greed and hate and war, but who has yet accomplished that? Many are not able to free even themselves from a little weed called tobacco!
Life neither begins or ends by choice and free will. Consider the matter of your own physical birth. What did you have to do with it; were not consulted in the matter; you were absolutely passive in it; you had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
You did not have a choice as to where or when you would be born. You had no choice as to what kind of a home or family you would be born into. Would you like to have black hair, or blond hair, or perhaps no hair at all?
Would you like to have brown eyes or blue?
Would you like to have white skin, or black, or would green, or red, or yellow suit you better?
And where would you like to live? In Miami, or Hong Kong, or Siberia, or maybe in the Congo?"
Nothing of the sort! You were not even consulted. The sovereign Lord God of heaven and earth brought you into existence and ordained your path without so much a how-do-you-feel-about-it. And you had no choice as to how you would be born, in what condition or state of being.
The Psalmist declared, "Behold, I was brought forth in a state of iniquity; my mother was sinful who conceived me and 1, too, am sinful" (Ps. 51:5, Amplified).
Well did the apostle Paul write . ..... by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned ... for by one man's disobedience many were made sinners" (Rom. 5:12,19).
If any man had brought himself into being, then we can conceive of the possibility of his having something to say about his condition and destiny. But mankind had absolutely nothing whatever to do with his coming into this world. It was the choice of God.
God chose to bring this creature into existence because He had a definite plan for him in His creative purposes in the whole universe. It was God who formed man of the dust of the ground.
It was God who breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
It was God who placed man in the Garden of Eden.
It was God who planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the Garden.
It was God who gave the law that man should neither touch this tree nor eat of it. And it was God who made the serpent and put him in the Garden and sent him along one beautiful day to tempt the man.
It was GOD!
So if you are going to assume Adam was free, or assume we are free to choose then you better back it up with more then your assumption or teaching based on who knows what?
Drew said:
Benoni said:
The word freewill or choice are not found anywhere in the NT when it comes to someone freely choosing his own salvation. The word freewill is not even found in the Bible except for the Freewill Offering in the OT; which has nothing to do with salvation even as an example. God saves us by His grace, the and only then can carnal man have faith to believe in God and be saved.
This is not a valid argument as has already been shown in detail. I do think that you are on much better ground with your appeal to Romans 3 - I will have to think about that and get back to you.
But the "freewill is not mentioned in the Bible" argument does not work for precisely the reason that it is eminently plausible that "free will" is
implicitly bundled into other concepts, as I have argued at some detail. We know that modern westerners implicitly believe in free will when they use words like "choose" in relation to
people (as in Fred "chose" Coke over Pepsi), yet would
never use the term "choose" to describe the actions of a
rock - no one would ever say "that rock chose to roll down the hill". Clearly, the westerner ascribes a degree of self-determining free will to the person that he does not to the rock.
That does not mean that free will exists, but that is not the point. The point is that the absence of explicit assertions of free will in the Bible is of almost no value in determining whether men have some free will.