LOL feel obligated. It's not an obligtion rather the clear teaching of scripture.
I believe scripture must interpet scripture.
John Piper explains it better than I can. He also knows how to spell and that is so helpful!
What Is Perishing?
Of all the things that the Bible teaches about what happens when unbelievers die, let me mention four.
1. Perishing Means Being Under the Wrath of God
Verse 18, "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already." The issue is not merely dying, but being judged by God. Verse 36 is the most sobering of all in this gospel: "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life,
but the wrath of God abides on him."
What this shows us is that if we are rescued from perishing, it is because the love of God has rescued us from the wrath of God.
To perish means that we remain under the wrath of God because we will not trust Christ. And that is a terrifying place to be.
2. Perishing Means Fiery Torment
In one of John's other books, the Revelation (14:10), he describes the one who is perishing like this:
He will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
Perishing is not, as some say, going out of existence. It is staying in existence and suffering in the fiery torments of hell.
One celebrity joked last week that he did not want to go to heaven because he couldn't improve anything there. It's too perfect. He preferred hell because he could make a contribution. Let's pray that God wake him up before that kind of levity will become unredeemable hardness. It's hard to make improvements when you are in agony.
3. Perishing Means Separation from the Glory of God
Paul describes the perishing in
2 Thessalonians 1:9,
These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.
Here in this world God reveals himself in a thousand ways every day, if we would see. In hell the perishing will be cut off from all his work—except the work of wrath.
4. Perishing Is Everlasting and Irreversible
Here in
John 3:16 it's the opposite of eternal life. Jesus calls it "eternal punishment" in
Matthew 25:46. In
Luke 16:26 he says there is a great chasm fixed between heaven and hell, so that no one goes from one to the other. Perishing is eternal and irreversible.
Perishing means wrath; it means fiery torment; it means separation from God; and it lasts forever. Now I tell you this plainly as a warning to flee from the wrath of God to the love of God through the door of Jesus Christ. This is an awesome moment for us in this service. Because what this moment means is that any of us who stands before the throne of judgment unbelieving will not be able to say to the Lord, "Nobody ever told me what was at stake." The Lord will say, "On December 4, 1994, at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, I appointed you to be there and I appointed my servant John Piper to warn you. You were there and he did warn you."
Now is the acceptable time, today is the day of salvation (
2 Corinthians 6:2). The great news of
John 3:16 is that the love of God rescues us from the wrath of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Why Are We All Perishing If We Don't Trust in Christ?
The simplest way to answer this is to quote the apostle Paul in
Romans 3:23, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And
Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death," that is, perishing. We have all sinned. And sin deserves perishing.
But there is a less simple, but utterly crucial and biblical way to go a step deeper. Why is sin so serious as to deserve perishing? The answer is that God is the most worthy person in the universe. His greatness and his value are infinite. All things are measured by him. He is the beginning and the ending of all things. Every person depends on him for everything. We owe him perfect trust and allegiance and love and worship and honor and respect and obedience, because he made us and owns us and sustains us.
Therefore rejecting him, and distrusting him, and disobeying him, and neglecting him, and enjoying other things more than him—all these are infinite insults because he is an infinite treasure. And an infinite insult—or a life of infinite insults—deserves infinite punishment.
The more you dwell on that the more precious
John 3:16 becomes: God loved us enough to give his own Son to rescue us from this perishing.